Body Fat

I weight about 114.4 lbs at 5'. My body fat is about 18%, is it a lot? My goal is to lose about 10 pounds before my wedding which is in less than 6 months. How much is weigh would I lose if I want to lose 8% of fat?
My wedding dress is size two and my size is 2.5, they only had 2 or 3. So, I want to fit in my dress soon!


  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    My only advice is to not worry about the bf% and focus on the 10 pounds. K.I.S.S :tongue: (Gawd I hope you've heard of that, I am totally not coming on to you :laugh: )

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So we're clear, your goal is to look like the woman in the 10-12% picture in less than six months, correct? And you currently look like the woman in the 15-17% range, or at least close to it?

  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    So we're clear, your goal is to look like the woman in the 10-12% picture in less than six months, correct? And you currently look like the woman in the 15-17% range, or at least close to it?


    Does height matter in this? Or would a 5'0 and a 5'9 female both look pretty much the same as the one in the pic?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    How did you figure your body fat %?

    18% would be more in the athletic range. Have you considered working on body composition rather than trying to lose more weight?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So we're clear, your goal is to look like the woman in the 10-12% picture in less than six months, correct? And you currently look like the woman in the 15-17% range, or at least close to it?


    Does height matter in this? Or would a 5'0 and a 5'9 female both look pretty much the same as the one in the pic?

    Body fat percentage is the percentage of fat vs lean body mass, height shouldn't matter. I was asking to clarify that these percentages were indeed what she was talking about, as getting down to 10% body fat is a heck of an ordeal for anyone and the way go about achieving that look is going to differ from simply creating a deficit and losing a few pounds.
  • itsfatum
    itsfatum Posts: 113 Member
    Let me answer you considering your measurements are correct:

    If you are actually at 18% as a woman, you barely have any fat on your body. Damn, I barely have any and I'm a dude. Girls have 6-8% more by default.

    Don't think you are gonna fit into your dress by losing 8% body fat. You won't even lose a size.

    For what I've seen, 90% of women who are at such a low body fat percentage do NOT maintain it for longer than a few days/weeks. It is unhealthy for women to be below 18%, just like below 10% for men. There is a reason why elite athletes (other than bodybuilders close to a competition date) never ever go below them.

    If your measurements are right and you are actually at 18%, take into account that going below that might halt your menstruation cycle. I'm not a woman, but that doesn't sound healthy to me.

    Now, in case they are incorrect:

    If you have the money, take a % fat test. They are extremely expensive, but they are the most accurate measurement.
    If you don't have that much money, buy a good quality caliper and learn to use it correctly. Use it for as long as possible regularly. Come back with those numbers you get and reconsider your weight goals meanwhile.

    I don't want to sound confrontational, but your goals sound completely obnoxious for a woman who is not considering serious high level bodybuilding competitions. A difference as little as 5% can mean a VAST difference when you are already in a healthy weight range.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Apart from the BF% measurement issue - on your profile it says that you're not sure if it's your stomach or your ribs that is the problem fitting into your dress. I think you need to find that out before trying to diet down to a basically impossible size. If the size of your ribcage is going to prevent you fitting into that dress properly, then you're going to need a bigger dress. Feeling "disgusting" because of your natural frame isn't going to make for a very happy wedding day.
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    25% is perfect. I drooled a little, not gonna lie.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Honestly .. at 18% you are in a very very good spot already. 10% on a woman .. and only my opinion, but sorry looks absolutely terrible, unless you really want that body builder look . The pics above .. show you what it may look like.

    Good luck.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Tell the idiots who ordered too small of a dress to exchange it immediately and get you the right size. Morons. It is not easier to shrink a bride into a dress than it is to shrink a dress to fit a bride.

    If you are truly at 18%, that is already very low for your average female. Don't set yourself up for misery and failure. Stop obsessing about your weight and get a dress that fits.
  • drew06
    drew06 Posts: 28
    Let me answer you considering your measurements are correct:

    If you are actually at 18% as a woman, you barely have any fat on your body. Damn, I barely have any and I'm a dude. Girls have 6-8% more by default.

    Don't think you are gonna fit into your dress by losing 8% body fat. You won't even lose a size.

    For what I've seen, 90% of women who are at such a low body fat percentage do NOT maintain it for longer than a few days/weeks. It is unhealthy for women to be below 18%, just like below 10% for men. There is a reason why elite athletes (other than bodybuilders close to a competition date) never ever go below them.

    If your measurements are right and you are actually at 18%, take into account that going below that might halt your menstruation cycle. I'm not a woman, but that doesn't sound healthy to me.

    Now, in case they are incorrect:

    If you have the money, take a % fat test. They are extremely expensive, but they are the most accurate measurement.
    If you don't have that much money, buy a good quality caliper and learn to use it correctly. Use it for as long as possible regularly. Come back with those numbers you get and reconsider your weight goals meanwhile.

    I don't want to sound confrontational, but your goals sound completely obnoxious for a woman who is not considering serious high level bodybuilding competitions. A difference as little as 5% can mean a VAST difference when you are already in a healthy weight range.

    below 10% for men and below 18% for women is achievable by normal means and is no way in fact unhealthy. It does take determination to stay below those levels because this would mean that that person is super lean, but by no means is 5-9% for a guy or 10-15% for a women is unealthy.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Honestly .. at 18% you are in a very very good spot already. 10% on a woman .. and only my opinion, but sorry looks absolutely terrible, unless you really want that body builder look . The pics above .. show you what it may look like.

    Good luck.
    I was going to say this as well.

    If you are skin and bones you won't look very good at 8% and you may lose you hair/periods...
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I'd rethink your goals if your bf% is accurate. 10% bf is not healthy for a woman.
  • debr1126
    debr1126 Posts: 28 Member
    Should've gone with the size 3 and had it taken in--that sounds a lot easier. Can you exchange it?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Also of note is that two people with the same bodyfat %, can appear very different visually.

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    You've been given good advice. It's unfortunate you didn't get the dress larger so it could be taken in, but this is where you are now. I also read your profile, and as someone else noted if your ribcage is the issue, your dress isn't going to fit. But, it seems like you would have noticed that before. Did you try it on when you first got it and it fit?

    I must add that I don't think it's healthy for any woman to want to get back to her high school weight when that high school weight was that of a gangly teenager. (Getting back into great shape is different, but you also said you want to be the same weight, and I'm assuming here that you were likely somewhat of a gangly teenager given your size now. If my assumptions are wrong, the rest doesn't apply.) I have heard so many thin AND fit young women in their mid-twenties complaining about getting back to their high school size. Granted, I don't know what their health was like (and when I've heard it, they usually seemed concerned only about the number on the scale), but they sure looked fit and healthy, and definitely not even a bit overweight. Perspective. The bodies we have when we're teenagers change as we continue to develop. A lot of us shouldn't be the weight we were in high school because our bodies have changed and it would no longer be healthy. I'd suggest aiming for something that's not so arbitrary - a healthy body fat percentage range.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    #25% for the win. That is very attractive for a woman. ;-)
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    25% is great if the fat is evenly distributed - not if you carry it all on your belly!

    *cries - slams door*
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Also of note is that two people with the same bodyfat %, can appear very different visually.


    This. If you are female and at 18% bodyfat you have already eliminated most of the non-essential fat on your body. 18% for a woman is athletic. That said if you are at 18% and you don't have a leaned toned look you want it probably has more to do with not having much muscle underneath versus pictures of women in bikini's that tend to grace magazine covers. Of course if you endevored to put on muscle you might look leaner and have a trimmer looking stomach but you probably wouldn't change a dress size.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    See I never understood this. My trainer when he took my body fat analysis I was at 37%! Which of course I freaked out but he told me that most women are around 35-36 so I was a little over. Still, that made me feel horrible. So you at your 18% I don't think you have anything to worry about :)