29 pds gone - woo hoo

Mum from Guildford, been at it since 1/1 - new years resolution, but determined to stick to it this time......feeling so much better, sleeping better,more energy and just want to keep going. Have had to check myself when weight loss slows up, but seem to be in the right frame of mind this time.
want to get another 29 off and then I'm done...onwards and upwards.


  • fatness1000
    Wow, congratulations on the 29 pounds. I just started using this app, this is my 4th day and so far it is really helping me. It inspires me when I hear that you have lost 20 pounds. Keep up the good work. I am cheering you on! If you have made it this far, you have already used some good habits...so I feel confident you can lose the next 29. Have a great Day.
  • melodygrobbelaar1
    Thanks and good luck to you too ( 14 kgs...which google told me was 29 pds- cos I use metric so stone and pds mean nothing to me)!
    I have lost weight before, but made the mistake of going back to old habits- now determined to use this as a long term lifestyle change and I think thats the difference. I allow myself small treats now and then, so i dont feel too restricted, but never allow a binge to creep in and i exercise every day.

    Those are my words of wisdom...I hope they help!

  • DeboraW_55
    DeboraW_55 Posts: 95 Member
    Great job. Yeah! Happy for you.