What to do instead of binging?

My "thing to do" when I've been bored has always been eating. I must get bored a lot... I'll go to the kitchen and just look in the cabinets and fridge again and again and eat whatever I feel like having. I've lost 30 lbs in the past 3 months, but this behavior still is something I struggle a lot with. What kinds of things do you people do to avoid binging? Especially difficult when I'm actually hungry to start, and then I don't make myself stop at the right time...


  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    Why not make a sugar free jelly in the morning, you can binge on that :)

    Other people have mentioned pintrest keeps their mind off food.

    Reading, have a relaxing bath :)

    I hope any of this was helpful xx
  • klp1017
    klp1017 Posts: 95 Member
    Chug a glass of water first.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    My "thing to do" when I've been bored has always been eating. I must get bored a lot... I'll go to the kitchen and just look in the cabinets and fridge again and again and eat whatever I feel like having. I've lost 30 lbs in the past 3 months, but this behavior still is something I struggle a lot with. What kinds of things do you people do to avoid binging? Especially difficult when I'm actually hungry to start, and then I don't make myself stop at the right time...

    I go outside for a walk, or exercise indoors if the weather is bad. Walking outdoors is great because I can't just get off like on a treadmill -- plus I have to walk back home.

    Good luck. Habits are hard to break. You might feel you need a treat. What about sugarless gum, water with lemon slices, hot tea, or a light soup?
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Gardening, reading, painting, drawing, carving, sculpting, reading, design work, wood burning, sewing, beadwork, jewelry making, watching design shows on TV and DVD, cleaning stalls, feeding and watering horses and ducks, working with the hay, watching ducks, hunting for duck eggs, hauling and stacking firewood, keeping the furnace going with wood, cooking, fiberarts, handling ebay sales of equine sculpture, etc., etc. Who has the time to get bored and binge?
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    I have the same problem, Or if I'm stressed or upset I just eat... I've found that if I'm not home alone I don't do it... I won't binge eat when my kids or husband are around, so if I know no one will be home I go window shopping or for a walk or whatever I can find to do with that free time... Last week alone I lost 4lbs just staying away from my house for the hour and a half that no one is home after I get off work... Sound silly but it works.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    I drink water... once that settles i take time to decide if i am really hungry or just bored.. if im bored.. i find something to do! Uts worked so far!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Jump squats....

    Jumping jacks

    Watch youtube "super skinny vs. super fat"

    When first doing this I immersed myself in all kinds of documentaries on youtube and shows about weight loss, eating disorders and being overweight and obese. It helped me to remain focused.

    Congrats on your weight loss! That's fantastic!
  • victoriousO
    victoriousO Posts: 63 Member
    I too have this problem but what works for me most of the time is to find a distraction like reading a book, working in the garden, painting, or just heading out in the car to do an errand. Our mental aspect of this journey is so powerful towards our outcomes so I think we just have to keep getting control of it. Wishing you really healthy and rewarding distractions in the future:)))
  • kjwillie
    kjwillie Posts: 106 Member
    When you want to binge, trick your mind by doing instead of thinking. Turn up the music loud, throw on workout clothes and exercise!! Just try ten minutes and see how you feel. I guarantee you that about 90% of the time, you will keep going!!! Working out has so many amazing benefits and improves your mood greatly. As an added bonus, you will earn some more calories toward your daily goal which will allow you a little more wiggle room when dealing with emotional eating.
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    Sugarless gum works for me as someone previously suggested. I pack it in and have a big wad of it, and it may have some calories too, depending on what kind you have, but far less than a binge.. Bubble gum works best for me. It keeps my mouth busy as if I were snacking.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Go for a walk.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Distraction is a good strategy for me...

    Call a friend
    Do some work
    Watch or read something about obesity/health/fitness
    Dance like a fool
    Play some music

    Also, I like to plan my snacks, just like I plan my meals. I leave about 200 calories/day for snacking and add them to my diary ahead of time, just like my meals. That way, when I get the urge to eat SOMETHING, I just look at my snacks section and pick something.
  • ReneeIsReady
    ReneeIsReady Posts: 97 Member
    I normally have a piece of fruit, low cal sugar free granola bar and a bottle of water.
    But if I really feel like things could get out of control, what I will do is brush my teeth and desire to eat anything after that instantly goes away. After all who wants a snack or meal that taste like colgate anyway?!
  • Travelbug1955
    Travelbug1955 Posts: 61 Member
    When I'm bored and start thinking of food, I first get into this site and read everyones diaries and these message boards. It gets my mind off eating. I get a big glass of unsweetened tea with lemon and sip on it. If after doing these things, you are still hungry, make yourself a protein shake like I just did or eat a protein bar. The more protein you consume, the less hungry you will be.
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    I get what this feels like, my days of boredom binging were awful too. Personally I found that the only way to avoid a pig out is to leave the house completely. I hate eating around others so I used to grab my friend and go cinema or just for a walk. The only way I got over binging was focusing on other things - work, social life, hobby etc. And I stopped obsessing over food and making diet plans. I know it's hard but it feels great to have that control back when you focus back on food. I have 'cheat days' but not binges now. Also, eat foods full of fibre and just generally healthy foods, they should help you feel more motivated to stay on track. Good luck!! :)
  • pankdrogger
    pankdrogger Posts: 17 Member
    I've also replaced food with water. I drink TONS of it now, and if I'm bored, I'll idly sip. I can't not have water near me now. The weather is getting super nice here, so it's turning into casual walk weather too if that floats your boat. Anything to get you roaming around productively, instead of roaming around for food (which I'm still guilty of too).
  • rowmaths
    rowmaths Posts: 1
    When I'm bored, I either sleep or eat, or both! As my day is pretty active, as a teacher ...I'm at work from 7am until about 4pm and don't really eat or have proper breaks... problem is when I get home I'm tired and hungry and then self control is hard. I'm trying to get a more balanced day, so I'm not so tired or hungry when I get home. Doing some physical activity seems to work...even washing up the plates, which I can do 2 or 3 times a day for the family...stops me going into 'crash' mode and consequent bingeing.
  • oheysummer
    For me reading helps :smile: