On Microgynon whilst trying to lose weight

Hi All...

I've read some people experience weight gain whilst on The Pill specifically, Microgynon. I've only just started it 3 weeks ago so I don't know if that's long enough for it to have an effect on me.

I've read that it can increase your weight in the following ways... It contains oestrogen and an increase in oestrogen can cause:
-- Fluid retention
-- Fat burning mechanism (sorry I've forgotten what the actual technical terminology is) is slower specifically in the lower half (bum, stomach, legs - ie. my problem areas ...great!!)
-- Increased appetite after taking the pill (increased appetite lasts for about 4 hours)
-- Increased anabolic effect so it becomes easier to develop muscle

My question is: IF I've been gymming (4-5 times a week) and on a healthy diet set by a personal trainer for the last 3 months, could The Pill still cause weight gain? I completely refuse to give in to increased appetite malarky... I take it before bed anyway so I'm asleep if that's meant to happen.

I'm mostly worried about if it will slower my metabolism/reduce my fat burning ability in the lower body or make my body stubborn to fat loss?

Would love some advice/reassurance from people who have successfully lost weight whilst on Microgynon.

Many thanks!


  • lifegoeson25
    lifegoeson25 Posts: 50 Member
    I've been taking microgynon since before I started losing weight.
    I don't think it has an effect on me losing weight.

    Maybe I should explain myself a little more:
    Without microgynon I gained weight (a couple of lbs) during my period, but after 3 to 4 days I would lose those again.
    Same story while taking microgynon, I gain weight when I have my period, I lose it again afterwards.

    I have now lost 6 kg (13 lbs) sinds Christmass (my MFP ticker is showing differently, because I gained weight while being on MFP, but that was due to other reasons :) ) while taking microgynon. Maybe it is harder to lose weight while taking the pill, but I think it is still possible to lose weight as long as you want to.

    Good luck :)
  • fittams
    fittams Posts: 16
    I've been taking microgynon since before I started losing weight.
    I don't think it has an effect on me losing weight.

    Maybe I should explain myself a little more:
    Without microgynon I gained weight (a couple of lbs) during my period, but after 3 to 4 days I would lose those again.
    Same story while taking microgynon, I gain weight when I have my period, I lose it again afterwards.

    I have now lost 6 kg (13 lbs) sinds Christmass (my MFP ticker is showing differently, because I gained weight while being on MFP, but that was due to other reasons :) ) while taking microgynon. Maybe it is harder to lose weight while taking the pill, but I think it is still possible to lose weight as long as you want to.

    Good luck :)


    Thanks for your reply - it is reassuring to know that it doesn't affect it too much. I think I'm just worried about it slowing down my metabolism and not being able to lose the weight as quickly (in a healthy way) as I would have been whilst not being on the pill.

    I am completely adamant not to let it affect my weight loss though. I've never stuck through a fitness/diet plan as long as this and right now I feel like I couldn't live any other way ie. Once I've lost the weight, I'd like to think that this is how my general lifestyle will continue to be.