snacking :(

mayalovesyou Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
im a snacker and i dont know how to stop my self. any ideas?


  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Change what you snack on. Olives, Peanuts, seeds, 1 cheese stick, minimal dark choc, raw veggies ....
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    agree. and portion control.
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Change your snacks!
    Fruit, natural trail mix, yogurt, low-fat cheese, etc.

    Sample Snacks
    apple and laughing cow cheese wedge
    yogurt and an apple
    pineapple chunks with cottage cheese
    natural trail mix and an apple/pear/grapes
    peanut butter and banana
    a smoothie made of almond milk, banana, and peanut butter
    a fruit smoothie
    Vitatops (Deep Chocolate is my favorite)

    When all else fails, aim to pick up water instead of a snack. Try having 2 cups of water BEFORE the snack. You will eat less of it. Chew gum. Busy yourself by focusing on something else other than food.

    Hope this helps!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    get the bad stuff OUT of the house. you can't eat what's not there...
  • When I exercise, for some reason it makes me not snack... So maybe try exercising more or eat foods that will keep you from getting hungry like nuts for example. Also, chew your food slowly, it will help you realize when you are full.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I'm a big snacker too, especially when I'm watching tv. I've gotten some snacks that are healthier, and my favorites are veggies with laughing cow cheese (about 50-75 calories), and I also like air popped popcorn, just plain. It's not the tastiest in the world, but it really helps when I'm wanting a crunchy snack, but not the calories. It's only about 20 calories a cup.
  • get the bad stuff OUT of the house. you can't eat what's not there...

    This is the best way. Second best is making sure that any snacks that DO remain in the house are healthy snacks, such as almonds, popcorn, carrot sticks, etc. Stuff without sugar. And the bottom line really is that snacking in and of itself isn't a bad thing and won't sabotage your efforts... IF your daily caloric intake and nutritional targets are still on point.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    maybe you would benefit from SENSA...GNC sells it.....
  • I am trying to make myself snack, just so I am eating something every three hours or so. But yes, it is all in what you choose to snack on. I try and have a lot of fruits/veggies in the house. I love celery or apples with peanut butter. I do a lot of peanut butter snacking. ;) Almonds are great for when you are on the go. Just kinda like what everyone else has been saying. :)
  • peanut butter is my new best friend (1 tbls) at a time lol with a banana i love it just had one..
    and i love the laughing cow light swiss cheese its to die for mmmm i think ima go get one their only like 30 calories with crackers your good
  • When you feel like snacking, you can also try to drink water or water with lemons instead, and go for a walk so you take your mind off food.
  • I love to snack, too, so I scale my meals down accordingly. Also, pick up some roasted seaweed. Shockingly tasty, very low calorie. And I got the best seaweed next to the chips at Walgreen's. (I know, wow!)

    I also made kale chips once, and I swear they were tasty, too. I know it sounds crazy.
  • I am a terrible snacker, especially when my husband is at work on nights and the kids are in bed. I've just recently read a book about binge eating and controlling it, as this is what I tend to do when I am on my own on an evening. I'll go through the cupboards and eat anything really. So, suggestions in the book to try and stop is to give yourself distractions, something to do where you cannot eat whilst you are doing it, such as taking a shower, talking to a friend/relative on the phone, cleaning. I did think that it would be pretty difficult to paint my nails whilst eating. Hope this helps. I'm going to give it a go and hope I can break the habit. x
  • things like skips, quavers are not high calorie, veg and fruit take more calories to digest than is actually in them...if you find it difficult not to snack then just have small main meals, avoid having cheese all the it as a treat
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    i looooooove skips and quavers oh and french fries all under 100 cal
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Popcorn!!!!! Air-popped with "buttery" spray and sea salt. I also add cayenne pepper to mine, but that isn't for everyone's tastes...

    Also, it is important to drink a lot of water because sometimes the body misinterprets thirst for hunger
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Yes. Eat more calories at your main meals and make sure your getting your complex carb, protien and healthy fats. Clean foods. If your eating junk and crap that will cause cravings and feelings of being unsatisfied with the food and can cause and increase in cravings. Food or drink that have artifical sweetners will do this as well. Stay away from processed or box foods. Stay away from juices, pops diet pop, sports drinks that will have artifical sweetners. Get good clean foods that keep you full and satisfied.
    Eat healthy snacks like apple with sting cheese or almonds. Cottage cheese low fat with a fruit. ect Pair a protein with a healthy carb.
  • I swear by broccoli and fat free sour cream. I mix either dill or curry powder into the sour cream, and it tastes just like chip dip! The broc fills you up fast and is tasty, too.
  • When I exercise, for some reason it makes me not snack... So maybe try exercising more or eat foods that will keep you from getting hungry like nuts for example. Also, chew your food slowly, it will help you realize when you are full.

    This is also good advice.

    It takes your brain about 20 minutes or so after starting eating before it "realizes" that it is full. (That's why you can eat and eat and eat and not FEEL full... until about 20 minutes later when it's like, "omg I can't believe I ate that much!!") Chew slowly, take your time to enjoy your meal, and you might find yourself eating with a little more patience and restraint. :)
  • I like snacks that take me a long time to eat. Air-popped popcorn is a good one. Triscuits spread with laughing cow cheese is a good. (A serving of Triscuits is six crackers. Break them in half to make it feel like more.) Baby carrots with a tablespoon of low-cal ranch dressing is good. One of my favourites is roasted sunflower seeds. Cracking them takes time. Don't get the flavoured ones because they are so high in sodium.

    I also roast chickpeas. Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas, pat them with a paper towel (the drier they are the better) and pop them on a tray in an oven at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes. They come out crispy and crunchy.
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