How long until I can lift?

So I had my right ovary removed 3 months ago with open surgery.
I got the okay to go back to the gym 6 weeks ago, and have been focusing on cardio.
Has anyone had any similar surgery and have any idea how long until I can start lifting?
All I read about on these boards is how important it is and I don't want to miss out!
I tried sit ups about two weeks ago, but I only managed 20 and had weird tummy pains for a few days afterwards so I'm nervous about doing too much too soon!
I was thinking about keeping on with cardio for a while longer, then looking into booking a PT for a session or two to introduce me to the weight section.


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    You need to ask your doctor.
    I had an ovary removed at age 16 and was told to not do any heavy activity and to remain in bed, but I don't remember how long exactly... I got my butt out of bed the very same day and crawled down the stairs >.>
    I'm not much of a bed person....

    I suggest you give your surgeon's office a call and find out directly from them.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I suggest you give your surgeon's office a call and find out directly from them.

    OVER 9000 THIS

    Do not screw around with post-op workouts until the surgeon clears you unless you like more time off and the possibility of additional surgeries.
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    I work for doctors.

    It's no joke. LISTEN to your doc. WAIT for the all clear. Or beware the windfall of more pain and anguish than you need.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I suggest you give your surgeon's office a call and find out directly from them.

    OVER 9000 THIS

    Do not screw around with post-op workouts until the surgeon clears you unless you like more time off and the possibility of additional surgeries.

    This this this. Surprised your surgeon wasn't clear on this.
  • 12pillows
    12pillows Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah I'm not really sure how to contact him.
    The whole thing was pretty dumb. I slipped through the system a few times and had to do the whole calling every desk in the hospital just to remind them to do the surgery. When I got discharged after the surgery they didn't really tell me anything other than, don't lift anything heavy, and take 6 weeks off.
    When I got to the 6 weeks mark I had to do another call every desk in two hospitals (my surgeon isn't even based at one, that would make it too easy!) to get a follow up appointment. I asked him if I was okay go to the gym and he said, yeah yeah you're young, you should be fine by now.
    Based on how I'm feeling now I'm thinking leave it a couple more months, and when I can do sit ups without discomfort maybe trying then.

    I hoped someone on here might have had similar surgery and have an idea of recovery time :(
    I'll wait a couple of months and try contact the surgeon but I'm not holding my breath after last time.