Insanity Motivation and Support Thread!

Hello guys. I'm currently considered obese and just wanted to say that I'm starting Insanity. The reason for starting this thread is for the following reasons.

-I've never participated on this forum before and the community and the people seem extremely nice and supportive.
-I really want to do Insanity with others because it's going to not only motivate me but others as well.

I just started Insanity today. I did the Fit Test. So if anyone would like to do this with me comment! Or if anyone would like to post a suggestion or comment you can do so to. Thanks!


  • mindyandy420
    mindyandy420 Posts: 10 Member
    I will be starting Insanity here soon. We are currently finishing up getting our house ready to move in. Once that is done I can then start. I'm looking forward to it. I sure hope others chime in that are currently doing Insanity or have.