Natural Remedies for Migraines

ElizabethMcCathern Posts: 114
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
The title says it all.
Does anyone know of any effective natural remedies for migraine headaches?


  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I used to get them a lot...3-4 times a month, even. Since working out I have only had one, which I attributed to a wicked shift in the weather one day.

    Anyway! Remedies...

    The best solution I have found for my migraines was to take a really hot shower. Hot enough to turn me a good shade of pinkish red, but not scald me. Once in, I'd stand under the shower-head for a while, doing breathing exercises. Deep breath in, hold, deep breath out. Didn't focus on anything but the breathing.

    After a while, while keeping up the breathing exercise, I'd turn the water temp down a notch. Just a little bit. After one or two more deep breaths I'd kick it down another notch. This process would repeat until the water was now freezing. Cold enough to make it more difficult to continue my breathing exercises because my teeth were chattering. I'd try and keep the water on my forehead throughout the process, but sometimes I'd taking on a rocking motion...dunking my head under the stream of water, then pulling back out to inhale, then breathing out when plunging back under. I usually did this just to make it easier to breathe. Once cold enough, I'd turn off the shower, dry off, and hop into bed.

    That whole process would usually lessen the pain enough (or make it go away almost completely) so that I could get to sleep. Rest always made me better.

    I also suggest a massage. Sometimes migraines can be triggered by muscle tension.

    Edit: I've also heard from some friends and acquaintances that a good dose of magnesium every day will help to keep migraines away. Also, keep note of when you have the migraines. Check your stress level, the weather, and what foods you ate (or didn't eat!) before you developed a migraine. The best way to treat a migraine is to avoid getting one in the first place.
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    I feel for you! I suffer from chronic migraine, but have been pretty good for awhile. I have been under treatment with a doctor for a few years, too much stress in myself and I had a neck surgery years back and my muscles stay tight. I do not have any natural type remedies but if I do not want to take my muscle relaxer I get some relief from a can of coke, a real coke in the red can, not diet or zero, or the heating pad on my neck, or increasing my water intake. I hope you feel better quick!!!
  • I used to get them a lot...3-4 times a month, even. Since working out I have only had one, which I attributed to a wicked shift in the weather one day.

    Anyway! Remedies...

    The best solution I have found for my migraines was to take a really hot shower. Hot enough to turn me a good shade of pinkish red, but not scald me. Once in, I'd stand under the shower-head for a while, doing breathing exercises. Deep breath in, hold, deep breath out. Didn't focus on anything but the breathing.

    After a while, while keeping up the breathing exercise, I'd turn the water temp down a notch. Just a little bit. After one or two more deep breaths I'd kick it down another notch. This process would repeat until the water was now freezing. Cold enough to make it more difficult to continue my breathing exercises because my teeth were chattering. I'd try and keep the water on my forehead throughout the process, but sometimes I'd taking on a rocking motion...dunking my head under the stream of water, then pulling back out to inhale, then breathing out when plunging back under. I usually did this just to make it easier to breath. Once cold enough, I'd turn off the shower, dry off, and hop into bed.

    That whole process would usually lessen the pain enough (or make it go away almost completely) so that I could get to sleep. Rest always made me better.

    I also suggest a massage. Sometimes migraines can be triggered by muscle tension.

    Thanks so much! I'll try that!
    I get them really bad every 2-3 months or so for days on end. Dunno why, just always have. And of course now, with 2 toddlers and a newborn....well....we'll just say it hasn't helped any. hahahaha
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I do not have any natural type remedies but if I do not want to take my muscle relaxer I get some relief from a can of coke, a real coke in the red can, not diet or zero, or the heating pad on my neck, or increasing my water intake. I hope you feel better quick!!!

    That would be the caffeine, which has been helpful in curbing the pain for some of my migraines. Since having stopped drinking the stuff (all soda) to try and eat healthier now, I think it'd be tough to drink a Coke. Tea may be a good substitute to get you the caffeine to help, as well as water. Hydrate hydrate hydrate.
  • I feel for you! I suffer from chronic migraine, but have been pretty good for awhile. I have been under treatment with a doctor for a few years, too much stress in myself and I had a neck surgery years back and my muscles stay tight. I do not have any natural type remedies but if I do not want to take my muscle relaxer I get some relief from a can of coke, a real coke in the red can, not diet or zero, or the heating pad on my neck, or increasing my water intake. I hope you feel better quick!!!

    Thank you!
    I know all about stress! LOL
    Thanks for the tip!

    P.S. I love that you call coca-cola "coke". Where I live in Texas, all sodas are coke. hahhahahaha
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You can take up to 1200 mg of magnesium per day safely. I'd also try Bach's Flower remedies.
  • I am sorry to hear you suffer migraines! I get them a lot and they are terrible! I used to be on drugs but now I am pregnant and I cannot take them, but I still get the migraines, Magnesium and Alpha-lipoic acid do nothing for me, so things that do help me:

    Good rest, good sleep.
    One 8 oz. cup of coffee a day, it does work miracles for me, even if I do not really like coffee all that much!
    Yoga. It does not kick in immediately, but once I have a good yoga routine for some time the headaches are less. However, I do avoid exercises that strain my neck/shoulder area as the bridge.
    Brisk walks/jogging. They do help a lot int he long run too!
    A massage, as a PP said.
    Eat regularly, don't go without a meal for too long.

    I hope some of this helps! And best luck managing your migraines!

    Edit: Also, see if you can afford one of those anatomical pillows. Ever since I got me one (a cheaper end one) I have less headaches, I think because mine are very tension related.
  • Thank you so much for the tips!
    I'll check most (if not all) of them out and see if any of them work for me!

    So very much appreciated!!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    my mom told me that a really cold coke helps!
  • my mom told me that a really cold coke helps!

    Seems to be a popular answer! LOL
    Can't hurt to try, right? :P
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    The title says it all.
    Does anyone know of any effective natural remedies for migraine headaches?

    While looking up Evening Primrose which I've heard helps greatly in reducing migraine headaches I came upon this link I posted that I found most interesting. It shares of a number of natural methods to help alleviate migraines.

  • The title says it all.
    Does anyone know of any effective natural remedies for migraine headaches?

    While looking up Evening Primrose which I've heard helps greatly in reducing migraine headaches I came upon this link I posted that I found most interesting. It shares of a number of natural methods to help alleviate migraines.


    Why thank you ma'am! :)
  • I have one, Its for migraines but it also works for other pain too. White Willow Bark.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    my mom told me that a really cold coke helps!

    Seems to be a popular answer! LOL
    Can't hurt to try, right? :P
    I dunno but it sure does make me thirsty for something really cold to drink. LOL So downing water each time I pop back onto this thread and read that. :tongue: :laugh:
  • I used to suffer from migraines on a regular basis. I did a serious detox, and have noticed that my migraines have almost disappeared completely. (after 30 years of suffering with them!)
    Stay away from:
    Processed foods
    Junk food in general

    Drink plenty of water - take your body weight, divide by half. That's how many ounces you should be drinking per day.
    Exercise - endorphins are your friend :) I've actually had a migraine go away while doing physical activity.
    Massage therapy
    Eat fresh veggies
    Yoga/Tai Chi/Meditation

    Hubby and I own an herb shop, and have come across several herbal supplements and natural food supplements that have helped as well. But I have to admit, keeping the body healthy and as toxin-free as possible helps the most. Also, helping your body be more alkaline seems to make a difference as well.

    Come to think of it, all that stuff helps with weight loss too! :)
  • I used to suffer from migraines on a regular basis. I did a serious detox, and have noticed that my migraines have almost disappeared completely. (after 30 years of suffering with them!)
    Stay away from:
    Processed foods
    Junk food in general

    Drink plenty of water - take your body weight, divide by half. That's how many ounces you should be drinking per day.
    Exercise - endorphins are your friend :) I've actually had a migraine go away while doing physical activity.
    Massage therapy
    Eat fresh veggies
    Yoga/Tai Chi/Meditation

    Hubby and I own an herb shop, and have come across several herbal supplements and natural food supplements that have helped as well. But I have to admit, keeping the body healthy and as toxin-free as possible helps the most. Also, helping your body be more alkaline seems to make a difference as well.

    Come to think of it, all that stuff helps with weight loss too! :)

    When you say detox, do you mean like a cleanse??
  • Yep. I never realized how much crud was in my system and making me sick until I cleaned it all out!
  • Yep. I never realized how much crud was in my system and making me sick until I cleaned it all out!

    Do you mind if i ask which one?
    I did a saltwater cleanse a while back but it didn't do anything but make me throw up. Where you drink warm saltwater first thing in the morning.....?
  • There are a couple of things I use. One is a green super food supplement. It's listed in my food diary. I sent you a friend request so you can see it. Yummy stuff!! Helps alkalize and detox the body.
  • There are a couple of things I use. One is a green super food supplement. It's listed in my food diary. I sent you a friend request so you can see it. Yummy stuff!! Helps alkalize and detox the body.

    Ah thank ya! :D
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