Looking for input on current food/exercise plan

Hi everyone! I'm a bit of a MFP veteran coming back from a bit of a plateau/slight gain/hiatus for various reasons. I am currently 21, 5"7 and 194 pounds.

I've worked it out today and my BMR based on me being sedentary seems to be 1,679, and my TDEE around 2,014. I've been eating around 1,600 calories on days with no exercise - and trying to maintain that net when I do exercise. I don't have access to a gym so my exercise revolves around long walks, some aerobic DVDs and my kettlebell. I've recently started a lower carb diet and am trying to more actively hit my protein/fat goals. I eat light in the mornings and at lunch, and slightly heavier at night as I have a hungry boyfriend to cook for/with. I'm getting better at cooking more fresh, healthy and nutritious meals for us, although my weekends are a little indulgent.

So really what I'm asking is for some advice. Based on my BMR I should be eating more - would it be wise to set my daily calories before exercise at 1,700? And then of course eat more according to my exercise calories burned. What sort of macros would you recommend? I'm interested in boosting my protein macros so if you have any high-protein tips I'm also interested in hearing them. Finally I have a 2-week holiday to Malaysia lined up in 8 weeks - so want to have some sort of small victory by then! Although that's not the reason I'm getting back on track. I have goals I want to reach beyond my holiday. I use my kettlebell as an alternative to lifting and want to start toning more - a 103 pound weightloss hasn't been too kind on my body. I do this every other day, and then try to walk or do cardio on the other days.

My diary is open and I'm also happy to receive any friend requests. I am awful at logging my water but try to get 6-8 cups per day. I have a huge bottle next to me now to encourage me to drink more. Thanks in advance for any tips!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You don't have to eat your BMR

    When I started out we had right around the same stats and my TDEE -20% was 1600 as well and it has served me well.

    As for your macros 1gram of protien for each pound of Lean body mass seems standard.

    As for your diary it appears that you don't weigh your food and some of the entries you use are suspect...ie any of them that start with the word "generic" I wouldn't personally use.

    The key to weight loss as you well know is your calorie deficet and you have to log accurately to ensure that you are in a deficet.

    I would start with weighing your solids, measuring your liquids, choosing better entries (check confirmations etc).
  • Meginkg
    Meginkg Posts: 23 Member
    I was wondering about the BMR. Sounds good.

    My logging is a bit off at the moment, so I'll try to get more accurate with the measuring, rather than eyeing some things... Thank you!