Hi, newbie with fitness questions

Hello, I am fairly new here, been a member for a while but never really got into it! I have 88lbs to lose, happy to be taking it easy, no rush to the final goal! I want to start doing some form of exercise, but not sure what. I'm 6ft tall, my knees and hips are pretty bad, particularly my hips. Lower back problems too. I am quite time poor as I have three young children and not much help, so difficult to get time away from them to get anything done. But I need to start somewhere! Does anybody have any advice for me? TIA


  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    If you can squeeze in 30 minutes a day, just walk. Every step is a start. If you only get ten minutes, walk. My knees are terrible, so I just walk. If you have to, walk inside your house. The key is just to get started.
  • nuttytartabdn
    nuttytartabdn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ya

    Walking, walking and more walking ;-) if you can, I suggest getting a fitbit, mine has really got me off my butt and moving more, even just stepping in the living room while watching the telly. It also syncs with myfitnesspal. Its very addictive :-)

  • the main problem that people have when they first start exercising is that they go too hard and burn-out quickly. for a self-proclaimed newbie, 30 minutes walking 3 times a week is a perfect amount to increase your fitness and give you enough time to rest and not over-strain yourself. only when you're comfortable doing that should you change anything, and then you can choose if you want to increase your work-out frequency, length or walking speed.

    if you go slow and work your way into it, exercise won't be something that you dread doing! :----)
  • hi, i have just started the insanity work out, i was wondering about the recovery drink, could you use whey protein instead ??
  • Meginkg
    Meginkg Posts: 23 Member
    Walking is a great idea. I started my weightloss and fitness journey by walking - originally feeling out of breath less than half a mile down the road! Walking up the stairs got me out of breath... But I persevered and went a little further each time, until I ended up walking a three-mile circuit 4-5 times a week. Now I can walk 6-7 miles without stopping, if time and want permits me to! If there's anywhere nice outside you can take your children with you walking - that would be even better! Taking it slow is the key. Small changes add up.
  • DerROK
    DerROK Posts: 14 Member
    Biggest thing I had to change to lose weight was my nutrition. However, I love exercising so started an INSANITY program. Coz I had got so over weight, I found after 4 weeks my knees where in agony. That's when a Personal Trainer introduced me to Kettlebells (strongly recommend good coaching in form to use them). Love them and easy to do a HIIT or Tabata workout with them. That in turn led to me cycling and finally feeling good enough to go to a gym and use free weights.

    So, walk when you can and help your body start to get used to exercising: maybe add a circuit of burpees and press ups to the end of your walk in time. If you know you want to exercise, I am sure like me, at some point on your journey you will find an exercise you enjoy :smile:

    The nutrition is the key and the Exercise is the Fun :wink:
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    Just some general advice: Stay focused and keep at it! Progress may be slow and the scale may seem like the enemy, but slowly and sure, the pounds will come off. We all just have to be consistent. :flowerforyou:
  • Whatever you decide to do do it slow. Build up to that 30 minutes. And, Chris, whey protein is perfectly fine for recovery. Its what I been using for 10 months now and I have great results.
  • DerROK
    DerROK Posts: 14 Member
    hi, i have just started the insanity work out, i was wondering about the recovery drink, could you use whey protein instead ??

    A good whey protein isolate with a half banana or half cup blue berries would be an excellent post work out drink for INSANITY. Studies also seem to indicate that the post workout drink taken c60 minutes after is optimum for any intense activity.
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    I started with just short walks - around 15 minutes. If you can use some sort of tracker (I use Endomondo on my phone which is free) it really helps you to track your progress. When I started I could only manage 2.4 mph speed and barely managed a quarter of a mile. I can now do 3.5mph+ and last year walked a half marathon for charity! I never believed I could do it. You can be fit even with a lot of extra weight. If you can't get out for a lot of walking or the weather is bad try Leslie Sansone Walk at Home workouts, there are some really gentle ones to start out with and they are so easy to follow. I still do them when the weather is bad!
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    I started with just short walks - around 15 minutes. If you can use some sort of tracker (I use Endomondo on my phone which is free) it really helps you to track your progress. When I started I could only manage 2.4 mph speed and barely managed a quarter of a mile. I can now do 3.5mph+ and last year walked a half marathon for charity! I never believed I could do it. You can be fit even with a lot of extra weight. If you can't get out for a lot of walking or the weather is bad try Leslie Sansone Walk at Home workouts, there are some really gentle ones to start out with and they are so easy to follow. I still do them when the weather is bad!
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    Start out small! 30 minutes a day at first and you will be doing great!
    Do you have YouTube? There are lots of great work outs on there. One of my favorites is the Leslie Sansone walking workout. You can do it right in your livingroom and it really gets your heart rate up. If you have 3 kids, you could get a Wii and do some active games, and get your kids involved as well! :) Just dance is a fun one. I play that a lot. And even when you're busy, throw some squats into your day. If im cooking, for example, and waiting for something to be done, instead of just standing still, i will do some squats or a few lunges. :)
    I hope this helped! Good luck!
  • Hi! I have very bad knees as well. Just like everyone else, I suggest walking. Nature preserves are a great place if you can get the time to go to one, because it's so beautiful there that it encourages you to keep going. A huge tip, especially if you have bad knees: STRETCH FIRST! Even for a 30 minute walk. If I don't stretch first I'll get painful cramps and can't go very far. I can seriously go twice the time if I stretch first.
  • Psstanz
    Psstanz Posts: 3 Member
    I do the Leslie Sansome walk DVD's. I had back surgery and knee surgery I didn't think I would be able to do anything again!
    but started her DVD about 1 1/2 years ago with 1 mile and after 33 pounds down and slowly building up I do 3-5 miles 5 times a week.
    Her program is great and she will tell you just keep moving. You don't have to be able to follow her moves. she also has someone in her class doing the low impact version for you to follow.
    Just watch the lunges and squats they are bad for your knees. if I do them I go really slow...lunges are how I injured my knee the 1st time!
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Walking is a great way to start getting fit. I too have issues that prevent high impact activities. In addition to walking, I also ride a bike and swim.

    The Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVDs are a great way to get some low impact exercise in on days when the weather will not cooperate for outside walking. When I started the 1 mile walk killed me. Now I can do the 3 mile walk.

    Starting small and gradually increasing your level of activity is key. Find something you enjoy and then work on increasing your time. On any new activity I work on getting the time I want, and then focus on increasing the intensity.
  • Labrydog
    Labrydog Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely walking! But if you're anything like me, I'm a fair weather walker, so I use my previously unused exercise bike for 30 mins first thing in the morning before the little ones get up (means getting up earlier than usual because I am NOT a morning person) but it really WORKS! Just getting into the rhythm of exercising regularly makes such a difference. I also find the bike helps because I don't have my full weight on my knees, but depends on your back if this is suitable for you. I have a very wide saddle to ensure it supports me properly under the hips (being female) and I find this comfortable. Hope this helps, All the best!