I'm Back.... and looking for support and people to support!

Hello all!

I've been on MFP before and know what a valuable tool it can be in your weight loss journey. The last time I used the program, I lost 35 pounds. This round I am looking to lose 65 pounds. The friends and support I found along the way was incredible. And I am looking to find that again!

I've got a rough road filled with many life changes ahead of me for 2014-15. I've decided that taking control of me and my health is going to be priority one. I want to feel better about myself and have more energy. I want to be healthy and happy.... and I am going to see that it happens.

Unless I am traveling for work, I will be MFP every day (probably a few times a day). I want to find people who want/need a little support and are willing to do the same for me. I am an awesome cheerleader and have a comfy shoulder to cry on.

Let's do this together. What do you say? Send me a request if you're interested.



  • rebeccawesterfield5
    rebeccawesterfield5 Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome back and good luck! Sending you a friend request, I love cheerleaders! :)
  • roofie5
    roofie5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I too have decided to be really good about updating my food diary and today is the first day. I seem to have always been on some sort of diet but never really lost significant amounts of weight for any length of time until just over a year ago.

    Something inside my brain snapped and with the guidance of my wonderful endocrinologist I have shed over 50 kg which is about 110 lbs. Still like to drop another 10 kg (22 lbs) but am stuck so am hoping some new drugs will help.

    Happy to gain some friends to support each other and look forward to reading about other peoples success and overcoming their struggles. Will send a request to you as well.
  • faithful0609
    faithful0609 Posts: 17 Member
    This is really the only way to go - by putting down EVERYTHING you put in your mouth and measuring your food. I've spent decades being overweight because I have the mind set that I can eat whatever whenever.... then I wonder why I can't lose? So... I'm back (like you) again - started 2 weeks ago - first week did everything by the book & lost 5 pounds. Last week didn't log anything in for 4 days - gained 4 pounds. So the "test" is done - no more!
  • mr0530
    mr0530 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome back!

    I'm also back... Working on making some lifestyle changes and hopefully getting rid of some horrid baby weight. Just starting over and on Day 1
  • barnesr1
    barnesr1 Posts: 6
    good luck. Being present and journaling are more than half the battle. A lot of us are doing the Super Shred diet by Dr. Ian Smith. Some of us were on Rachael Ray and different talk shows. Feel free to join our support group on facebook. We weigh in, share recipes, share NSV (non-scale victories) and it's great. Search our group: Flab 4 shredder Revolution we have 2500 people and are growing eveyday. You do not have to follow Super Shred. All of us don't, just most. Some have Fitbit and a lot are on MFP.
  • brosis85
    brosis85 Posts: 114 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like!
  • myoke
    myoke Posts: 1
    I would love to have a support network! I'm currently a temporary "single" mom and figure this is the best time to get on track without my husband's tempting junk food in the house. I've been logging for a week and am now realizing just how much I feel I have to eat to be satisfied. Time to change the mind-set...