Weightloss after Miscarriage

Hi all I've been walking 3 miles most days at a pace of 6mph and doing 30 ds. Doing this the last two weeks weight has not moved.
Trying my best with food but food is my comfort so really trying to change habits work in progress.
Anyhow I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks about 5 weeks ago my weight had gone up to 11 9 now I'm back down to 11 4 but has stayed there the last two weeks. So I know ive technical lost weight but I know that weight gain was fluid from being pregnant.
So my question is do you think my hormones may still be out of whack or I'm just eating crap ( I know I'm eating crap) but I am trying to stay within calories.
I'm using exercise to really stop thinking to much about the miscarriage and putting all focus on that.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    First, miscarriages suck giant balls, and I'm sorry you're dealing with it. You may still be dealing with some residual pregnancy hormones. Also, just give it time. I lost a baby at 8 weeks (stopped developing at 6) in December of 2010. April of 2011 is when I decided my weight gain (that had started prior to the pregnancy) was enough. I was still healing at that time. Right now, be gentle with yourself. If you're like me, you're still an emotional train wreck. I know most people will say to try to break the emotional eating habit, but, honestly, right now is not the time, imho. Work on that with a less intense emotional crisis. Weigh and measure everything. Don't beat yourself if you find yourself breaking down over whatever it is that triggers it. If you need some comfort food, think about why, measure it, savor it. Give it more time. The scale will move and you'll start to heal.
  • channaigh
    channaigh Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I'll keep going its only been two weeks anyhow.
    Something has to kick in sooner or later. Better than sitting on my *kitten* :))
  • cateyedkp
    cateyedkp Posts: 70 Member
    Trying my best with food but food is my comfort so really trying to change habits work in progress.

    So my question is do you think my hormones may still be out of whack or I'm just eating crap ( I know I'm eating crap) but I am trying to stay within calories.

    I'm using exercise to really stop thinking to much about the miscarriage and putting all focus on that.

    I am so, so sorry for your loss. Miscarriages are a rough time, and it can be extra hard to not turn to food in times of grief and stress. From a few of your sentences above, it sounds like you know that you are eating too much. Just remember, you can eat back a 3 mile walk with a single spoonful of peanut butter, so getting your diet on point might be the most important first step for you.

    Keep walking, and keep doing Jillian (I did Body Revolution after my loss in July, love JM!), but really, really be honest with your food. You can absolutely lose weight right now, even if your hormones are still recovering.

    Also, a note about "not putting the focus on the miscarriage by exercising"- if you don't allow yourself to feel bad now, you'll feel really bad later. I know this sounds awful, but it's what I did. I threw myself into exercising and eating healthy, and didn't deal with any of the grief for months. Then I crashed. Counseling has been helpful for me- you might find it helpful too. Best wishes to you.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    So sorry to hear about your loss. I've been there. You have to deal with the grief or you will be a wreck later. Please do that. I understand exercising - or doing anything - to help take your mind off the pain, and sometimes you need to or it is overwhelming, but you also have to allow yourself time to deal with it. Mine was almost 11 years ago - and I still get moments of sadness.

    Give it time, slowly try to stop the emotional eating (the crap as you called it) and work on getting your mind and body healthy.

    Again - so sorry for your loss.
  • channaigh
    channaigh Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the replys nearly in tears here first time I've spoke or wrote about it.
    I tend to file things away throw away the key and not think about things and carry on as normal.
    I have 3 kids and this is the second miscarriage
    In my head if I'm skinny my life will be better. I'm going to continue with everything and just keep going and try and forget about the scale for awhile.
    Thanks again everyone means a lot