Calories too low?


I've been eating about 1,000 calories a day while working off around 400. Is 600 calories enough for my body to not enter starvation mode. I'm currently 235 6'1" male. Up till now I've lost 25 pounds.



  • I'd definitely think about uping your daily caloric intake. For your height and size you need around 1800 calories a day to maintain your body's functions as well as leaving some to burn when working out. Calories aren't bad when youre eating the right things. They are what fuel your body and makes your brain function.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1200 calories minimum for a sedentary woman. You are neither sedentary nor a woman. You should be eating more.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Um, yes that's crazy low. Like completely unnecessarily low. There's no starvation mode but there's a reason you should be eating a certain amount of calories. Your muscles, which include vital organs like heart, liver, kidneys, are at risk when you eat a dangerously low calorie amount over an extended period of time (how long I don't know as I never intend to find out). I'm a 5'3.5" female 116 lbs and I lose weight eating 2250 calories. Please fuel your body and lose weight at a sustainable pace. This is a helpful read too