How often do you work out?

I'm 40 and I had a bad experience trying to do too much too fast a few years ago and had to deal with bursitis (sp?). It took weeks of nothing but ibuprofen and loafing to get over it. I don't want to do that again, so how much is too much? I did quite a bit the last couple weeks and feel fine, but noticed there is a twinge of something in my right hip deep in by the bone. I guess that means slow down? But the rest of me feels fine.


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    This is going to be different for everyone so I am reluctant to give you an amount of time it is acceptable to work out and say "Do that and you will be fine"

    Question I'd have for you though is in exercising did you take the time to do a warmup of light cardio followed by some stretching before launching in to whatever more intensive workout you had planned?

    Working on flexibility and taking the time to warm up and stretch can do a lot to reduce, not eliminate, the chance of injury.

    As a teenager I'd just fling myself at any workout or sport and didn't really care to stretch or anything before or after. At 35 I take about 8 minutes before and after a workout to warm-up, stretch, cooldown and stretch.
  • donnabullen
    donnabullen Posts: 47 Member
    Everyone is different so i would say go at your own pace, I am currently running 4 times a week and working out at the Gym 3 times a week.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I would say to start slowly and go at your own pace. Listen to your body.

    I work out 5 days a week (3 days lifting, and 2 days cardio-ish).
  • bandlfox
    bandlfox Posts: 33
    At the time, I was doing the Bill Phillips program so you build up the intensity over time, but it does move pretty quickly.

    This time, I am mostly doing cardio. Elliptical, a couple Spin Classes, some yoga, have walked a couple 5k's and a 10k. Mostly trying to just do 30 minutes or more of something 6 - 7 days a week.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    I made the decision to workout in the morning, at least 3x a week. With arthritis in my knees and ankles, I cannot over do it, so I do modified versions of certain exercises, and at my own pace.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have a sedentary desk job 5 days a week, so I mkae an effort to get activity in every day, but with varying degrees of intensity. I do more formal "workouts" in the winter than when the weather is warmer, because I do a lot of outside work in when the weather is nice (gardening, mowing, weed eating, digging, raking, etc. - we have a big place). And we hike a lot in the warmer months.

    Rest is an important part of fitness, but I don't believe I really need any totally sedentary days.
  • sheilaq14
    sheilaq14 Posts: 35 Member
    I had hip bursitis and got rid of it through physical therapy, where I did stretching and strengthening on my hip and building my core. The trainer told me the key for me to not get again is building a strong core. Had really let mine go following c-section.
  • FR204
    FR204 Posts: 1
    I work out a couple times a week. Every day though I make more of an effort to take the stairs, take the 'long way' when walking somewhere and just doing little things to burn calories :)

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Not as much as I should. but...

    I am using an activity tracker, and with that make sure to get at least 10-12k steps per day. And try to get at least 30+ "Very Active Minutes" which takes running on the trampoline, or fast paced walk, etc. SO I do get cardio in. Still working to get more regular about strength training exercises.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I workout 6 days for about an hour, combination of cardio (T25, Turbo Fire, Hiit) and lifting, ending with a 10 minute stretch. On Sundays, I do 45 - 60 min Yoga (rest day). Since I've been doing this routine, I've had no muscle soreness, nor injuries.

    ETA: I'm 47 with severe arthritis in both knees and can do deep squats
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    Typically 5-6 days a week. I started slower (3-4 days per week) and had to ice an old hip injury after every session. As I have gotten stronger, I have found that I do not reall yhave the hip pain that I once did...which allowed me to add more days and exercise at a higher intensity.
  • sabrina19782014
    sabrina19782014 Posts: 50 Member
    I try to work out 5 days a week but at my own pace as I have had a lot of mobility issues in the past (resulting in two major pelvic ops),,

    I alternate cardio with strength
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1 - set some fitness goals for yourself...these should go beyond calories/weight loss, etc. these should be fitness goals that you would like to accomplish.

    2 - be realistic...if your goal is to do a sprint triathlon, that's great...but you don't need to go from couch to brick work're likely to suffer some over-train issues. I'd also add that training for multiple sports/events can cause issues.

    3 - understand that you don't have to go 0 - 100 MPH overnight...this is where people have issues.

    4 - understand that your exercise is largely for need to properly fuel whatever exercise activity you are doing which means that you will have to eat more (to still lose weight) than you otherwise would if you were a sedentary individual. understand that while exercise is very good for you, it also breaks down the body...the body requires energy (calories) and nutrients to rebuild what has been broken down. very often, injuries and issues are a combination of over-training and lack of proper fueling and nutrition. the more vigorous the training activity, the more of an issue this becomes.

    5 - understand that rest is very important to your fitness regimen. i always tell my friends that the two most important days of the week for my fitness are Friday and Sunday because those are my rest days.

    I started out very slow. My initial goal was to run a sprint triathlon as my mom is into that stuff and it seemed like a good fitness goal and I was much more interested in the multi-sport aspect than just running a 1/2 marathon or whatever. So I got off my couch one day and decided to start putting one foot in front of the other and going for a walk.

    Literally, that's all I did for about the first 4-6 weeks of my exercise regimen...I started out walking just a few days per week...then 5...then 7...then I started to walk longer and take more challenging trails. About 4-6 weeks in and I started a C25K training now I was walking 4x weekly for 3-5 miles and doing some running. It didn't take long before I started throwing in some calisthenics after my runs....then several weeks later I found myself back in the weight room again for the first time in about a decade.

    It was a progression from doing pretty much nothing and getting winded on a 10 minute walk around the block with my dog to a solid 5-6 days of exercise per week. About 7 months after I started getting into my fitness groove I started training for that sprint triathlon...finally, I felt like I was at a fitness level to which I could push myself to that level of exertion, multiple workouts per day, etc...and ya know what? I still injured myself...and unfortunately wasn't able to do the sprint.

    It's ok though...along the way I discovered that I really, really, really enjoy being out on my bike...far more than I do running (which I do very little of these days). I don't mind swimming, but it's one of those things that's more of a nice little switch up than it is something I want to get out there and do multiple times weekly. And...I'm still in love with the weight room.

    I've ultimately decided the the triathlon is most likely not in the cards...I can run some, but too much running results in my posterior tibial tendons getting a little flared up and the next thing I know I'm in crutches for a week or so while the inflation calms down...just not worth it. So I stick primarily to my bike and the weight room and am currently training for a metric century in late May...once that's in the books, I'll re-evaluate and go from there.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    At the time, I was doing the Bill Phillips program so you build up the intensity over time, but it does move pretty quickly.

    This time, I am mostly doing cardio. Elliptical, a couple Spin Classes, some yoga, have walked a couple 5k's and a 10k. Mostly trying to just do 30 minutes or more of something 6 - 7 days a week.

    Sounds pretty low impact so I would think that would be pretty safe and injury free but again reluctant to say for sure as everyone's body is different. Just have to listen to yours.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    This is a very individual thing. I guess it's best to listen to your body and not push it too far. Rest is just as important as the exercise.

    I, personally, work out 3x a week for an hour. I only weight lift, currently.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    5-6 times a week. Tuesdays are usually my rest day and I'm gonna try and attend yoga this Friday at 6:15 am. We will see how that goes.
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    Run 5-10 miles, 5 times a week..Work on arms every other day.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    4-6x's weekly. Whatever fits into my schedule. Last week 6x's. 3 days run/2 days Fitness Blender DVD's/1 day treadmill walk. Today day #1 for this week walked 3.2 miles.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I go to Yolaties class (Yoga-Pilates) twice a week for 55 minutes each time. I go to the gym 3X/week for 50 minutes each time. At the gym I do cardio, strength and flexibility. I probably could get by going to the gym 2X/week, but I enjoy it and see my friends there or else go with my husband and son. I am also doing it for my mental health.

    Are you warming upy before you do your other exercises and especially before you stretch? As I get older, I am noticing that is more important.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I work out every day but one day is something like cardio recovery, something you do for stretch or body weight strength.

    I started out every other day, running 3 miles on the treadmill. then slowly became a fitness junkie and have to do something every day or feel unsettled. LOL