Got a bit Lazy after a bout with the flu

bonniecameron68 Posts: 16
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I was doing so well, lost 15 pounds, people made comment on my weight loss, then I got the flu, a bad head cold for three weeks!! I of course stopped working out, and ate and slept and ate and slept..... I gained 10 pounds in three weeks and hated what I did to myself. My clothes that were getting baggier and baggier are now getting tighter, I hate that! I am starting all over with my exercise routines and I will continue to enter my food into my fitness pal because it really helped me to focus on my food intake, without it I was eating like crazy without any idea of how much or even what I ate. It took me 6 months to lose 15 pounds of fat and only 3 weeks to put almost all of it back on? whats up with that anyways!! To anyone who stops working out, who gets sick, or just doesn't feel motivated anymore, it really is worth picking yourself up and making yourself go do something!! As soon as you start up again you will feel great, routine is the best way to keep going, it is NEVER too late to start again, you can NEVER be too far gone, not EVER!! I was a bit embarrassed going to the gym the first few times because the "regulars" noticed my abscence and my weight gain. I may have hung my head low those few days in the gym but I still went and I am glad I did. Has anyone else had the same experience?


  • I am there now.
  • I know exactly what you are saying!! It is so hard to get started back and people tend to watch everything you do to "see" if it works! Good for you for starting back! I lost my weight in 2005, but gained during my last pregnancy in 2007. I started back last month, but it is coming off slowly.
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