Hungry too much, increased metabolism?

I started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 3 weeks ago, today was my first day on week 4. About two days ago I noticed about an hour after I was done eating something I was still pretty hungry, usually in the evenings after dinner. The next day it happened again and today it's happening.
I'm a full time student so I get up in the morning and have a little cereal (not a morning person...I get up just in time to make a quick meal) then around 10:30 I'll have a sandwich and salad or a salad with salmon and an apple, or tuna, any mix of those 4 things. Then I usually get home at 2, eat an apple, work out 30 minutes later, then eat dinner.
Well today I got stuck at the doctor for a long time and didn't eat for 5 hours. I came home and ate a meal (3 oz of turkey meat and some boiled cabbage), 30 minutes later I was still hungry (oh I drank some water in between this time too), so I ate an apple with peanut butter. 30 minutes later I'm hungry again, ate dinner. An hour later...hungry AGAIN.
So far I'm at 1340 for the day (not including exercise, I'm about to do that and then eat again I guess). Is this normal? I usually eat between 1300-1450 calories a day (not including exercise calories). I've been able to stay at that number but I'm worried about being hungry like this. Is this really my metabolism or something else? I drink a lot of water throughout the day as well.

Also, I did have an indulgence drink today so if I wouldn't have had a coffee I'd be at 1168 for the day....I guess thinking of it that way it would be normal to still be hungry at 1168 calories. I've never kept being hungry after meals's worrying me =/


  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Without an open diary it's kinda hard to say but my first guess would be more eat more protein. Your body is becoming adjusted to the exercise so it needs more fuel. Of course I'm not an expert, someone else may have a better answer.
  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks, I changed it and opened it to the public. Guess that would help
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    160+ pounds, intense exercise program, eating 1000-1200 calories a day? Yeah, you'll be hungry. That's a huge calorie deficit. Eat more.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Ok, protein isn't the issue. It looks like you just need to eat more. On most days you are netting right around 1000 calories. I've had the same problem since I started working out the past few weeks. I don't know what you weigh or what your goals are but you might need to reset them. If you set them to sedentary and lose 2 lbs a week that is probably to aggressive unless you have a lot of weight to lose.
  • Sara2652
    Sara2652 Posts: 158 Member
    I don't know what to tell you about the increased metabolism piece.

    I know there are some people who can eat when they are hungry and stay balanced but for a lot of people our systems are just plan messed up. I have to eat on a schedule and not 'listen to my stomach'. However if I was hungry like you are saying I would try bulking up on more veggies, fruit, and protein maybe even a bit more fat the next day to see if that helps.

    I think the numbers MFP put out are pretty low. I had my REE (Resting energy expenditure) done and it was at 1973. Thats the amount of calories I used to just stay still all day which is 18% higher then what is estimated for my age, height, weight and sex. It then made since why when ever I tried a 1500 cal diet I would do well for a while, feel deprived and then go binge like there was no tomorrow.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also, just looking at today, you have 200 calories of bread, 172 calories of latte. That's a large portion of your calories on things that are not very filling. Lucky Charms, peanut butter, and milk yesterday. Very calorie-dense foods that are not filling.

    I also strongly suggest you invest in a food scale. All your portions appear guesstimates and estimations - 4 ounces of smoked turkey leg, 1/4 cup of rice, etc.
  • princessnarmor
    princessnarmor Posts: 67 Member
    Couple of things I've noticed about myself. Anything containing high fructose corn syrup will make me hungry, Supposedly it blocks a hormone or something that tells your brain that you've eaten enough. (I've also heard that eating fruit will make you hungrier as well. I can't prove or disprove that, but if I eat anything with high fructose in it, I'm starving all day the next day no matter what)

    Protein staves off hunger better than carbs. Veggie carbs are better than starches.

    I've also found that anything with cauliflower in it helps fight hunger too.

    And as long as you don't overdo it, nuts are good. Particularly walnuts. They have something in them that acts as a natural appetite suppressant.
  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    I wasn't netting 1200 since according to this Body Revolution I'm supposed to eat 1200 without the exercise. I know the latte wasn't good, that was just a treat for me, I was also tired and still had a class to get through lol. I do have a food scale, that's why it says 4.0 oz, 3.0, 6.0, etc. I always measure my food (I prefer it to be 3, 4, or 6 oz). When I first started BR I just ate when I was hungry and it was going great with what I was eating. Now whenever I get home from school I just constantly feel hungry, this started on Saturday/Sunday.
    I'm not sure what other quick meals I can make in the morning besides cereal, anyone have suggestions on that? Would a banana by itself be better, maybe with an apple?
    Also when I have a banana or apple with peanut butter and milk, that is usually my before bed snack or before my workout snack. Lately that hasn't been working though and I'm still hungry. I guess I really just need to eat more, it just feels weird that I wasn't hungry before and now I always am.
    Oh and I was eating almonds for awhile but stopped. I'm hungry now after just eating again, think I'll try those. I'll buy some walnuts next time I go to the store. I'll stop eating sandwich's as much as well, I've been lazy lately and haven't felt like making my salads with salmon or tuna.