
Hello everyone,

I am new here. I am really excited to begin this weight loss journey with all of you. I have around 60 lbs to lose and am really ready to say goodbye to my former self and start a new! I am 28 years old and single. It's time to embrace a new lifestyle. I welcome all advice and friends, I know this will not be easy if I have to do it alone!

Also, I forgot to mention, I have 2 full time jobs. One as a lawyer, the other as a FOOD blogger. Both make it difficult to losing weight but I am committed to being healthier this year!



  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Welcome -- I sent you a friend request. In the friend request, I asked what a food blogger is -- I've never heard of that.
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member

    Thanks for the request! A food blogger is someone who writes about food on an online blog. I have my own food blog, www.fairytalefeasts.com. I love food and I enjoy dining out and taking pictures of food. I am jus tgoing to have to focus on healthy recipes for now!
  • HeatherBunnell
    Welcome Diana!
    Great to have you here! We have the same goal - 60 lbs. Good luck with it!!
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Hi Diana...sounds like you have the right attitude to get going on this journey. I wish you all the success in your journey. Add me as a friend if you're looking for some support and motivation. Food blogger sounds like a lot of fun!