workouts and diets

julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
i keep seeing theses workouts and diets like i.e insanity and beach body and weight watchers juice diet most cost money i dont have the money to do theses or join gyms that want £35 a pound a month or even 5 pound a month people seemed to manage in old days eating meat 2 veg and potatoes so whats happened i know you have to workout more was told working out more bulks you up which you need to build more muscle from what i gather

so just wondering what is best to lose weight with out forking all that money out


  • Aggeon
    Aggeon Posts: 9 Member
    Options has multiple exercise plans that include nutrition guides and meal plans. If you're just getting started into exercise, those workouts might seem too advanced. A good place to start is the channel. You can find videos by type of exercise, or go to a sub channel of a series you like. Some of the channels through befit have nutrition guides as well, but you have to really search for them.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You do not need to fork out any money.

    Eat less, move more, is probabaly over-simplified, but that's really the basis of weight loss.

    Working out will not bulk you up. Try walking, running, and cycling for starters.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    You don't need to fork out any money. The only thing I would suggest you purchase is a digital food scale very inexpensive and worth every penny.

    You have MFP log your food, get out and walk or find another activity you enjoy doing... repeat

    And just because it needs repeating working out will NOT bulk you up.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    If anything, I spend less money. No more junk food, just plain and simple basic foods, cooked from scratch.
    As for my workouts, youtube gives unlimited access to workouts which you can do at home. And now that spring's here, I go out cycling, walking and running outside. And that comes with a free helping of vitamine D as well.
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    i do go out walking more and run up and down stairs loads of times a day plus do fitness on wii and excercise dvds
  • triciaroo
    triciaroo Posts: 13
    I'm in a similar situation. Just had my first baby in January and still have a stone to lose, but not a huge amount of spare cash and even less in the way of spare time! After a bit of research, I spent £5 on the 30 Day Shred DVD (I got mine from Amazon), as I already had an exercise mat and some small weights from a while back. It's a high intensity workout that lasts 20 minutes - exactly the kind of thing I need as I can do it and have a quick shower whilst baby is having his 8am nap (he wakes at 6). I did two days last week, then gave myself a rest over the weekend as my muscles were killing me! Started back yesterday and today, and will hopefully not need as many rest days as I go on.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Checkout hasfit and fitnessblender
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Diets and 'special' juices are just a complete waste of time. The best diet is just to eat anything you want, while eating at a deficit. While saying 'anything', just eating a variation of foods and some fruit and veg.

    Weight Watchers and the like are just a complete con.
  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    Check out blogilates, it provides you with an entire workout and meal plan for free.
  • iluvmpiche
    You don't need to spend money on anything other than food. Healthy food. Fill empty milk containers with water and lift them. Run and walk. Try a fitness band. If you can't figure out a workout routine on your own and really need to exercise with a video, then hit up YouTube and find one of the many fitness buffs. Somebody will have a diet/exercise routine that will work for you.
  • askin74
    askin74 Posts: 7 Member
    check out Melissa Bender Fitness on

    she posts a daily workout on her blog plus you can search her past workouts - her workouts are so good to follow & it's free.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Get a gym membership, attend gym. Workout in a way you feel you would enjoy; If you like cycling, cycle. If you like weight lifting, use weights. If you like rowing, Ergo-machine.

    Secondly, diets are just what they are stated as, a diet. This is an often short term eating regime, put together to achieve a goal through measuring calories in vs calories out.

    If you were to just create a lifestyle, of eating what you'd like, as long as you're eating in a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. If you enjoy rice, steak and some desert after dinner, go ahead and eat just that, just ensure that you are eating them in moderation so that at the end of the day, you are in a caloric deficit.

    There are obviously nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals which you do need to have within your daily eating plans, for your overall health. So try to stay away from high caloric foods which are not nutrient dense, until you've at least had your fair share of nutrient dense foods.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    You just need to eat less, move more. You don't need a special meal plan or secret exercise. You don't even have to cut anything you like out. Just portion it and make it fit in your day. Find an appropriate deficit amount for you, stick to it, weigh and measure your food, and find an exercise you enjoy.
  • bryant28408
    bryant28408 Posts: 52 Member
    I am a member at a gym. When I first started here I was totally focused on working out. But I have discovered that I really prefer a good walk in the evening rather than the gym. I still belong and and I still go but my walk contributes more than anything else to both my endurance and my calorie burn. A few changes can make a big difference and they are free!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i keep seeing theses workouts and diets like i.e insanity and beach body and weight watchers juice diet most cost money i dont have the money to do theses or join gyms that want £35 a pound a month or even 5 pound a month people seemed to manage in old days eating meat 2 veg and potatoes so whats happened i know you have to workout more was told working out more bulks you up which you need to build more muscle from what i gather

    so just wondering what is best to lose weight with out forking all that money out
    the best way to lose weight is a calorie deficit and you can use MFP for free to create that ….

    eat less and move more ….
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    thanks all for replying you helped me
  • PRguez
    PRguez Posts: 61 Member
    i keep seeing theses workouts and diets like i.e insanity and beach body and weight watchers juice diet most cost money i dont have the money to do theses or join gyms that want £35 a pound a month or even 5 pound a month people seemed to manage in old days eating meat 2 veg and potatoes so whats happened i know you have to workout more was told working out more bulks you up which you need to build more muscle from what i gather

    so just wondering what is best to lose weight with out forking all that money out

    You don't have to spend loads of money. I stopped spending money in things that weren't too good (take away coffees with occasional treat, take away lunch now and then...) and start spending in a healthy shopping list (homemade lunches to take to the office, no unhealthy treats at home...) and even eating healthy is expensive it balances it out quite well with the cut off of ready meals and crap food (which makes you eat more because it is less nutritional).

    I made the financial effort of enrolling a gym because I good an ok offer without stupid adm fee or contracts (£29.95) ; it is not cheap but you can always find a deal if you really want to go to the gym. For me it is essential as I don't have anybody supporting me in the exercise part, so I like going to the gym and to classes with other people.

    But if you want to save the money there are millions of gym exercises you can do at home without equipment (or a minimum of it)
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    measure everything (and i mean get a measuring set and use it with every little thing....document honestly, eat your alloted calories...all of them..and walk. sounds too simple but it works. i didnt think i had that kind of time and money either. thanks to some of my brilliant friends here at mfp i go to my work one is there....airconditioned/ cameras and i just put my earbuds in and walk!! slow and steady loss means that the weight will probably stay off . hope this helps. add me as friend if you want. you can do this!:drinker:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Calisthenics are free and some of the best exercise you can do. Pushups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, mtn climbers, burpees, tricep dips, bridges (hip thrusts), wall sits, etc.

    Walking is free and great exercise. Walk up hills or stairs to increase intensity. HIke up a mountain.

    If you have access to water, swimming is excellent exercise.

    As for diet, just eat your meat and veg and potatoes within your calorie goals. You don't need a diet program. You should ensure that you are getting good nutrition, but beyond that it's all about calorie control.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Don't fork ANY money out. You don't need shakes, supplements, pills, gym memberships, Insanity, P90X, T25, Beachbody, or any of that crap to lose weight. You just eat at a caloric deficit - that's it! If you want to and are able to exercise, do it, but you don't need some expensive set of DVDs or a monthly gym membership to do it. Go outside and walk or run or jog. Go swimming, or hiking, or jump on a trampoline. Anything to keep that body moving! If you do have some extra cash, go to Walmart and buy some cheap dumbbells or resistance bands.