Hi my name is Coco

cocodiva Posts: 1 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I am trying this site to help assist in my weight loss goal. I have been at this weight loss for some time now. I have discovered the older we get the harder it gets. I have just turned 41 and have become more motivated than ever. I welcome your encouragement and advice.


  • upnorthtim
    upnorthtim Posts: 376 Member
    Hi Coco, best of luck to you! This place is helping me to stay on track. Feel free to add me as a support firnd if you like!
  • Hey there Coco! Welcome! I took a look at your profile and it looks like you and I have similar weight loss goals! I too have recently become incredibly motivated. Perhaps we would be a good asset to one another. Feel free to add me as a friend! Best of luck to you!
  • Hi Coco, I am new here too. I would love to encourge you. I need it too. I just signed up today on the advice of my doctor. I am excited to get started. I have just turned 46. I love being in my forties because I think we are smarter, wiser and I don't care what people think about me like you do when you younger. We can do this because we are worth it and God gave us this beautiful body and we can make it look much better. I have 80 lbs to loose. Keep a smile, and pray on lips and we will succeed. Good luck.
    Anytime you to shout at me, feel free. Melissa
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