

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I don't think a month of excessive drinking necessarily means someone is an alcoholic. Under these circumstances, I would say she has extraordinarily poor coping skills and certainly could use some help (preferably professional) on dealing with stressful/traumatic/devastating events in her life. But to jump right to alcoholism isn't necessarily the right call in this particular situation.

    However, OP, if this kind of drinking is how you often respond to difficult situations, then yes, you need to deal with your alcoholism before you worry about your weight. It's not something you can blow off. Even if you don't drink all the time, if you binge like this and can't control yourself and this is not an isolated incident, you are not okay and you need help.

    ETA: sorry, OP, you posted while I was typing. But I'm not going to alter what I said as I think the drinking is a much bigger concern than the bloat.
  • OK PEOPLE! I don't drink 6-10 beers a night. I said I did that for 3 weeks! NOT NOW! I was going through a stressful time! Some people binge eat, some people don't eat at all, some people drink, some do drugs. I get that it's not the healthiest thing on the planet.... but it's what i did for three weeks. I usually have 3-4 drinks per MONTH!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Did you read what I said at all? About how even if you only do this in tough situations, it can still be a problem? The bit about coping skills too.

    Anyway. It took you a month to do the damage and it's not going to disappear quickly, either. You'll need to take good care of yourself for a few weeks at least to see things improve.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    OK PEOPLE! I don't drink 6-10 beers a night. I said I did that for 3 weeks! NOT NOW! I was going through a stressful time! Some people binge eat, some people don't eat at all, some people drink, some do drugs. I get that it's not the healthiest thing on the planet.... but it's what i did for three weeks. I usually have 3-4 drinks per MONTH!

    It's not really about whether or not you're doing it now.
    That is a very destructive behavior, and if you haven't already talked to someone about what happened you need to do it now before it happens again. 3 weeks is a very long time to continue with such an extreme behavior, and if that is how you deal with stress you need to learn a different coping strategy.
    I wouldn't be surprised if you gained some weight during those 3 weeks and got a little bloated. 6-10 beers is roughly 500-1200 calories, depending on the size and type of beer.
    As everyone else said, take a pregnancy test if you really don't think anything else could be responsible for it.
    I know you said you aren't pregnant, but unless you're a virgin you can never really be sure. You can still have spotting during your periods when you are with child.
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    I wasn't looking for psychological advice about me personal life. This is a fitness forum. I was giving background on how the last two months of my life have gone and if that could be soemthing to do with it. And no... I'm not preggo. Thanks.
    We understand that. But you did give a lot of personal info on why you changed your habits and why you decided to get back in shape. For an outsider, it all seems to revolve around the relationship you have with your partner and how badly you cope with changes. The self destructive pattern you adopted during the break up and the fact that you've been in tears all morning because of your belly is bound to attract the kind of advice you got.

    Please don't take this the wrong way. But if you send out signals indicating you need help (and I don't mean just getting in shape), then expect people to point it out that there may be more serious stuff going on with you than belly fat. They're only doing you a favor.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    And from now on.. instead of easing your pain in beer... ease it with the endorphins that come from busting your *kitten* at the gym, or on the road running. Instead of drowning your sorrows with alcohol, take the victory way that comes with being in better shape than ever.

    This - pounding the pavement saying F-him, F-him, F-him with every step. Much better than binging on alcohol

    You are on the right track again - stick with it!
  • ahronich
    ahronich Posts: 3
    Whenever I eat white carbs or just a lot of bread or greasy foods in general, I bloat up like crazy. Same with drinking alcohol. One night of drinking can cause me to gain 5 pounds of bloat by the next day and everything looks puffy, especially my stomach. Just hang in there, keep exercising and eating right.

    I once drank nearly every night for a week straight and gained about 10 pounds and totally freaked out. Then I started back on track and those 10 pounds were gone in a week or so. Your body may just need some time to regularize itself. Don't give up :)
  • drew06
    drew06 Posts: 28
    Whenever I eat white carbs or just a lot of bread or greasy foods in general, I bloat up like crazy. Same with drinking alcohol. One night of drinking can cause me to gain 5 pounds of bloat by the next day and everything looks puffy, especially my stomach. Just hang in there, keep exercising and eating right.

    I once drank nearly every night for a week straight and gained about 10 pounds and totally freaked out. Then I started back on track and those 10 pounds were gone in a week or so. Your body may just need some time to regularize itself. Don't give up :)

    Now that I think of it, this happened to me too. For a couple of weeks I ate out at restaurants like 3-4 times a week, and I am talking about appetizer, entree, dessert. I was hurting after every meal. I stepped on the scale and I was up 8 pounds in less than two weeks. After I cut out the habits, I returned to normal within a week or two.

    Did I gain a bit of fat? Perhaps, but most of it I think was just bloating, water weight, etc.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    started drinking 6-10 beers a night

    I continued that path for 3-4 weeks.

    I believe your apparent alcoholism should be addressed before anything else.

    Take it from me, I'm a recovering alcoholic with 4 years sober.

    You'll deny, get angry, say it's normal.....

    Get healthy inside, then focus on the outside.


    ^This. Not normal to go on 3-4 week benders. (and anything over 3 drinks for a female, is considered a binge)
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    There's no mention of whether you quit the beer or not?? Actually the real problem would be to address yourself, why you chose after a separation to resort to an unhealthy lifestyle to begin with? I get that we all have woes and have ups and downs however, to immediately respond with 6-10 beers a night at a whole 140lbs is a serious concern and should be dealt with, otherwise you may have more of the recurring incidents if something devastating happens in your life....just sayin.

    PS- The occasional social beer won't do much to you but the 6-10 a night for weeks well that's where the phrase beer gut comes from.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    OK PEOPLE! I don't drink 6-10 beers a night. I said I did that for 3 weeks! NOT NOW! I was going through a stressful time! Some people binge eat, some people don't eat at all, some people drink, some do drugs. I get that it's not the healthiest thing on the planet.... but it's what i did for three weeks. I usually have 3-4 drinks per MONTH!

    It is not how much, or how often you typically drink. It is the fact that something happened in your life that was not easy and you fell off the wagon and drank your face off for 3 weeks. Just because others "binge eat, dont eat at all, drink or do drugs" does not make it ok.

    ETA - Crying for days on end because of your belly is not a normal response may want to consider professional help.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    First off, I get it. When I went through a breakup 4 years ago with my daughter's father ... I hit the booze hard. Mostly I was out partying all the time when I didn't have my daughter. I didn't drink every night so I didn't think I had a problem.

    Well I did. I was more concerned about feeling nothing being drunk that I forgot to deal with my problems. Problems that are still relevant in my life today and make me want to kick myself in the face!

    No one can tell someone how to cope with their problems. I just want you to be aware that it could lead to bigger problems even if you feel like it can't right now. (& I mean this out of love)

    With that said....if you are done on the binge drinking, then you should start to see some water weight come off.

    I wish you luck!
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    girlfriend i am on the same page as you!!! i use to be 230 then became anorexic and dropped to 107. now i am eating healtjy and back up to about 127 (refuse to weigh myself) but trying to be at 110. i am a restaurant manager and once i am able to eat it is about 130am. i find myself beyond stressed and eating late night...mind you it is cheerios and grapes but still. I work out 2 hours everyday. i am a certified trainer and i am getting back on track. i am sp scared of meals so i graze alllllllll damn day! its annoying, but i started today and bought some fiber cereal and some protein bars so i can eat them at work!!! it all in the mind set!

    i recommend this boo called fine to fab and i think every girl should read it and also listen to the song "just the way you are" you are beautiful inside and out. dont let your "belly" get in the way f what you are capable of!!! put your mind to it...stay off the scale because it is just a number. no number represents you. go off your jeans or dress.

    reach out for anything!!!

    You're trying to be 3 lbs heavier than you were when you "were" anorexic?

    It sounds like you still have a problem to said you're scared of meals, eat cheerios and grapes and exercise 2 hours a day. If you aren't already, please speak to somebody who will be able to assist you.

    OP, you're drinking a lot of beer which gives a lot of heavy beer drinkers a bigger stomach. Stop drinking the beer. Track your calories (properly - don't cheat, and buy a food scale) and figure out how much you're eating. Eat at a deficit, but eat in moderation. Stop crying and funnel those emotions into your self-control. Good luck.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Yes bloating happens
    Yes you probably gained some weight
    Yes it will go away since you claim to no longer be having these destructive behaviors.

    IS that what you wanted from us?
  • Stress will also make you gain weight in the tummy area. I don't think you mentioned your age, but I am 48 and have noticed over the last year or so, a little more fat accumulating around my middle. I think some of that has to do with hormones. At any rate, once the stress is over and you're more relaxed and definitely cut out all those beers, your body should start settling down and back to normal. Hang in there!

    You do NOT look 48!!!! Go girl! :flowerforyou:

    Awwww, thank you!! I have good genes from my mother. :)