Why am I losing fat/inches everywhere BUT my waist?

Ok, normally I hate these posts, but I'm at wit's end trying to figure out what's going on. Maybe someone with a different perspective can help. Here goes...

Over the last 10 weeks, I've lost 15 lbs. I'm at the halfway mark for wanting to lose 30 lbs by September 1st (so, I'm ahead of schedule). For the most part, I'm happy with my progress, and I'm finding that my clothes are definitely looser on me now. I'm even noticing that my face looks thinner.

The thing I've been wondering is... why is it that I'm losing weight in my arms, legs, face, butt, and everywhere... except my waist? I'm still wearing my "fat pants" because they only barely fit around my waist, but the pants are so loose everywhere else. It also seems like I'm plateauing. I've been very good about watching my calories and exercising, but I'm recently trying to eat clean too- more veggies, less junk food... and I drink tons of water. I do crunches and planks, too, and I lift weights 2-3 times/week. I've never had kids, so that's not really the issue either. It almost feels like the clean eating and more exercise has lead to the plateau...

Feeling a little discouraged about the gut... help please!


  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    I'm still wearing my "fat pants" because they only barely fit around my waist, but the pants are so loose everywhere else.

    That's how my work pants are, baggy everywhere, comfortable in the waist. I've gotten into smaller jeans because so many styles are low rise.

    I'm very curious to see what more experienced folks have to say...
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Just how it is.. it will eventually get there.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Where we lose fat is genetic. You can't spot reduce. My waist and stomach were my last areas to lose from. Just have to be patient and keep up the exercise and lose weight at a decent pace.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    (1) are you sure you're measuring in the exact same spot? with the exact same tautness of the tape? Where are you measuring? At the widest part of your belly? or the narrowest? or across the belly button? or an inch above it? Are you sure the tape is level?

    (2) do you have any food allergies? you might be bloated from that, OR maybe you need some more probiotics to help properly digest some of the newer foods you're eating.

    Gross story, I know... I had to take some really strong antibiotics a couple years ago, and it took me a good 6 months to get my internal flora back to normal. So it can take time, and that was even with me actively eating my probiotic foods.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Where we lose fat is genetic. You can't spot reduce. My waist and stomach were my last areas to lose from. Just have to be patient and keep up the exercise and lose weight at a decent pace.


    Basically this. I have lost about 11 inches from my hips and waist but barely 2 inches from my chest. You don't necessarily lose evenly all over. However you might be surprised from time to time when your body will change and it seems sudden.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Ditto on what others have said. I've lost a bunch of weight, but the 47 lbs. that remain are all in the butt, hip and stomach area. Yes, I've lost from those already, but not nearly as much as other parts of my body.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Where we lose fat is genetic. You can't spot reduce.

    That's what I thought. That's why I was a little puzzled about why it's the fat in just one area that seems to be hanging on for dear life!

    Probiotics may be a good idea, although I do regularly eat yogurt. Does it matter that I eat greek yogurt, or should I get something like Activia? Or can I take a supplement and have the same affect? I don't have any (known) food allergies except almonds, and maaaan would I know if I ever ate any almonds. That's not fun.
  • sunseeker43
    I would agree with the above poster. Add in one more glass of water and take it with a probiotic. See if that helps to flush your system. With all the new amounts of fibre sometimes our body holds onto things a little differently at first.
  • sunseeker43
    yogurt doesn't have enough probiotics to do much good. Buy a supplement.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I do not personally recommend supplements to change your internal flora, unless prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist/dietitian of some kind.

    Eating things like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented soybean (miso), sour pickles, tempeh, etc. will help if eaten a couple times per day.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Any other suggestions? I've never been able to stomach those things, with the exception of miso (does miso soup count?). I want to take care of the probiotic angle, but all of those things make me dry heave :-/
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    So then you MAY want to try to get a doctor to prescribe a probiotic. I want to caution you about the ones you find in over-the-counter supplements and added to foods, though. Just because it SAYS it contains probiotics, doesn't mean those microbes actually...

    (1) are the right ones YOU need -- maybe you have all of "Microbe #1" but need more "Microbe #2" and "Microbe #3." How do you know what you need? And is the supplement you're taking just #1 and #4? so you still won't get #2 and #3 by taking the supplement?

    (2) just because the probiotic is "active" when they put it in the supplement, doesn't mean it's "active" now, nor does it mean it will still be "active" once it's made it's way past your duodenum.

    Just FYI. I'm not against the supplements. I just don't personally recommend them.

    [edit to add: you might not have a problem at all. your waist just might be the last place you lose. I just wanted to give you a couple things I thought of, is all. New foods can create new biomes in your intestines. And this can lead to gas, etc. Really, you're doing a great job, and I wouldn't worry too much, personally.]
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    My waist is the last place I lose too, the tops of my arms are great, thighs (4.5 inches off each) butt nice and tight and even my hips are shaping but slowly just keep going and we will get there after all when the rest of the fat is minimal its the only place left that's the thought I use when I feel less motivated or why bother etc and it really works
  • nomadlady7
    nomadlady7 Posts: 24 Member
    My waist is the last place that I have to lose weight. I finally have begun to see a difference since I've incorporated weight training into my exercise routine. While I'm supposed to do it twice a week, I've been taking a class once a week with a personal trainer and I'm finally beginning to see some definition. I've dropped about 30 of my 40 pound goal. (When I got measured last time at the nutritionist, I had lost inches everywhere except my waist.) I figure when I get the last 10 off, I may finally see a change in my waist. Don't give up, dig deeper. I had resisted doing resistance training for almost a year. In the past six months, since incorporating it, I can see a difference.