Help? Am i too fat?

Hi, I'm 5'10, 155 lbs, a bmi of 22.3 and my waist is 26 inches, my thighs are about 22 inches, I was going to lose 20 lbs, and be a bmi of about 19, but i feel like i look fine at this weight, i don't know, am i too fat? or am i okay?


  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    There is a BMI calculator on here that tells you if you are healthy or not. :) check it out. Then go from there.

    Just saw ur height of 5'10 and 155 lbs, I am highly sure that is a perfect weight, twenty pounds might be too much to lose.
  • ladycoptx
    That sounds like a good weight to me...
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If it were me, I'd look at my body fat%, and if anything, work on achieving a body fat% goal. If I was 5'10", I don't think I'd want to weigh less than you. But there's a chance I might want more muscle than I already had. For instance, I'm 4 inches shorter. And was down to 139. But I was still terribly, terribly flabby because I had no muscle.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    We have similar stats. I am 5'9". inches tall and weigh 148 to 151. I look fantastic and slender.
  • bwats33
    bwats33 Posts: 25 Member
    If health is the primary concern, you could always make a doctor apt for a checkup. They could do some basic blood work to test your cholesterol and sugar levels. That would give you a pretty good indication if you're at the correct weight for your body. Once you hit 30, it's generally a good idea to do this yearly anyway.

    If that's not the main concern, and you feel you look fine, then no worries!
  • miramirror
    :blushing: thank you for your answers, i feel like i look thin, i'v been working out for about 3 or 4 months, doing half an hour jillian michael videos, a mile and a half walk, uphill, and a 45 minute run in the morning, and i'v been eating 1300-1400 calories, is that good?
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm 7 inches shorter than you and practically weigh the same! I don't think I look horrendous at this weight (I'm getting thinner, though to help conceive a baby!) so I'm sure you look beautiful! Of course, its all about how you feel about yourself. You're definitely at a healthy BMI and if you feel you want to tighten things up, eat at maintenance and lift like crazy. You'll stay about the same weight, but because of the added muscle mass, you'll look smaller.
  • pettychia
    pettychia Posts: 109 Member
    I'm also 5'10" and I think it depends really on your body composition. If you've got muscle tone, then you're at a great weight! If you have little muscle and it's fat, then you could probably stand to try to change that balance (more muscle, less fat).

    ETA: you are not *fat*. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the numbers on the scale but on how your body is performing, health-wise.