I hate water; anyone else ? ? ? ?



  • ziggythecat
    ziggythecat Posts: 62 Member
    Guess I'm one of the few but I'd rather have water than just about anything else. I like unsweetened tea too. As long as the water is filtered so it doesn't taste like chlorine, I'll take out a gallon.
  • So after posting how much i hate water.
    Realizing i need it, i grabbed my large water bottle and filled it with ice, put two green tea bags in a small cup with hot water to brew and then poured it over the ice.... YUMM!!
    this i can do...
  • I hate water too, but have fallen in love with crystal ight raspberry lemonade. Its the only way I get any water into my system. Plus, it only adds 5 calories per glass. Risk (added calories) vs Reward (getting in enough water so you can lose weight) is totally worth it.
  • AllietheLOSER
    AllietheLOSER Posts: 19 Member
    I really thought I was alone in this world because I hate water so much--good to know I'm not. :smile: Up until a few months ago, I would drink anything but water--coffee, sweet tea, sodas, and juice. If I was forced to drink it, I gagged the whole time. I can't describe it, but water has a smell that just makes me sick. When I started MFP, I knew that I was going to learn to love the stuff, so one day after I finished my coffee, I filled up a glass with H2O. I drank 1 glass of water that day, 2 the next... just kept adding and the next thing I knew I was drinking 11 glasses a day. I have actually come to LOVE (yes, I said it! lol) water ) I crave it! The only way to make it easier for me is to either drink it out of a bottle or drink it with a straw--keeps my nose away from the "smell".

    Hope you learn to love "the good stuff" and I wish you all the best! :happy:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    What? Water is very important for you! You need to drink water. Not Crystal light or tea or diet soda... God made water perfect already and there goes people screwing up something awesome. Try spring water. I find that anything else is gross. I can't even drink anything else.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    You can add slices of fruit or mint to flavor the water...that way you're not adding any chemicals to it to get flavor.
    I add the following:
    You can add one or a few...cucumber and mint is a good combo...think spa.
  • I hate it, too. I'm addicted to Diet Coke. It's really ridiculous how much of the stuff I can drink every day. I just started this today, but I've managed to get in 2 bottles of water. I had to put lemon in it to get it down, but I did it. I think I might try that raspberry lemonade from crystal light - it sounds good.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    What? Water is very important for you! You need to drink water. Not Crystal light or tea or diet soda... God made water perfect already and there goes people screwing up something awesome. Try spring water. I find that anything else is gross. I can't even drink anything else.

    He's not joking, he yelled at me for weeks for drinking flavored water! :laugh:
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I never get it when someone told me they hate water. It's just like say I hate to breath air.
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I don't mind water too much but am picky about how I drink it. If I'm not exercising, I like room temperature water. If I've exercised and worked up a sweat, I love ice cold water. I can't have it any other way. I've tried flavored waters, vitamin waters, and lemon water. I didn't like much of either. So, I stick with the pure stuff. The more I drink it, the more I've gotten used to it being a part of my everyday life. Some days it's the only thing I crave. Whatever you do, don't stop drinking water. It's the best thing for your body. It keeps you hydrated and is wonderful for your skin.
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