need new running shoes. these nike frees are killing me

Hello all I'm looking for some new shoes to get that are soft on my feet. I been using these Nike frees for the past year and a half. I run about 3-5 miles about 4-5 days a week. All I got to say about these shoes is that they really suck. I just thought that if I ran in frees it would make my legs stronger because its more like running on your bare feet. I even ran a whole half marathon with these. Now I think I'm paying the price because knees and ankles are really starting to bother me now. Any suggestions for all you runners out there and also some tips please. I love running and want to stay injury free for the long run. Thanks


  • Chase3cans
    Chase3cans Posts: 10 Member
    Try Brooks Ghost, they are awesome! I had a problem with 'runners' toe' injuries, and I have switched to Brooks Ghost series, no more problems, awesome comfy shoe! Good luck!
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Did they give you pains when you got them? If not, it's possible you have just worn them out and it's time for a new pair. Shoes only have a certain mileage before you lose the support.

    I can't recommend any particular shoes, but I do strongly suggest going to a proper running store and getting fitted by someone who really knows what they're talking about.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The first thing I'd suggest is to replace your shoes more frequently that 18 months if you're running 20 to 25 miles per week.

    Go to a running specialty store and have them analyze your gait. They can make recommendations based on what you need rather that what we wear.

    You don't mention what, if anything, you're doing to cross-train; your knee problems may not necessarily be related to your footwear but could be a manifestation of hip and/or glute weaknesses / imbalances. Check out the videos on
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Try Brooks Ghost, they are awesome! I had a problem with 'runners' toe' injuries, and I have switched to Brooks Ghost series, no more problems, awesome comfy shoe! Good luck!

    I second the Ghosts. People are going to tell you to get a gait analysis at a running store so you get fitted properly, just a warning :)
  • poolmonitor
    poolmonitor Posts: 8 Member
    Ya the knee problem could be do to basketball but ya this is all great advice. Ill definitely check out those ghost shoes and check out a running store. Didn't really know about the shoe mileage thing. I just used them until the wheels fall off lol. Thanks again
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    You should change shoes roughly every 500 miles which at 25 miles a week is about 5-6 months so that is more than likely the problem if issues have just started to arise and werenta problem to begin with
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    yep what everyone says...changing the shoes...500 is a rough estimate..if your heavier you may need to change much more frequently..

    Id be careful switching to a more cushioning shoe..that may introduce more injuries...may have to run a little bit less to adjust.
  • ChriJMitch
    ChriJMitch Posts: 70 Member
    You have too many miles on your shoes. They are probably just bottomed out.

    I switched from Nike Free to the RealFlex from Reebok. HUGE DIFFERENCE.

    Free had no lateral foot movement available, which felt awkward and forced me to run flat-footed and caused shin splints. RealFlex felt a lot more natural and helped develop the muscles and tendons in my feet and ankles better, helping me avoid injuries. Now on my 3rd pair and will never go back. I would give them a test drive in the store and see how they feel for you.