Deadlift paranoia

The last time I dead lifted I could tell my form wasn't great and I actually ended up hurting my knees a little bit, my weight on the dead lift was also going really well from starting out at 30kg to getting to 85kg in like 2 months but it all seems to have gone backwards now.

I had a week off a while ago and felt like I really struggling at 70kg and then my form gave out and now, well I'm paranoid about doing them. I know I should get my *kitten* to the gym today and just start light and go from there but I feel totally out of form mentally and physically.

I was doing my split routine like 4 times a week which I have thought about and I think it was too much so I'm considering doing it just twice whilst I've started a C210k programme too.

How do others get over these stumbling blocks? Just throw yourself back in? Get a little PT session to refresh your form ??


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have hit stumbling blocks...on my DL and all my lifts, some due to form others due to injury.

    When my form is the issue, I deload work on my form and start going back up.

    Form has to be 2nd nature...and when the weights get heavier and heavier if it's not then we revert back...

    I use this time to really get the form ingrained...for example my squat form atm is being worked on due to injury I am finding it refreshing and fun to realize that getting the form correct helps me get the weight on the bar up.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    I have hit stumbling blocks...on my DL and all my lifts, some due to form others due to injury.

    When my form is the issue, I deload work on my form and start going back up.

    Form has to be 2nd nature...and when the weights get heavier and heavier if it's not then we revert back...

    I use this time to really get the form ingrained...for example my squat form atm is being worked on due to injury I am finding it refreshing and fun to realize that getting the form correct helps me get the weight on the bar up.

    ^^^ this... drop the weight back down and work your form til its instinct. work it repeatedly, and when you are sick of doing it, do it some more.
  • jobegone
    jobegone Posts: 91
    Thanks for the advice !

    Well Jodie is back in the game :)

    Looked at loads of videos, read loads of advice and went and put it all back into practice today. Realised I was lowering my hips too much and leaning too far forward so I was pulling with my back (feeling it round ) so I levelled my shoulders with the bar and raised my hips and could instantly feel the movement better as soon as I started to move. Stayed relatively light but feeling much much more positive now !!!!
  • muhonu
    muhonu Posts: 11
    Start with a low weight and slowly work your way up. Form is very important.
    Alot of people don't do deadlifts due to the fear of injury, but you should do them. If your form is perfect you shouldn't worry
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    without video recapping, or a competent trainer, deadlifts are pretty hard to master... you dont know what proper form feels like without cues as to when your failing. Looking in a mirror is a death trap and doesnt provide a lot of feedback. I feel like this is true of almost all complex compound lifts.

    no matter how many pages you read, or videos you watch, that still doesnt equate to confident proprioception.

    Proprioception, from Latin proprius, meaning "one's own", "individual" and perception, is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement.

    I love barbell lifts, but, I see so many injuries and so much bad form that I dislike the "get back in the ring" attitude.

    Most/many people dont feel their back rounding until its extreme. Many pull with the back rather than the legs. I see people who just assume their form is solid but theyre are doing many things wrong. If you asked them how to do the lift they could describe it properly, but, even after having performed it for over a year, their form sucked. Why? They never looked at their form and analyzed if anything was at fault.

    suggestion... record all your work sets! my form has improved a lot since I began using video.. It keeps my ego in check. I often review the video between sets and ill terminate a workout if I see a sloppy rep.In the same vein, I push for PRs when things feel right and look solid.

    Am I the only one who does this at my gym? I think so. Has my form improved? Yes. Am I pulling bigger numbers because of it? Absolutely. Have I read more about deadlifting than 99% of the people here? Yes. Did my form need work? Absolutely.

    Barely anyone has perfect from. Its pretty damn rare.
  • vtchica23
    vtchica23 Posts: 6 Member
    Every time I feel like my form is getting sloppy or if mentally I'm just not there I schedule another session with my trainer. She is great at getting past any mental blocks I have and its always good to have someone watch your form and remind you of things you may have forgotten. Totally worth the money.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have hit stumbling blocks...on my DL and all my lifts, some due to form others due to injury.

    When my form is the issue, I deload work on my form and start going back up.

    Form has to be 2nd nature...and when the weights get heavier and heavier if it's not then we revert back...

    I use this time to really get the form ingrained...for example my squat form atm is being worked on due to injury I am finding it refreshing and fun to realize that getting the form correct helps me get the weight on the bar up.

    ^^^ this... drop the weight back down and work your form til its instinct. work it repeatedly, and when you are sick of doing it, do it some more.

    yup- you are never to advanced to just do bar work. People think it's weird- but I do bar work- I saw a guy who squats 300+ regularly and he starts with the bar as well. It's totally normal.

    Get some help if you can- video yourself or get someone to watch a trainer- anything- eyes on- even your own is really going to go a long way for you.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member

    *caution, he swears lol

    I agree with above posters :flowerforyou:
  • jobegone
    jobegone Posts: 91
    I am thinking about booking a little refresher session in with the PT just to make sure I'm on the right track. I did get him to check form a few weeks after I started and he said I was technically good, I think when my grip started going abit I started overcompensating just to get the bar lifted and my form went to pot.

    Staying low with weights now until I'm 100% happy my form is right, think also I wasn't seeing the bigger picture before and trying to up the weight too quick but definitely felt alot more confident and positive today and felt it in all the right places.