Taking it up a notch in 2011!

ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Some of you may already know my story. If not, it's much like a lot of people's stories here on MFP. I've been on my weight loss journey for about 3 years now. I made the decision to get fit & healthy when I turned 30 because I was determined that I wasn't going to go another year feeling bad for myself, having low self esteem, making excuses.

So, I started working out, eating right and what do you know! The weight started dropping off! No fad diets, no gimics; it took a lot of hard work and focus but I did it and I'm not done yet! Nope!

That's why, I've decided to committ to myself that this next year is going to be my year! I am making a committment to myself to take my health & fitness to another level! I have so many women I look up to for inspiration, some friends, some famous and I know that everyone is different, but not all of them were handed the "skinny" spoon when they were born either; they too had to work for it. Which makes me think, why can't I do that too? I can and I will!

Anyone can! So, I invite anyone who wants to step up the new year and committ to yourself. Committ to getting healthy and fit, no matter where you're at in your own journey. Let's keep each other on track and focused this year! Make 2011 YOUR year!

If we're not already friends here on MFP, please add me! :smile:



  • So motivational and encouraging!
  • Yes Madame!!!! :happy: I will take it to the next level in 2011! :bigsmile:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, good Monday morning after Christmas! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends! I don't know about you, but I'm not waiting until Monday, Jan 3rd to start; my new year starts now! I am so determined to make this the year that I bring my fitness to a whole new level and I will do it! But, I need some motivating and supporting pals to help me out and I promise, I'll return the favor! :wink:

    So, today I plan on getting in my Turbo Fire 45 and some Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight! I have 7 weeks left of my TF/CE hybrid and I plan to finish it with a bang!

    Let's make this year OUR year! Bring it on 2011, bring it on! :drinker:

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Just me checking in again! Burned 823 calories this morning with Turbo Fire and Brazil Butt Lift and my butt is still quivering! lol

    Make it a great day!

  • Hey Deb! You are truly an inspiration, I love how determined you are! I was wondering what is the brazilian butt lift? I really need to tone my tush, lol.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Guess who? My day started off on a rocky start, I got up early to get my workout done and the xbox wouldn't read the disc! Grrrrrr!!!! I tried over and over again but finally had to have my son hook up the regular DVD player. Needless to say, I got in a great workout and this is the month where I add in the Lean Circuits to my hybrid and it feels soooo good to lift heavy again! I miss it!

    I also made an awesome healthy banana bread! Who said healthy can't taste good?!!! I used whole wheat flour, splenda and apple sauce and added in some dark choc chips too! It turned out so good!

    Hope everyone is staying focused on their goals and ready to bring it in the new year! Have a great day and make it healthy!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Alright, today was Fire 60 for me and boy did I bring it!!!! Sweat was dripping!!! Love it!

    So, what? No one else is up for the 2011 challenge to push your health & fitness to the next level? Where is everyone! Come on in! I don't bite!

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I started a round of a P90X/Turbo Fire hybrid this week. My story is similar to yours...I've been on my journey for almost 2 years and it's incredible what I've learned during that time. Let's crush 2011!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    I hope everyone had a safe and fun New Year's! I just stayed home but that's ok, felt good knowing that I wasn't waking up with a horrible hang over! lol

    I got in a great workout today and it felt awesome!!! Who's ready to rock it this year? Are you ready for a rockin body? More energy? More focus? Whatever it is, you can do it! We'll do it together!

    I wish you all a happy, health and successful 2011!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, I'm off to a great start for the new year! I woke up this morning and drank my 16oz of cold water first thing! Got in a killer workout! I did Fire 60 and Brazil Butt Lift High & Tight! Burned a whopping 801 calories!!! Woo hoo!!!!

    I am so ready to make a dramatic change this year in every aspect of my life! It sure is quiet around here. Doesn't anyone else have some goals they'd like to accomplish! Share! I'd love to hear your dreams and aspirations! Don't be shy!

    Have a great day all and I'll see ya in the a.m.!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    My arms are like jello this morning! I did Lean Circuit 1 and Abs 10 and man oh man did I bring it! Feels good to know that I worked hard!!!

    Now, just refueling my body with my yummy Shakeology!!!! And tonight, I have yet another killer workout! Fit club and we'll be doing Cardio X from P90X! I can't wait!

    Make it a great, healthy day today and get moving!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Great workout this morning! Fire 60!!! Whew! Always gets the heart racing!

    How is everyone out there in MFP land?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well another great workout done for the day! Lean Circuit 2 and Abs 10! Whew! Feels great to feel that burn! My abs are sore and that's a good thing! I'm really going to focus this year on my clean eating because I know that 6 pack is under there!

    I might do HIIT 20 tonight too for some extra cardio!

    Make today a great day everyone and make it healthy and productive!

  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    i'm with you. i have 20 more lbs to go before i make my goal. let's do this!
  • Let's go all out for 2011
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi guys! Thanks for posting! I was beginning to think I was the only one out there who was determined to bring it this year! lol

    I look forward to hearing about your progress this year! I ultimately have about 10, maybe 15 more lbs to lose and to tone more.

    Today, was an amazing, kick butt workout! I just burned through 835 calories in 60 minutes of Turbo Fire!!! I love this program!

    What is everyone doing for exercise?

  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    what is turbo fire? is it something you are doing at the gym or a video? i am currently doing Jillian Michels 30 day shred. I'm kinda challenging myself to do it and stick with it
  • islandgirljane
    islandgirljane Posts: 15 Member
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, yet another killer workout today! I had Chalean Extreme Lean Circuit 2 and Core 20 from Turbo Fire. I have one more week left of the lean circuits and then it's back to the HIIT workouts! Yeah baby!

    I also got my BodyMedia today and can't wait to try it tomorrow!

    bfingmom: I sent you a message about Turbo Fire with a little video clip. But, yes, it's something you do at home and boy does it work!

    islandgirljane: Welcome! You ready to rock 2011?!

    Have a wonderful evening all! See you in the a.m.!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm still here, don't you worry! I've had a few set backs this week. I've had 2 teeth extracted in less than a week! Ouch!!!! So, needless to say, my workouts have been modified a bit. But, this is it! Next week, I'm bringing it hard! It's my last week of the lean circuits and then it's on to the HIIT workouts baby!!! I can't wait!

    Plus, I've got my new BodyMedia on and it's motivating me more than ever to keep moving! And to pay attention to every little morsel that goes into my mouth! I mean, I paid attention before but for some reason, now that I know, it's constently monitoring my every move, I'm more concious of it!

    How is everyone doing out there in MFP Land?!!! Moving? I hope so! Go get those results! Have a great weekend!

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