I need to get rid of my love handles!

Hello! I really need help with my love handles, which is my problem area. I put most of my weight on there, and even at my thinnest had a hard time with that area.
I do the elliptical and cycling bike for cardio and I've heard that that is supposed to help as well.
I have full access to the gym and any advice would be appreciate it.
Thank you!


  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Continue to lose the body fat and look into resistance/strength training programs to include into your workout routine.
  • anuza78
    anuza78 Posts: 2
    I have the same problem.. Im doing lots of weight resistance training along with 45 minutes of cardio.. Try seated oblique twist with medicine ball with feet above the floor...side crunches with kettlebell or dumbell on both sides and there are lots other oblique exercises that you can ask your PT at the gym but, cardio is the key!! I guess we need to loose overall body fat to loose the stubborn love handles... Let me know how you are doing.. We can help each other to get rid of this ugly love handles...
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Hello! I really need help with my love handles, which is my problem area. I put most of my weight on there, and even at my thinnest had a hard time with that area.
    I do the elliptical and cycling bike for cardio and I've heard that that is supposed to help as well.
    I have full access to the gym and any advice would be appreciate it.
    Thank you!

    There is no exercise that will "target" a specific area of fat. It's simply general all around fat loss that will eventually remove them and probably indicates you haven't reached that point in your loss yet to remove them.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have the same problem.. Im doing lots of weight resistance training along with 45 minutes of cardio.. Try seated oblique twist with medicine ball with feet above the floor...side crunches with kettlebell or dumbell on both sides and there are lots other oblique exercises that you can ask your PT at the gym but, cardio is the key!! I guess we need to loose overall body fat to loose the stubborn love handles... Let me know how you are doing.. We can help each other to get rid of this ugly love handles...

    You can do all the oblique exercises you want, but if your body has fat on other parts that it wants to use for fuel.......it will. You can't sport reduce.

    Cardio is not the key, nutrition (caloric deficit) is the key.

    Diet (moderate caloric deficit) + Work (cardio AND compound strength training) + patience = results.

    You can get there with 1&3, but would most likely be happier with your results if you incorporate all 3. One thing you'll notice on this site, many with nice midsections do little to no isolated ab work.

  • shulula
    shulula Posts: 12 Member
    I read on here that a weighted hula hoop can help. I've only been doing it for a week or so so haven't noticed any changes but it definitely hurts at first. I have massive bruises to prove it!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You can't spot reduce. However, lifting heavy weights at the gym can make you lose inches and get firmer all over, including your trouble zones. Good luck.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    continue eating at a deficit, start strength training and…maybe buy less tight pants??
  • mynameisnotemily
    mynameisnotemily Posts: 42 Member
    Wear different pants. Seriously, it makes a big difference. Check out different waistlines and fits.
  • dnmoehring
    dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
    I have the same problem.. Im doing lots of weight resistance training along with 45 minutes of cardio.. Try seated oblique twist with medicine ball with feet above the floor...side crunches with kettlebell or dumbell on both sides and there are lots other oblique exercises that you can ask your PT at the gym but, cardio is the key!! I guess we need to loose overall body fat to loose the stubborn love handles... Let me know how you are doing.. We can help each other to get rid of this ugly love handles...

    You can do all the oblique exercises you want, but if your body has fat on other parts that it wants to use for fuel.......it will. You can't sport reduce.

    Cardio is not the key, nutrition (caloric deficit) is the key.

    Diet (moderate caloric deficit) + Work (cardio AND compound strength training) + patience = results.

    You can get there with 1&3, but would most likely be happier with your results if you incorporate all 3. One thing you'll notice on this site, many with nice midsections do little to no isolated ab work.


    Thanks. Until a recent move I was following a great meal plan and doing meal prep, cardio + TRX/Crossfit, and was at it (weightloss and generally trying to be healthier) for about three years. Still couldn't tackle the love handles. Maybe it's just one of those things I'll have forever.

    To the people who suggested new pants: I don't have a muffin top, lol. I just am a little curvier than I would prefer. But Oh well!

    Thanks to everyone, and sorry for the suuupperr late response. I don't have access to forums on my phone.
  • xxshelbyxx0818
    I have the same problem.. Im doing lots of weight resistance training along with 45 minutes of cardio.. Try seated oblique twist with medicine ball with feet above the floor...side crunches with kettlebell or dumbell on both sides and there are lots other oblique exercises that you can ask your PT at the gym but, cardio is the key!! I guess we need to loose overall body fat to loose the stubborn love handles... Let me know how you are doing.. We can help each other to get rid of this ugly love handles...

    You can do all the oblique exercises you want, but if your body has fat on other parts that it wants to use for fuel.......it will. You can't sport reduce.

    Cardio is not the key, nutrition (caloric deficit) is the key.

    Diet (moderate caloric deficit) + Work (cardio AND compound strength training) + patience = results.

    You can get there with 1&3, but would most likely be happier with your results if you incorporate all 3. One thing you'll notice on this site, many with nice midsections do little to no isolated ab work.


    Are there any at home cardio work outs I can do without much equipment? I have a ymca membership but can't find time to use it yet cuz of my toddler, but I want to eventually. I still need to build up stamina as I'm not used to working out cuz I've only been in two weeks. I'm 23 and weight 130 and am a healthy BMI and weight but have fupa, handles and some thigh cellulite. I think I've been doing good incorporating different work out types into my day but cardio has been my hardest because of my stamina. Originally my plan was to just do my ten minute trainer DVD but I haven't been able to complete the cardio one the full 10 mins yet. I have kettle ball, jump rope, 2 lb hand weights, yoga stuff cuz I've been doing a lot of that, and those 10 min trainer dvds. I know you can't target one area which is why I'm doing different stuff, and also cuz i know i only need or want to lose 5 lbs, but I need to get fit and in shape so my stuff don't jiggle. But what are examples of at home strength training and at home cardio you can give plz? Thanks a lot.