Just Introducing Myself, I am new to MFP

Hi everyone. My name is Melissa. I just joined MFP because I have decided to take back my health. As an adult I have always fluctuated with my weight, however after the birth of my youngest child almost 11 years ago, I began to gain quite a bit of weight. I am 5'8 and my highest weight was in 2008 when I weighed 265 pounds. I have a large build and thankfully my weight distributes pretty evenly so even though I weighed that much, other people didn't realize just how heavy I was. I went through a Divorce and lost 76 pounds simply from stress. I managed to keep the weight off until October of 2012 when I began to heave health problems. I was diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety and then also Fibromyalgia. As a result of being in chronic pain and having chronic fatigue as well as being on certain medications, I have gained back quite a bit of my weight. I will be turning 40 in a year and 3 days and it is my goal to be healthy and fit by my 40th Birthday. I have remarried and my gorgeous hubby has the health and body of a 19 year old....which adds to my motivation.
I am looking for others who are in need of encouragement and accountability so that we can keep each other on track. I have a lot of weight to lose. So this is not going to be a quick process for me. If you want to help me and would also like encouragement and an accountable partner, please add me or respond to this post. I love this app and I am so excited about this. One thing I learned already is this: I have been feeling like my metabolism just "shut down" and as I have begin to track my food I see why. I do not consume enough calories a day and so my body has entered starvation mode, this is something my hubby has been telling me for months, lol. I can't wrap my brain around how eating more will help me lose weight but I am going to try it. Have a blessed day and good luck with your weight loss efforts! <3 Melissa :heart:


  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    hi Melissa! Welcome!
  • Melissaanne417
    Melissaanne417 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. Thank you. I look forward to doing this and meeting some great friends in the process. :smile:
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Fuel your body. :) It doesn't seem to make sense, but its about building a stronger healthier you - not just a smaller one.
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I am here daily and try my best to motivate all my friends.
  • amberrenee813
    amberrenee813 Posts: 395 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. Love the accountability!
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome, Melissa! Thanks for introducing yourself and sharing your story here. I hope you find lots of support here. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me for support! Also, what is the address of your blog? I'd love to check it out. Have a great day!
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    You can do this!!! Just be positive and do it!!
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Melissa. I just joined MFP because I have decided to take back my health.

    Hi Melissa! I'm here for that same reason. This seems to be a really active forum and I'm sure we both will get some great support here. :)
    You sound like you've had a real battle - don't forget to give yourself credit for the fact that you've made it this far!
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Melissa, and welcome to MFP. Your DH is right!! Not eating enough can result in weight gain. I experienced that myself while on WW about 3 years ago. I was afraid to eat my daily points of 36 (even though that's what you're supposed to do :ohwell:). Anyway, when I ate below my points, I gained weight. When I ate at or very close to the 36, I would lose anywhere from 2 to 3.6 lbs per week. Weight was dropping off and with exercise, I lost about 46lbs.

    I wish I could do that again, but I can't seem to figure out how to convert points to calories (there's conflicting information on the calculation), so I'm here for another go-round, again, after gaining back every pound, plus 4. Now at 51 yrs and going through menopause and feel as if my body is fighting me with every step. It's never been more difficult, but I'm determined to reach my goal of a 90 lbs loss.

    I sent you a friend invite and hope that we can motivate and encourage each other. :smile:
  • jody6
    jody6 Posts: 4
    Hello! Count me in, too! I am also a new MFP gal. I am also tired of my size! Good luck to both of us!!
  • dawnfto
    dawnfto Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Melissa. Welcome to a healthier you! I am on every day and have an open diary, if you would like some motivation and support please feel free to add me.
  • dmafit
    dmafit Posts: 4
    Am looking for new friends myself to keep motivated. I love your post, thanks for being so honest. Your hubby is right more food will probably kick start your metabolism.
  • Ysmir
    Ysmir Posts: 828 Member
    its about building a stronger healthier you - not just a smaller one.
    ^ exactly this. Learning how to optimally fuel your body. Feel free to add me as well :)
  • juekes
    juekes Posts: 12 Member
    Hi and welcome Melissa, feel free to add me as a friend, I'm on here everyday! Remember we're not here because we hate our bodies, we're here because we love them!
  • Melissaanne417
    Melissaanne417 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. Thank you. I am excited to be here.
  • Melissaanne417
    Melissaanne417 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Melissa, and welcome to MFP. Your DH is right!! Not eating enough can result in weight gain. I experienced that myself while on WW about 3 years ago. I was afraid to eat my daily points of 36 (even though that's what you're supposed to do :ohwell:). Anyway, when I ate below my points, I gained weight. When I ate at or very close to the 36, I would lose anywhere from 2 to 3.6 lbs per week. Weight was dropping off and with exercise, I lost about 46lbs.

    I wish I could do that again, but I can't seem to figure out how to convert points to calories (there's conflicting information on the calculation), so I'm here for another go-round, again, after gaining back every pound, plus 4. Now at 51 yrs and going through menopause and feel as if my body is fighting me with every step. It's never been more difficult, but I'm determined to reach my goal of a 90 lbs loss.

    I sent you a friend invite and hope that we can motivate and encourage each other. :smile:
  • Melissaanne417
    Melissaanne417 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Melissa, and welcome to MFP. Your DH is right!! Not eating enough can result in weight gain. I experienced that myself while on WW about 3 years ago. I was afraid to eat my daily points of 36 (even though that's what you're supposed to do ohwell). Anyway, when I ate below my points, I gained weight. When I ate at or very close to the 36, I would lose anywhere from 2 to 3.6 lbs per week. Weight was dropping off and with exercise, I lost about 46lbs.

    I wish I could do that again, but I can't seem to figure out how to convert points to calories (there's conflicting information on the calculation), so I'm here for another go-round, again, after gaining back every pound, plus 4. Now at 51 yrs and going through menopause and feel as if my body is fighting me with every step. It's never been more difficult, but I'm determined to reach my goal of a 90 lbs loss.

    I sent you a friend invite and hope that we can motivate and encourage each other. smile

    Thank you so much for that information!. I have just got to get my mind to accept that eating more is going to kick start my metabolism. I would love to help you stay motivated and encouraged . We can do this!! I believe having a support system is key. :)
  • attybell
    attybell Posts: 81 Member
    welcome aboard, this place is great !! and full of information !! feel free to add me, I just got back on track and im addicted to this site
  • Hi! Good job Melissa! keep up the good work. I am also new to this site so if you or anyone else wants to add me feel free to do so.