Baby Blues Weightloss Program

Hi all! I am new...obviously....and I'm working my butt trying to lose the last 13 pounds of baby weight, and then some more after that. I am super excited about losing weight, and feeling good about myself. So anyway, I guess that's it! TTYL!



  • BossyGirl
    BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome. I had a baby 5 weeks ago, and I have 30 lbs to lose!! I gained waaaay to much, now I gotta take it off so I can fit back into my clothes! Congrats on your baby!
  • jeannewafa
    My little guy is 5 months old and I got on here to get myself back into WORKS if you stick with it! :) I'm trying to shape up my body to get it back into pre-baby shape and lose a few lbs as well so I'm trucking through the process along with you! Good luck!