Feeling hungry headed into dinner...

Hey guys,

I think that I have had a pretty good day food wise but my stomach is CHURNING as I wait to leave the office. I am trying to satiate it with water right now but I still have about an hour to go before dinner. Can you look at my food diary and make some recommendations?




  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I see you have some good snacks in there but the calorie count of your lunch at 370-something seems low for your overall daily total. I eat around 1,300-1,400 cal daily and I don't really snack post-lunch, but I notice that afternoons are ROUGH for me if my lunch is less than 400-450 cal. Anything under 400 and I'm "hangry" by 5:30 if I can't eat right away. Just an idea. I am sure others will have much better (and more knowledgeable) input!!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    More protein and more fiber. That will help keep you full longer.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    By dinner time I've already consumed 1200/1600 calories. Maybe try adding more calories in the morning or have a later snack. Protein from my understanding also makes you more full. Try having more protein earlier in the day.
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    More protein and more fiber. That will help keep you full longer.

    That's what the salad is for LOL! Plus I usually have supplementary fiber in the morning. What are some good sources for fiber (if you are a guy who is just starting to like vegetables.)
  • Lcruz2014
    Lcruz2014 Posts: 20 Member
    looking bro, when i get hungry between meal i grab some raw trail mix or a quest bar, apple or pear with almond butter or some honey along with water and take small bites , sometimes i think its more mental and you just need something to chew on , make sure you mix it up i tend to get bored with same thing very quickly i like to stick with whole foods
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    Maybe I could try eating my tuna on a WASA bread?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    More protein and more fiber. That will help keep you full longer.

    That's what the salad is for LOL! Plus I usually have supplementary fiber in the morning. What are some good sources for fiber (if you are a guy who is just starting to like vegetables.)

    Take a look at my diary. But they do have double the fiber bread - fiber one brownies, all sorts of things you can have to add.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    An apple is a good source of fiber. It usually takes the edge off of my hunger if I only have an hour or so until dinner and am trying to wait it out.
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I like to eat oatmeal in the morning with flax and chia seeds. It keep me feeling full longer.
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you all for the tips. In the morning I have been PLANNING to drink a protein shake with frozen berries, chia, etc.... I just haven't been able to wake myself up early enough to make it so I grab a granola bar and a Greek yogurt and run out the door.
  • adam_willard12
    adam_willard12 Posts: 12 Member
    Need some more protein and healthy fats in your diet (keeps you full longer)

    Chicken breast
    Lean beef
    Turkey breast
    Greek Yogurt
    Whey Protein Powder

    Healthy Fats:
    Peanut or Almond Butter
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Thank you all for the tips. In the morning I have been PLANNING to drink a protein shake with frozen berries, chia, etc.... I just haven't been able to wake myself up early enough to make it so I grab a granola bar and a Greek yogurt and run out the door.

    Make it the night before?
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    I track my fiber and try to get as much in as possible without a supplement - not that I am against it, just how I do it.

    Beans - red beans are my fav
    Nature's Own 15-grain bread is another fav. 4g of fiber and makes a great peanut butter toast.

    BTW - you are doing awesome! Carry on :drinker:
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you all for the tips. In the morning I have been PLANNING to drink a protein shake with frozen berries, chia, etc.... I just haven't been able to wake myself up early enough to make it so I grab a granola bar and a Greek yogurt and run out the door.

    Make it the night before?

    Does it keep well?
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    I have my diary laid out how/when I actually eat -

    Early Morning
    Late Morning
    Early Afternoon
    Late Afternoon
    Late Snack

    Maybe try customizing your titles so you can more easily visualize the food by the time of day and then also this will make you remember to eat something small throughout the day to keep that stomach happy. If you find yourself hungry a certain time of day you can change your titling around to make it a small meal time.

    Something like Skinny Pop is a good, filling snack for me when I'm hungry and it is satisfying in that it is crunchy and the visual volume per serving is large so it pleases the eyes that are thinking 'hunger' also. I don't feel bad about the fat because the fiber is good. Cottage cheese always sits like a brick in the stomach, too. That and a slice of lowfat cheese here and there are the only dairy I eat (no yogurt). BTW I get Skinny Pop at Costco - way cheaper.

    Also, re: your morning when you are in a hurry, try a Muscle Milk Light instead of the yogurt here and there - it's easy to drink and very filling. Gives you bad breath but you can brush your teeth when you get to work. One of those little suckers gets me through an entire morning with toddlers and an intense workout.

    Good luck talking your tummy off the cliff while you wait for dinner - don't jam a treat!! Be strong!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Thank you all for the tips. In the morning I have been PLANNING to drink a protein shake with frozen berries, chia, etc.... I just haven't been able to wake myself up early enough to make it so I grab a granola bar and a Greek yogurt and run out the door.

    Make it the night before?

    Does it keep well?
    Mine has.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I always pack a snack or two in my lunch bag for mid morning and late afternoon. I don't always eat them, but I like having them available (also helps to keep my hands out of the candy jar at work). Some of my favs are celery and peanut butter, carrots sticks, red bell pepper sticks, raw asparagus spears and/or sugar snap peas and hummus, piece of fruit (apple, peach, nectarine, grapes, etc) and string cheese or nuts, a banana oatmeal bar (home made), a banana and some granola, 1/2 cup to a cup of soup, beans, or lentils (whatever I have precooked at home), a few ounces of turkey on some cucumber slices, dried fruit and pepita or sunflower seeds, and sometimes just a simple glass of milk, but I lean more towards chewy things.
  • dpr73
    dpr73 Posts: 495 Member
    I eat greek yogurt (a cup) and some extra protein granola with it and a banana in the morning. Then, I will have a midmorning snack that consists of something high fiber. Then lunch is always something with a good amount of fiber (like a sandwich on whole wheat) and two 100 calorie sides (usually an apple and protein bar, for example) and then I have a snack in between dinner and lunch that is almost ALWAYS a yogurt (really high in protein and I actually feel full right into dinner). I suggest that you spread out your calories throughout the day and eat a lot of protein and fiber...having a snack in between all of my meals (including a snack after my dinner) keeps me from getting too hungry at any one point in the day. I am on maintenance right now, but you could easily incorporate this plan into your regimen with just fine tuning it to fit your calorie intake. Good Luck!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I think you've got some great advice. You could also hang in there if you're getting hungry and will be eating in just an hour
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    it looks like you have like 600 calories left ..why not have some cheese or some protein powder..one scoop is like 95 cals and will help make you feel fuller...