Wisdom Teeth/Oral surgery & Exercise.

Hi.. Have any of you had wisdom teeth out? Maybe any kind of oral surgery? I had a sudden pain yesterday and bt lunch time today I had one of my wisdom tooth out! Supposedly it's been quite serious for some time and I had ignored it.

I like to work out daily.. Gym/intense workout and walking.
I feel horrible today and expect to feel like this tomorrow... Also I'm catching a flight to Malta at 6am.

Dentist said NO EXERCISE... How soon is it ok to try?
I might go stir crazy. What classifies as no exercise? Can I still walk around Malta or is it best rest? Know I should've got more advice from dentist but I was so out of it I'm shocked I made it home.

Of course I will listen to my body.. But... Wouldn't mind knowing other peoples experiences.

Also- how to get calories?? There is no way I can eat I tried so hard today and managed about 700 cals. (Mostly all pre surgery- said nothing hot)

Hope someone out there has any experience or advice- feeling a bit lost!



  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I just had a root canal, but for the entire week that my tooth was killing me, I was on painkillers. They hurt my stomach and I wasn't able to eat much. I recommend calling the dental office and asking when it is okay to exercise. Until then, rest and adjust your calories (probably wont be a problem). Chia seeds added to water go down easy and add quite a bit of fiber as well as calories and some protein. Juices and smoothies can also add calories. Otherwise, eat what you can.
  • brieskie
    brieskie Posts: 33
    Uuurgghhh a whole week?
    Tooth pain is the worst! It completely knocks you out I've never had anything like it. Great tip with the chia seeds, I will definitely get some. Thanks :)
  • AmandaKnox
    AmandaKnox Posts: 18 Member
    I actually just went through this in the last month.

    Personally, between the healing pain & painkillers, I didnt feel like doing much for a few days. I had mine out on a Thursday and I stayed out of the gym until Tuesday. Tuesday I just walked on the treadmill and Wednesday I used the elliptical. I started back strength training on Thursday, just nothing high-impact that would jar my jaw or make me want to clench my teeth (like i do sometimes when I lift).

    As far as caloric intake, honestly I didnt stress about it too much. I ate when i was hungry, but sticking to softer foods I found it difficult to meet my calorie goal and I wasnt able to eat anything crunchy (like fresh veggies) or chew pieces of chicken.It was about 10 days before I felt like i could eat normally again. I did some protein shakes and that helped (just DONT use a straw).

    Hope you feel better soon!!
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I didnt even take the painkillers when I had mine out and wasnt limited about physical activity.
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    I had a tooth removed and the dentist said until it stopped hurting. Basically, walking fine, biking fine, anything that's going to set your heart rate soaring not so good because it slows down healing.
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I had mine out a couple years ago and started running about 3 or 4 days after the surgery. I would get to a point where they would start to throb, and I'd slow down. Just listen to your body.
  • brieskie
    brieskie Posts: 33
    Ahh you're all making me feel a lot better! The way I'm feeling now I thought it might be weeks (I'm a bit of a wimp so feel like it's the end of the world.)
    Will try my luck tomorrow. Thanks so much!
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    I had mine out in high school. They did all four at once, and they were so impacted the dentist had to cut them to pieces so they'd come out of my jaw! Even so I was back to normal in a few days. Everyone heals different though... my friend was wiped out for about 2 weeks after hers.

    -Soup is your friend. So is juice. When they say nothing hot, warm is still ok. Test it with a finger like you would for a baby.
    -Once your mouth is not numb try softer foods like softboiled eggs, oatmeal, etc. I could chew after my surgery but do NOT have ANYTHING crunchy.
    -A week off from exercise will not kill you. Don't start working out until you feel good again. If you have tons of energy then go for it.
    -Take any meds they give you, with the exception of painkillers. If they prescribe antibiotics, take the antibiotics. If they tell you to gargle salt water, gargle salt water. Follow the directions and try not to worry too much.

    Good luck! I know it's scary, but you'll be laughing about how easy it was in a few weeks. :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    IN for oral exercise.

    ...and wisdom.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I just had a root canal, but for the entire week that my tooth was killing me, I was on painkillers. They hurt my stomach and I wasn't able to eat much. I recommend calling the dental office and asking when it is okay to exercise. Until then, rest and adjust your calories (probably wont be a problem). Chia seeds added to water go down easy and add quite a bit of fiber as well as calories and some protein. Juices and smoothies can also add calories. Otherwise, eat what you can.

    Chia seeds might be a good idea, but BE CAREFUL, those little things can get caught in oral cavities/ wounds/stitches and can wreak havoc if they get lodged in a healing incision and go septic. Not fun.
  • emelia_
    emelia_ Posts: 91
    My surgeon said a week. This is partly due to the clotting that needs to happen after surgery! You don't want a dry socket so give yourself some time to recover. I wasn't 100% for at least a week and a half but it was worth waiting.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    One tip I forgot. If your stomach gets upset from being empty and taking pain killers, try apple sauce. I tried saltines, but my stomach would be growling again in no time. The apple sauce seemed to work better for me.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Did you just get it pulled or you went through actual surgical removal? The healing time is vastly different. I had my lowers removed in February and they came out in pieces. It took the full two weeks to even feel normal enough to work out. I have also had a tooth pulled and was smoking and eating like normal the next day. So if the procedure was relatively quick and simple than you should be good in a couple days! Chia seeds or any kind of small pieces can get stuck into the cavity and cause dry socket. I would steer clear of them for a while! Hope you feel better and have a great time in Malta! :)
  • Bammitssamm
    Bammitssamm Posts: 27 Member
    Here's a fun post-wisdom tooth surgery picture of me looking like a potato head when I got home hahaha
    4 teeth removed in one shot, like a champ


    That being said, I was out for about a week or so, and I actually lost motivation for exercising and it went all downhill from there.
    In retrospect, even though I couldn't exercise, I feel like I should have taken walks around town to at least keep my motivation up and not feel like a hermit (and seeing the faces on the neighbourhood children would have been very entertaining)

    Smoothies helped me a lot, I tried to mix it up and eat (er- well, drink?) different things because I find after eating the same thing day and night for several days it gets very mundane.
  • Lovelovesme
    Lovelovesme Posts: 37 Member
    I had 4 days off after my last extraction and I needed them, I was completely exhausted. Even when I swam on the 5th day my effort wasnt worth it. Id say take a week. Also you risk dislodging the blood clot when you elevate your heart rate which is why they say no exercise, it can really delay your healing.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Smoothies might add calories, but you won't feel like eating anything substantial. However, if you were given anything like Vicoden for pain meds, you MUST eat something like bread before you take them. Otherwise, you will be throwing up and feeling worse.

    Give yourself a break from the exercise. Rest so you can heal properly.

    Try using a mild fruit in your smoothies (banana or other mild fruit).
  • brieskie
    brieskie Posts: 33
    Dentist had to break up the tooth and remove it bit by bit. The roots were entangled or something. It was pretty awful took well over an hour and fainted (never had any kind of tooth issue... Low pain threshold! Although it didn't hurt at the time so maybe something else) I've had a smoothie and will keep trying different things. Will definitely go out for walks but might take a break from formal exercise. Have to eat cause of pain meds- dentist orders. Thanks for all of your advice- let's hope it's ok on the plane.