MFP Calorie Settings

Hi There,

Someone had asked the difference between MFP and TDEE and someone else directed them to this great post:

I work out 5 - 6 days a week doing typically 40 - 50 minutes of cardio (treadmill, bike and elliptical) and some very light strength training (crunches, leg lifts, plank, push-ups and squats). Outside of this daily work out I have a pretty sedentary 8 - 5 (Monday through Friday) desk job. After work my weekdays consist of watching my 3 year old and playing with her, getting dinner ready, preparing lunches for the following day and minor cleaning/straightening up (dishes, picking toys up etc.). So I changed my activity level in MFP from Sedentary to Lightly Active to account for the various chores at home in the evening because the post I referenced above stated that you to be at sedentary you pretty much do absolutely nothing all day.

So now my calorie recommendation is 1380, does this seem about right based on my activity level? I would like to lose 10 pounds by summer :).

Edit - I would consume more calories based on my calorie burn from exercise on the days I exercise, but the net would always be 1380.


  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
  • pwdoktor
    pwdoktor Posts: 4 Member
    The only way to be sure is to track your progress at that level for 1-2 weeks to see what is happening.
    Don't depend on weight as a good measure; also track waist, hips, etc.

    Your activities are similar to mine, although I do about 35 min cardio, and more weights. My weight is only slightly down, but all my measurements are better and I need smaller clothes. I found that 1380 was too high for me, but we are all different.
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    I've been up and down on calories. For awhile I was doing 1200 and I was losing (lost 8 pounds) and then I hit a plateau and started gaining again. So I came to these boards and many thought 1200 was too low so I started doing TDEE at 1550 (not deducting exercise calories) but I haven't lost. Now I'm trying this.
  • pwdoktor
    pwdoktor Posts: 4 Member
    Yup. My weight bounced all over the place using the MFP recommendations. After experimenting for about two months, I think I've found a balance that works for me. Hitting a plateau sucks, but I'm more tolerant of them and just change up my routine a bit and wait it out.

    My new 'gold standard' is that people say my old clothes are too loose, measuring everything from my neck to my calves, and my semi-reliable %body fat thingy. When I hit a long weight plateau, I was disappointed, and that is when I checked other measurements: neck, waist, chest, hips and %BF were all smaller even though my weight has actually gone up a bit. That helped keep me motivated.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hard to answer you OP without knowing your height and weight etc. 1380 NET after eating back your exercise calories could be right for you but can't say without knowing your stats. 1380 gross (meaning only eating 1380 despite your exercise) would be too low calorically.
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 136.