C25K - What are the good aps? Good Advice?

I am thinking of starting a C25K next week. Any advice on sites to use, free apps to download or just general advice? I am not a runner by any means, but I thought a new push on my way to my next milestone would be good! I appreciate all your help!


  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    I used the app from Active. I think it was free but I honestly can't remember. Stick with the program as it's set up. Don't worry if you need to repeat a week. It took me a good three tries at getting started before I stuck it out and finished. If you do any of your runs on the treadmill, you can set it up for time instead of distance. Don't worry about going fast, just worry about doing the time that the app tells you to do. I was not a runner when I started (hence the 3 tries to finish it) but do consider myself to be one now. You may grow to love running, you may not... but I don't think you will regret giving it a shot.
  • ShannonBEarley
    ShannonBEarley Posts: 94 Member
    I saw that app. I think the first two weeks are free and then you have to pay for the rest. Why do you like using this one?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I used the NHS podcast series and tracked my performance on Runkeeper.


    There is a C25K grou on here that's worth subscribing to for some advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/47-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k-
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I used c25kFREE by Zen Labs. Worked great for me.

    Advice -

    -Follow the program. It may seem slow at first, or that you could do more, but just stick to the plan - it works and the slow start helps prevent injury.
    -Get good shoes, fitted at a good running store if possible.
    -Go slow - as slowly as needed to complete each sessions run times. Speed and distance will come later, just focus on completing the time.
    -Run outside if/whenever possible. Treadmill just isn't the same, and it's great to get out there in all types of weather and enjoy it! :smile:
    -Find an upcoming 5k race in your area that's happening sometime after you'll be finished with the 5k program. It's a great motivator to have a race on the horizon, and a fun way to celebrate completing the plan. Racing is fun! This is another reason to run outside in practice - races are outside, and you never know what you'll get weather-wise on race day.
    -Have fun! Enjoy the accomplishment of completing each session, confident that you'll knock the next one out of the park as well.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    I can only think that when I downloaded it, it was free... I'm not usually one to pay for apps :laugh:

    I found it to be very user friendly and I linked it up with my music...I'm not super high tech, I'm sure most of them do that these days :smile:

    I like apps that are simple to use, and this one was. I can't speak as to how it compares to others though, it was the only one I used. I followed it up with the 5k to 10k bridge app from Active as well.. it was what I was familiar with.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I am currently using the C25K from Zen Labs for free. I just finished Week 3 day 1 yesterday on my third try. What I like about it is that you can load up your music to your phone and listen to music while you run. It makes the time go by faster.

    Make sure you are wearing proper clothing that will prevent your skin from rubbing against itself and that will wick sweat away from your skin. This will help in cooling you. Also get fitted for shoes. If your shoes don't fit right your feet will hurt a lot more and you may cause damamge to your feet. If you want to do trail running get a trail running shoe. They will have a rougher sole so you don't slip and fall while running.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I used the C25K by Bluefin apps, it's claimed to be the original one.
    I've also since played with (Need to get back to it) the Zombies! Run version which has a lot more 'freedom' to it and puts quite a bit of pacing/running times back on you with the free 'run' sessions where you can run or walk as you desire.
  • harpere87
    harpere87 Posts: 142 Member
    I also am using the one by Zen Labs, I just finished Week 6. I wasn't a runner either, but take it slow. I already walked 4+ days a week, so I skipped week 1, but so far I love the app. =D
  • ShannonBEarley
    ShannonBEarley Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you all! I downloaded both the apps that you recommended so I am going to see if I can play with them!

    Also, thank you for the advice - shoes. I will get some good ones!

    As people who have/are doing this are you really ready to run a race when you are done? I am thinking about signing up for a race for the end of my 9 weeks. Will I be ready?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    As people who have/are doing this are you really ready to run a race when you are done? I am thinking about signing up for a race for the end of my 9 weeks. Will I be ready?

    Most plans will get you to running for 30 minutes, it does depend on your speed whether that's 5Km or not. For many it still takes longer than 30 minutes to run 5K, but improvement comes quite easily once you can get to that 30 minutes or so.

    My first 5K distance was about 35 minutes.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member

    As people who have/are doing this are you really ready to run a race when you are done? I am thinking about signing up for a race for the end of my 9 weeks. Will I be ready?

    Yes- Absolutely sign up for one near the end- maybe a week or two out in case you need to repeat a week. I think I did my first 5K in 32 and change. Just a hair longer than what the program ends with.
  • ShannonBEarley
    ShannonBEarley Posts: 94 Member
    Most plans will get you to running for 30 minutes, it does depend on your speed whether that's 5Km or not. For many it still takes longer than 30 minutes to run 5K, but improvement comes quite easily once you can get to that 30 minutes or so.

    My first 5K distance was about 35 minutes.

    Yes- Absolutely sign up for one near the end- maybe a week or two out in case you need to repeat a week. I think I did my first 5K in 32 and change. Just a hair longer than what the program ends with.

    Thank you both! I was looking at a race the first weekend I would be 'done', but I will take your advice and find one a week or two further out. Since this will be all outside running for me, I might be a little late due to yucky weather!
  • Two2Love
    Two2Love Posts: 32 Member
    I just finished week one this morning and I'm starting Week 2 Day 1 on Monday. I'm using the app by Zen Labs and I also run MapMyRun concurrently to get my distance and pace. I'm very happy with both apps.

    This is my first time running and I started this pretty much from the couch, and about 90 pounds over weight. I'm not gonna lie...it was hard and I am SLOW (16.47 pace/mile). I was able to complete all the intervals in week 1 and I'm excited (and terrified) to move on to week 2. I've committed to myself to keep redoing weeks ahead until I can get through them (because if I make it through week 2 without looking back, I KNOW week 3 is going to hold me up), so for me this won't be an 8 week program, but I did go ahead and sign up for the 5K in my community in June.

    Happy to buddy up with you if you're interested. :)
  • HLSoriano
    HLSoriano Posts: 19
    I use C25K and Map My Run simultaneously! Map My Run will show you your route/distance and your mile times!
  • samg135
    samg135 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm using the Zombies, Run! c25k program and finding it really good. It is not free, but I find that the story motivates me to go and do the next run.