need advice on toning/trainer...

Okay so I have lost 36 pounds so far, I have 11.2 more pounds to go, then maybe 15 more..anyways, I go to the gym 5-7 days a week, do Zumba once a week, and am adding a new class called Mix It Up which includes weights..I am down 3 sizes to a 6 but I still look so gym has a personal trainer program I'd have to pay extra for..I am curious whether people have used trainers and have they been effective..I do have back issues at times so I am wondering if a trainer is the way to go to get this toning done..thoughts?


  • carlajp18
    carlajp18 Posts: 50 Member
    I've had great success with a personal trainer in the past. The trainer came highly recommended by one of his clients that worked in my office and both guys were in great shape. So I decided to try it and I really enjoyed it! It was expensive but I could afford it at the time, not anymore. :-(

    I would definitely make sure you pick someone who looks great, is encouraging, and a good fit for your personality. The reason I say looks great is because I think it's dumb to go to a fat trainer but that's just my opinion.

    And it doesn't matter how much you pay someone for personal training sessions, you still have to eat healthy or you are just wasting your money.

    Good luck!!!
  • twinsmomma02
    twinsmomma02 Posts: 79 Member
    I LOVE MY TRAINER!! I never used a trainer before and decided to go for it since I finally decided to invest time and money into my own health for a change. yes, it is quite expensive, but it is worth every dime. My trainer has taught me so much and has pushed me to do things I never thought I could do. I have dropped about 35 pounds and dropped 4 sizes so far, and have toned up considerably and developed muscles, but still have another 30 pounds to lose. I am signing up for another 8 training sessions this week and then think I finally will have to give her up since I can't continue with the expense. But, as I said, it is worth it if you can manage it!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    It doesn't cost anything to inquire about the cost of a session or what is included in training with them. A good trainer will be able to do an assessment and design you a program you can do on your own in just a couple of sessions if money is an issue. Also, when you are checking out your trainer, don't necessarily judge by looks. There can be any number of genetic or metabolic diseases that impair fat loss to keep the trainer "larger" then your ideal, but that doesn't mean they can't run circles around the skinny trainers in the gym. Also, remember that their goal for themselves may not be what you would have as a goal for you, so don't judge them by the workouts you see them doing in the gym. Go by their education. Ask to see their certifications, degrees, etc. If they aren't well educated, don't sign up with them. In some places, anyone who "looks good" can be a trainer. Just because they have great genetics to look good, doesn't mean they know squat about exercise or how to work around your issues. Especially since you have had back issues, interview them and ask their qualifications for working with someone with your issues. Most trainers, even certified trainers, aren't trained to work with people with injuries or other issues. They need to have taken an advanced certification or have a degree in exercise science to work with special populations to be properly prepared to keep from injuring you further. I've actually taken some of those CEC's and am currently in a degree program, so I am seeing first hand how little the average certified trainer knows about how the body works with special conditions. Please send me a PM if you have any questions about the organizations they have taken courses with or about specific certifications they have, or anything else I can help you with. :smile: