Morbidly Obese and getting nowhere fast..

So I started vigorous workouts about 3 weeks ago. I go to the gym for at least an hour a day and I already had started eating healthier months ago. I cant drop the weight and Im extremely discouraged. My boyfriend and I are both overweight. I am so far overweight that I am now classified as morbidly obese. What a horrible phrase! Any suggestions encouragement and help will be greatly apprreciated...


  • TaneeisFitforLife
    IT can be done! Hang in didn't get to be obese in 3 weeks. I'm here for you :)
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    What work outs are you doing at the gym?, where do you store your most weight? and what types of things do you eat?
  • jmorgangms
    Take one day at a time....and reach out for help when it is needed! God bless your journey :)
  • jmorgangms
    Take one day at a time....and reach out for help when it is needed! God bless your journey :)
  • deedleedee
    there is absolutely nothing to be discouraged about, girl. you're here, you're doing all of the right things and whether the scale agrees or not you are making progress - and i am so proud of you friend. :)
  • Manda1987
    I'm there too. Make sure that you take measurements: even though I didn't lose a single pound over the first 4 weeks, I lost tons of inches! Success can be measured in any number of ways. Even if you just feel better, that's a huge win.
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    Don't be so sad. It's alright.
    Sometimes it just takes a while to start losing.
    You didn't gain all the weight in one day so you can't loss it all in one either.
    Just keep at it and soon enough you'll be down at your goal weight!

  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    You are not alone. MFP is a great place to get encouragement and learn about yourself. The food and exercise journals are great tools. They have really helped me see where I was going wrong. You can do this!
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    Hang in there, keep up the good work with daily exercise! Do something you enjoy, and record it in MFP. Don't forget to list everything you eat - every little tablespoon counts and you will learn which of your old habits need to leave the premises. :happy:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I know dieting makes it all seem about eating healthier, but it's really all about calories. Are you cutting back on calories any? In order to lose a pound a week, you have to cut out 500 calories per day. So, if you were eating (let's say) 2000 calories every day before, now you need to be eating only 1500. Of course it's better to be eating healthy, but you won't get anywhere "weight-wise" if you're still eating that 2000, no matter if it's junk or not. It seems odd that you wouldn't be losing if you were cutting calories AND exercising.

    Eventually, the weight will come off though! Keep working on it! :) We're all here for you!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I have thought I was "eating healthier" and not losing weight on many occasions. Honestly, what it took for me to start recognizing change was to get on here (and similar sites) and start logging everything I ate. Even then, it took me a while to see the scale start moving and it has taken even longer for me to start feeling like I am seeing some results. I have to measure success by other things than the scale as well, because I tend to lose weight slowly... though it is nice to see the scale move downward too!

    All of that to say... you are at a place with tons of support. You CAN do this! Be honest with yourself (and I'm not saying you are not, just that it is an important part of making this lifestyle change), take baby steps, and you will get to where you want to be. :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member

    One day at a time dear. You did not give us enough information to help you. We could not look at your diary. No specifics on exercise.

    If you are eating right and exercising, the weight will eventually drop for you. The scale is not the only measure of your success. As previous posts state you did not get obese over night. The weight for some is not right away. But if you are eating right and exercising you will lose weight. Hang in there. Slow and Steady wins the race. Persevere, Patience and Positive is need on this journey. You can do it!
  • nubreeze33
    Listen you can do this! That's the ONE thing I can promise if you WANT this bad enough and are willing to count the cost, and commit to it. You are not going to have microwave just isn't healthy that way anyway. I love the process is not so fast, it helps to build character when you work super hard and get results. You can do this. Look at this big ole support system you got! sure to get a physical so you can check your thyroid, also. Be encouraged.........this site is full of encouraging stories that will inspire you. hugs
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Take a deep breath and step back- chances are you made many changes very quickly and combo'ed with not seeing the scale move, it can be understandably frustrating.

    First thing I would suggest is opening your diary- a lot of people on here have tried many kinds of diets and have a lot of experience to offer you but its not cookie cutter advice- it's pretty tailored to you and what you do.

    Second thing is I would invest a little money in a good food scale, and measuring cups. Scale doesnt have to be digital (though that is easier) it just will help you better eyeball how much you should be eating. You might find you think a chicken breast is 4 oz, but many are 6 or more. Recording your food accurately is important and even if you cant do it 100% perfect all fo the time, the majority of the time you need to be sure what you are eating.

    Third: Take it easy. Esp on working out. Many people feel like working out is the way they will lose weight the most (because it feels productive, like something you can control). But you will not run your butt off (except figuratively) all in one night. Ease up on your exercise- start small and set specific goals. Rather than run yourself ragged every workout, incorporate some easy, short workouts. And choose a type of workout you can stay interested in. Running, walking, dance, martial arts, etc.

    Fourth: Step away from the scale. You need it maybe 1x a week. If you feel the need to weigh in every day, DONT COMPARE DAY TO DAY WEIGHTS. Weight fluctuates SOOOO much, it's just pointless and discouraging. If you are going to weigh everyday, set up an excel sheet or a notebook and keep track of all your mini-weigh ins and compare your weight week to week- all your mondays to other mondays, etc.

    That's the best I can do blind. Good luck in your journey!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I am so glad that you are starting your journey in your 20s rather than in your 50s. Be very patient and enjoy yourself! To change your life style and your eating habits that you developed over your life time will not happen over night. Your in this for the long haul. But you must make it fun and not impossible. For example, if you don't like the vigorous workouts, take it down a notch. If you get burned out on one exercise, try another type of exercise. Be creative: dancing, walking with Nordic poles, bowling, WII, beginner workout DVDs that start out 10 minutes at a time. Anything to stay moving...... Educate yourself of all aspects of nutrition and diet and never stop learning. If the scales don't budge, ignore that and keep track of your measurements with a tape measurement. Try on clothes that you use to fit into to see if you can still wear them. Are they getting loose on you? The scales don't tell the whole story. Muscle weighs more than fat. Good luck on changing your life to a very healthy one! Its truly a learning process!
  • cabocobo
    Just hang in there :flowerforyou:

    If you work out, even though you don't loose weight you replace your body fat with muscles. It'll speed up your metabolism, tone up the body and help things alone later on.
  • zbstngrl
    zbstngrl Posts: 52 Member
    Please whatever you do don't stop your routine of exercise and healthy eating habits....I know it is discouraging not to see results as quick as you would like but it does take time and like others said you didn't gain weight in 3 weeks so it will take more time to lose it. Also when you weigh yourself weekly and don't see results in one week again don't get upset. Think of it like this its is normal to have plus/minus 1 or 2 lb due to water/food intake so it takes several weeks to see results 1lb a week in 5 weeks it will 5lb but its not that visible when you weigh yourself in one week so please have patience and be kind to yourself. You are doing great by DOING the right changes in your life like healthy eating habits and adding excise!

    Just a quote from Jillian Michaels that I like and it helps me to stay focus " Calories in Calories Out"

  • Fat2FitArmyWifey
    :flowerforyou: You shouldn't be so hard on yourself hun! Just keep working! Put the scale away & wait a couple of weeks! I found myself becoming OBSESSED with weigh ins that I would do it daily almost. My scale finally broke & I waited a few weeks to get another one & by that time I saw a huge difference in the numbers! You need to just enjoy life! Stop thinking about the numbers and whats not happening! Know that with just 30 minutes a day you are already doing your body wonders! You are on the right track.! You will do great!
  • gillian_gail
    This site is an amazing tool. The #1 thing I've learned about weight loss is that you need to have a support system. So refer to this site daily, and just always know that you can do this. And we're all in this together. Best of luck to you!
