Trying to get back going..

So, I started my weight loss journey Jan. 1st and around mid-March I was proud to announce I had lost 18 lbs! But my journey came to a screeching stop.

Around Feb. I began having non stop headaches, by the time mid march came around my headaches had affected my life more than I could have ever imagined. My body became so restless, all I could do was sleep. I was too tired to continue cooking home cooked meals. Just my normal life, was no longer normal to me.

Mid-March I started taking the necessary steps to find out what was wrong, but in the mean time everything I had been working towards had stopped. My first step to treatment was unsuccessful. Until about two weeks ago, I followed up with a new doctor that informed me that the arteries in my temporal region were inflamed. He diagnosed me with a rare condition for my age "tempral arteritis." I have been put on steroids for only God knows how long. I would much rather be on meds. than have to go in for the biopsy of the actually artery though. The meds have a positive and negative that come with it. The positive, I can't drink will being on them which will save me LOTS of calories. lol. The bad, these steroids cause weight gain. So, if I don't get it together I could easily end up heavier than I started.

So, here I am two weeks into my treatment. I thank God that I am returning to my normal self. I started back at the gym last night. It was not much, but a lot more than I have been doing. I am proud to say that out of the 18 lbs that I lost, 10 are still gone. I thank dieting/exercising the RIGHT way. I have never been the one to do those shakes by vii or herbalife stuff, just because I feel once you begin to eat normally again all your weight will just come right back. I feel those techniques are just a way to cheat yourself from achieving the full satisfaction of doing it yourself without having to dramatically change your diet.

I just need a little motivation here. I am so bummed I gained so much weight back. And I am scared that my treatment will eventually knock me off track again. (Of course I cannot help that) But I have just been working soooo hard, and it sucks to back track the way that I did.

My major issue here is my stomach! After having a c-section 4 years ago, my stomach never went back to normal. Any tips anyone has, would be really appreciated! Dieting tips, anything! I suffer from the well known "Kangaroo Pouch!"

Any tips, words of encouragement, etc will help! I just feel so lost now that I have been off track for a month!

Thanks in advance! :happy:


  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Wow I am so sorry to hear that you are going through that. And I don't know much about what you have or steroids and what not but I think that if you maintain and healthy diet and continue to exercise (no matter how little, it's better then none at all) then it should hopefully help you not gain weight or at least not that much. Feel free to add me if you like I am on here definitely 5 days and I try to get on during the weekends but being a single mom to 3 kids it's sometimes hard lol. Good luck with everything and I hope your health issues can get resolved sooner rather then later!
  • _MsLysh
    _MsLysh Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much! & I completely understand trying to get on when you can when you have kids! I really appreciate your words of encouragement. I am hoping that if I continue doing what I was doing (& just doing a little on the days I'm not feeling up to it) will help knock off the rest of this weight!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Sorry to hear of your problems.
    Reading your post is very positive (other than being ill, that is). Gaining weight due to illness is temporary; the very big positive thing in your post is that you are still down 10 pounds, despite being ill. That's something to remember and feel good about. You kept things in control during a very bad and discouraging time in your life.
    Now that you are starting to feel more normal, things will get better. Perhaps the steroids will slow down your weight loss but you won't be on them forever and that weight will come off later. For now, focus on getting stronger, healthier and fitter. A good diet and exercise will always work in your favor.
    Keep up the good work. Keep trying. You're doing great.
  • _MsLysh
    _MsLysh Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much! :smile:
  • reneeb816
    reneeb816 Posts: 60 Member
    Glad you're on the track to feeling better. I went through a similar slump and this might sound funny...... but what helped me jump start being healthy again was this website called I'm sure plenty of people will knock it but it's worked for me so far.

    Essentially you bet (real money BTW) that you can lose a certain amount within a certain period of time. The group I'm in was $25 to join and the bet is to lose 4% of your weight within 28 days. If you are successful, you split the pot with all of the other winners.

    I know it's not for everyone but it has worked for me so far. I don't plan on making a signifigant amount of money ($10 maybe?) but putting up my own cash has just seemed to motivate me and keep me going. :bigsmile:

    Good luck!
  • _MsLysh
    _MsLysh Posts: 12 Member
    That sounds interesting. I will def. Check it out. Thanks!