Support needed!

Ive been doing great for the past 6 months but this month has been a struggle and I had several episodes of binges therefore would anyone like to add me as a friend and we can support each other plz and thank you :)


  • Chosenbrah
    Do u have cheat days every 1-2 weeks? They are good for keeping u sane
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Do u have cheat days every 1-2 weeks? They are good for keeping u sane

    I agree!

    Somehow, I call it my beer day with my Fiance.
  • amm8589
    amm8589 Posts: 55 Member
    I stick with my MFP program faithfully most of the time. But one or two days every month, usually on a weekend, I give myself a day off. These are usually days when I have a party to attend or I have company. If I want to munch on some snacks or have a second burger, I do it. I don't scrutinize the calories. Then the next day I get right back on track. I have been maintaining my 20 pounds weight loss for the last 6 months by doing this so it has been working well for me.