Lost weight, now am I gaining because of stupid workout??

I hope you guys can help me stay motivated. I have recently lost 5 kilos (11 pounds) which is good for me because I only want to loose 7-8 kilos total. I have a few more to go now to get ready for summer... So I decided to add work out to the diet plan. So far I have been eating right, low calorie, 5:2'ing it the past 2 months... I had just reached a round number and couldn't wait to start working out and going under that round number! - SO WHY THE HELL HAVE I GAINED 2 KILOS ... In about 10 days I have gained weight... I have been working out every day for 6 days... Running and core exercises. I refuse to believe I have actually gained any muscle mass this quick? - Yes, I have been working out to loose 4-600 cal's per work out.

Now I am THIS CLOSE to just giving up my good work-out stream and just sticking to my diet (With an extra 2 kilos on top to loose) cause I really want to get down to my ideal weight before my vacation coming up next month.

What should I do?

ps. Yes, I have tried to measure myself instead and there has been no change since 2 weeks ago.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    When starting a new exercise program, the body needs extra water for repair and glycogen for energy. Totally normal. Should subside in a couple of weeks or so.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • becksxxx70
    becksxxx70 Posts: 234 Member
    ps. Yes, I have tried to measure myself instead and there has been no change since 2 weeks ago.
    So why does the number on the scale matter?
  • Really??? - Oh man... I sure hope so! Will I then start to see weight loss as well or no?
  • When starting a new exercise program, the body needs extra water for repair and glycogen for energy. Totally normal. Should subside in a couple of weeks or so.

    Really??? - Oh man... I sure hope so! Will I then start to see weight loss as well or no?
  • ps. Yes, I have tried to measure myself instead and there has been no change since 2 weeks ago.
    So why does the number on the scale matter?

    Because I have not seen any difference in 2 weeks on my measurements...and I am trying to get slimmer!! (Or at least leaner since work out is adding weight to me;)
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    Stick with it. I have always stopped my workouts because of the same reason you have and i'm cellulitey and flabby where if i had stuck with it i wouldn't be! seriously, it's water and glycogen your body is holding onto
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    You probably aren't burning as many calories as you think you are, which could mean you end up overeating. But if you're measurements are staying that's a good thing.

    Word of advice? Step off the scale. That number is not as important as you think it is. I have weighed 140lbs at a size 12 and 140lbs at a size 4 -- a huge difference in body composition, but the exact same weight.

    Is your goal to have the number on the scale go down or a slimmer, fitter body? If the latter, don't stop exercising, just stop worrying about the number on the scale.
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Stick with it don't give up, I've only lost 2lb this year, but I've dropped a dress size, which I'm very happy with, you're the only one who sees the number on the scales, but everyone sees how good you look in your clothes, keep up the good work .
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    As others have said, it's probably the exercise and you'll see a drop in a week or two. Don't start playing with something that's working because of this.

    That being said, this particular forum is for people whose GOAL is to gain weight.
  • vilasini2
    vilasini2 Posts: 10
    Don't give up, keep it up for life. If you want to achieve a steady weight then find a diet that keeps you at a certain weight, make exercise a way of life and stop worrying about numbers on a scale. Just choose to be healthy and active. Its all up to you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ps. Yes, I have tried to measure myself instead and there has been no change since 2 weeks ago.
    So why does the number on the scale matter?

    Because I have not seen any difference in 2 weeks on my measurements...and I am trying to get slimmer!! (Or at least leaner since work out is adding weight to me;)

    water weight/glycogen is not "added weight" ...
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    When you begin a new workout routine your muscles get little tears in them which fill up with water to repair the muscles. Which is normal and good. That extra water weight can make the scale go up, even if you're losing fat. Once the muscles repair themselves it'll go back down. Don't give up the exercise.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Patience. Trust the process. Weigh yourself monthly instead of daily or weekly.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Word of advice? Step off the scale. That number is not as important as you think it is. I have weighed 140lbs at a size 12 and 140lbs at a size 4 -- a huge difference in body composition, but the exact same weight.

    Is your goal to have the number on the scale go down or a slimmer, fitter body? If the latter, don't stop exercising, just stop worrying about the number on the scale.

    Thank you for this. It was very helpful and something that I have been wondering about. I've been the same weight all year but I've gone down a pants size since weight lifting and I have lost inches. People have noticed a difference too even though the number on the scale hasn't budged.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Real, lasting progress takes months, not weeks. Just do the work and be patient.
  • dpakers
    dpakers Posts: 8
    You also will hit a plateau, don't give up.
  • THANX YOU GUYS... I love the support I can find in here! I will stick to it and try to weigh myself less frequently!