Hello from Ireland :)

Hello everyone. I signed up to the site a while ago and didn't use it as well as I could have. I've filled out my profile and planned my meals in advance for today as well as my exercise. I'm ashamed to say that I have gained and gained over the last while and have quite a lot to lose. I haven't been exercising at all so to begin with my exercise is going to consist of the Leslie Sansone walk at home dvds a few times a day, just the 1 mile to begin with.

I'm also quitting smoking and I know opinion is divided about trying to tackle two things at once but for me personally I need to take total control and I'm thinking of it as 'getting healthy' rather than separate tasks of quitting and losing weight.

I would love to find some buddies/friends maybe in a similar situation but I will chat to ANYONE lol...please add me if you would like.



  • s_krapf
    s_krapf Posts: 14 Member
    Don't worry, it might be difficult at first, but you can do it! I use the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos for 90% of my workouts and LOVE them! On the other hand I don't smoke and never have so don't have experience to share there. However, a coworker of mine quit cold turkey last year and has been doing excellent, so if you are determined I am sure you can do it to! Congratulations on making a change in your life, you will do well!
  • RockChick35
    thank you :) I used the Leslie videos last year and lost 28lbs so I know that if I stick to it it will work :) Nice to meet you
  • mivitaluna
    Welcome and kind of in the same boat here. Quit (well tried too) 6 months ago. After 4 months gave in and still have the odd puff here and there. I gained a LOT of weight after quitting and became deeply depressed. Since having the odd puff here and there in the past few weeks my depression has eased and my eating out of control has lessened. Is it coincidence? Not sure but I want to stop having these "puffs". I can feel it is starting to get hold of me once again and soon the puffs will lead to a full ciggy and well...the rest is history.

    So please feel free to add as a friend, I am on the weight loss and smoke free journey as well. I am sure we can both kick the bad habits and be on the road to rockin' bods and good health!
  • RockChick35
    Hi Caz :)

    I will add you now, I gained a LOT when I quit the first time, I didn't watch my diet at all and I ate exactly as I wanted. At the time I was underweight a little so I didn't think it mattered..how wrong was I lol. This time around I don't mind if I gain a few pounds so long as I'm tracking and exercising I know it will come back off. For me the trouble happens when I just quit and delve into the chocolate lol.

    We will definitely do this!
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Welcome!!! You are now on your way to a HEALTHY and HAPPY LIFE!!! I also use the Leslie Sansone tapes and absolutely LOVE THEM!!!! I just recently started incorporating some other DVD's as well that I can use weights with, etc. Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I think we're all pretty much in the same boat as to gaining & gaining. I'm an ex-smoker (25 years ago) and feel your pain. I STILL have dreams that I'm trying to "sneak a ciggie." :smile:

    I'll send you a friend request. It really helps to have the support.

    How cold is Ireland this time of year?
  • RockChick35
    thanks Scuba and Bj :) nice to meet you both!

    Bj thankfully the last few days it hasn't been too bad, we have just had the coldest December on record, down to -18c in places, lots of ice and snow, raining today though so back to normal :)
  • DianaC13
    Welcome, I am also new to MFP and trying to get ahold of my weight. I don't smoke but I am here for support. Several of the people I work with are doing MFP and they are seeing results! Good luck and we are all here for you!!