hello on day one!

MaryMary11 Posts: 20 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
today was day #1 for me, and well...I ate too much! :D It was very helpful to see how it all added up, and now I'm going to see how I could make different choices to save extra calories for a late night snack. I think I'll have a few more carrots at lunch!

I'm constantly in the kitchen cooking for my crew (9 kids) and I find I sit and eat snacks and treats with them. I hate to have them eat alone, but I NEED TO STOP!

I look forward to the help and support on this site. Wish me luck! And if you have any tips on how to loose weight while always feeding hungry skinny kids, please let me know!!


  • Hi! It's my first day here and I ate too much, as well. Geez....it'll be better tomorrow. I ate too little in the morning and WAY too much tonight. I have to say I admire you - 9 children? I thought being the single mother of one teenage boy who eats like he's starving to death was hard to deal with. The boy is constantly in the fridge and I find myself following him to the kitchen every time. LOL! I think it's easier for me during the day because I'm at work, and I take my lunch. It's harder at night when all the food is right here - easy access, I guess.

    No worries! We can do it. :happy:
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Hi. It's day five here for me, but I've been at this diet since April. I love this site compared to the one I've been using up to now. The tools are superior and the encouragement the site subtly gives is awesome. Hang in there. You can do this!!

  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Wow Mary, 9 kids...that's amazing! If you can raise 9 children then you can definitely do this. Just take it day by day and start with small changes. This site is very helpful and the people are all so supportive. Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for any supporters on your journey!
  • MaryMary11
    MaryMary11 Posts: 20 Member
    ah..Thank you so much. It is so helpful to have others to turn to about this food stuff! I feel like there are very few people to confide in about how hard it is to "just eat less" (the usual advice I hear when my diet is brought up!) I could definitly use a few friends with this :)
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