I should be losing. I'm not. Help?

I weigh 224lbs, am 5'7", and my goal is 160lbs. I am aiming to lose 2lbs a week. I was eating 1,490 cals, moderately active in the day and exercising 3 times a week. I was losing 1lb a week, it was really hard going considering I have got over 60lbs to lose. I then severely ruptured my calf while running and have been immobile since, in an air cast and on crutches with directions to rest. Realising my activity levels dropped massively, I cut my cals to 1,200, with a little bit of leeway one day at the weekend but not more than 1,700 on that day. I gained 2lbs in first week and I'm now stuck there.

I have a lot to lose, therefore you'd think I have a high BMR. How can I gain 2lbs on 8,900 cals a week?

I am eating a relatively low GI diet, no refined sugar, limited fruit, lots of vegetables, lean protein and good fats. I am going to bed hungry but eating steadily through the day, weighing and measuring.

I do have PCOS. But if I can't lose on 1,200 cals how CAN I lose? I must lose 30lbs by 1st August as I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Food Scale
    Measure Everything
    Since your immobile that includes any blind snacking or anything you eat
    Measure everything as well on your leeway (cheat) day
    Any gains are your water weight coming back
    More Protein
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    change weekly weight loss goal to 1lb..2lbs is a bit ambitious with only 60 to lose.

    and what PP said...
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Yes, PCOS will definitely lower your maintenance level, but eating lower carb should help. Be extra careful with your weighing and measuring. We sometimes forget little things here and there that can add up.

    Try to get as much exercise as you can while you recuperate, without using your calf.

    You may also look into 5:2 Intermittent Fasting. You can create a calorie deficit on the 2 low cal days, and not have to drop your cals lower on the other 5 days. For the short term, while you are recuperating, it might work well for you.
    Best wishes.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I weigh 224lbs, am 5'7", and my goal is 160lbs. I am aiming to lose 2lbs a week. I was eating 1,490 cals, moderately active in the day and exercising 3 times a week. I was losing 1lb a week, it was really hard going considering I have got over 60lbs to lose. I then severely ruptured my calf while running and have been immobile since, in an air cast and on crutches with directions to rest. Realising my activity levels dropped massively, I cut my cals to 1,200, with a little bit of leeway one day at the weekend but not more than 1,700 on that day. I gained 2lbs in first week and I'm now stuck there.

    I have a lot to lose, therefore you'd think I have a high BMR. How can I gain 2lbs on 8,900 cals a week?

    I am eating a relatively low GI diet, no refined sugar, limited fruit, lots of vegetables, lean protein and good fats. I am going to bed hungry but eating steadily through the day, weighing and measuring.

    I do have PCOS. But if I can't lose on 1,200 cals how CAN I lose? I must lose 30lbs by 1st August as I have a bridesmaid dress to fit into.

    All these acronyms, all of these complicated diets..... you are just dressing up the same universal problem under something needlessly complicated....

    If you arent losing weight, you arent eating at a calorie deficit.
  • kpat82
    kpat82 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks to all (except eldamiano who seems to have singled me out of everyone on MFP. Another acronym? How offended you must be...) As a 5'7" living, breathing human being who weighs a lot, is eating a healthy balanced diet (not complicated at all, wholegrain, low starch, no sugar) and limiting it to 1,200 calories I'd like to think I'm creating a calorie deficit and at the very least NOT overeating enough to gain 2lbs and was merely asking for help and an explanation of why that might be happening. The warnings of going below 1,200 calories and starvation mode and inadequate nutrition all go haywire when I don't eat that much, so forgive my confusion about why I'm not losing on such a low calorie level. Oh, I guess I bit. Well done to you. Must be very satisfying. :)

    To all the other helpful people who took the time to answer, I really appreciate it.

    I am weighing and measuring religiously, I am not blind snacking (if there's one thing being immobile does it's limit your trips to the kitchen). The problem is definitely not that I am overeating without realising, I am simply not losing weight on 1,200 calories. I suppose some weight could be the swelling in my leg, and I guess water weight elsewhere due to inflammation and immobility.

    Other than hobbling around on crutches, which is pretty good for the arms, can anyone recommend exercise that I can do that doesn't involve the legs at all? Would have to be from a sitting or lying down position. I have a 2 year old at home, can't get out much as I can't keep him safe while I am on crutches so indoor preferably.

    I didn't lose anything at all on 5:2 and don't think I could manage 2 fast days on top of limiting my other days to 1,200 cals, would be too restrictive and break my will. I am doing well not to revert to old habits and comfort eat while I am in pain, bored, frustrated and stressed, but don't think I can stretch that to fasting in addition.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I bet that you are over counting. I am thinking that you are missing some calories during the week and going over 500+ calories one day a week can set your work back during the week.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    change weekly weight loss goal to 1lb..2lbs is a bit ambitious with only 60 to lose.

    and what PP said...

    Telling someone who isn't losing weight to up their calories doesn't make a lot of sense.

    As for not losing weight, how long have you been stuck at your current weight? For one, I'd cut the cheat day. If you're making progress with a cheat day that's fine, but when you're not seeing any progress, it hardly makes sense to have a cheat day. I'd also look to make your log as accurate as possible. I see tiny portions of peanut butter on your log, but are you weighing those portions? Personally I find it difficult to get a portion of peanut butter that's under 100 calories and usually it's quite a bit more than that, but you have some as low as 60 calories (that's ~half a tablespoon, which is tiny). Nix the cheat days, get your log as accurate as possible, and see if you don't see some progress.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    It is much more likely this is water weight than anything else, assuming you are measuring what you eat fairly carefully. The fact that you are dealing with a rather major injury complicates thing, but at the same time while I understand the desire to lose weight, the more important thing at this point is heal the injury so your activity level can go up again.
  • kpat82
    kpat82 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you, makes sense. I will cut definitely cut the cheat day and stick to 1,200 all week.

    parkscs - 1tsp (5g) meridian peanut butter (110% wholegrain peanuts, no palm oil, salt or sugar) is only 30 cals and makes a decent and tasty smear on one oatcake. Definitely not making measurements up.

    I've only been stuck here a week. I know I am being impatient. I think I'm probably just feeling frustrated that my injury might set me back and out of control.
  • Tabithas_Transformation

    I am simply not losing weight on 1,200 calories. I suppose some weight could be the swelling in my leg, and I guess water weight elsewhere due to inflammation and immobility.

    I would say that this is probably your reason for weight stall. Your body needs water and minerals from your diet to help repair your poor leg. Give it some more time and don't let it dishearten you.

    I broke my leg and ankle at the same time once. I definitely felt swollen but I ended up losing a stone by the time I was walking on it again so weight loss is possible, just persevere!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The biggest issue you have, is that you aren't eating 1200 calories daily. Just within the last week, there were 2-3 days of not logged and one day of only 500 calories logged. So your accuracy if not there. Second, with PCOS, carbs should be low. Most women that are successful seem to be around the 80-120g total per day. This means you will need to increase fats and protein.

    But until you log everything, every day, it's hard to provide solid advice. But I would agree that 1200 is kind of low based on your stats. At 1.5 lbs per week, which is a good goal for60 lbs to lose, 1400-1500 calories is more appropriate. And macros at 30% carbs, 30% protein and 40% fats.

    One last thing. you generally should minimize your deficit while injured as your metabolic rate will increase to help retain your body. At this point, eating higher protein levels can help aid the repair process.
  • lilly101E
    lilly101E Posts: 8 Member
    If you have been exorcising a lot. Your body is fulling up with fluids to heal the muscle and you can gain up to 4lbs. If nothing is lost in 3 weeks you have to make extra sure about what you eat. try a water fast maybe. Good luck!
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I've only been stuck here a week. I know I am being impatient. I think I'm probably just feeling frustrated that my injury might set me back and out of control.

    It's been a week. You're definitely being impatient. You probably don't need to change anything, you just had some water weight this week because you're injured and your body is trying to heal.

    Remember to get the proper nutrition to help yourself heal and get back on your feet. You will do more damage to your weight loss by making your recovery take longer than you will by maintaining your weight for a couple weeks to make sure you heal.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Telling someone who isn't losing weight to up their calories doesn't make a lot of sense.

    It depends on what you're upping them from and to. I upped mine from 600-900 when I was gaining weight (I was poor and just sometimes forgot to eat), to 1200 when I was just doing cardio, to 1400 when I started with weights too. Each step increase helped me burn more fat faster. But, I think 1400 is my limit for the time being.

    Basically, I calculated my BMR and limited my calories to that. You might want to take a look at doing the same, and being VERY accurate when doing so. You'd be surprised how many calories things like butter and olive oil have by volume!
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Regarding food log accuracy and the possibility of hidden calories, here are a few ideas:

    I just looked at a couple days but listings likes Indian Chicken Biryani, 1 serving(s) and Celeriac & Spinach Soup, 1.5 serving(s) can be problematic. Unless they are your entries that you created based upon the recipe you used they could not match the reality of what you actually ate.

    Another one would be the entry Tesco - Mixed Nuts & Raisins, 1 oz hand full. This type of entry makes me wonder if you had a food scale and measured 1oz or if you grabbed a hand full, which could be more than 1 oz.

    Just some ideas for you to consider - hope it helps. Log accuracy will get better over time if you stick with it. Here's some links for additional ideas if you like:


  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Based on just your height and weight, I'd say you should eat approx. 1400 to 1500 (with a BMR of 1874) calories a day of which 146 grams should be lean protein. That will put you at a controlled deficit and should loose 1 +/- pounds every 8 days. Water is very important as well - 1/2 your body weight in ounces. Your water intake should be 112 ounces a day. Divided by 16 (hours awake) and that's 7 ounces an hour. Give it a shot.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Telling someone who isn't losing weight to up their calories doesn't make a lot of sense.

    It depends on what you're upping them from and to. I upped mine from 600-900 when I was gaining weight (I was poor and just sometimes forgot to eat), to 1200 when I was just doing cardio, to 1400 when I started with weights too. Each step increase helped me burn more fat faster. But, I think 1400 is my limit for the time being.

    Basically, I calculated my BMR and limited my calories to that. You might want to take a look at doing the same, and being VERY accurate when doing so. You'd be surprised how many calories things like butter and olive oil have by volume!

    If you could gain weight on 600 calories, fewer people would be starving in the world today. I have no doubt that eating that little can mess with your body, your metabolism, elevate your cortisol levels and so on, but eating more calories doesn't lead to faster weight loss over the long-haul. If you're plateaued at 1200 calories for a sustained period of time, there's no reason to believe that upping your intake to 1500 or 1600 calories a day will lead to weight loss. And when you've got someone not losing at 1200 (which likely means they're eating more than their log indicates), upping your calories to a higher amount just exacerbates the problem.
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    I would give it some time...personally I should be losing weight but I'm not....I think water weight fluctuations is a major thing! Stick with it and just keep checking. I have had a 3500 deficit over the last 3 days and actually went up a bit in weight...so I think our bodies are just very unstable! It isn't always counting wrong so don't beat yourself up! (Personally I know there is no possible way I could be gaining with what I am eating!)
  • kpat82
    kpat82 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone, some really great suggestions. I realise I have 3 days not logged, I was away from Friday to Sunday night with no internet access and I couldn't update but I DID keep track using my phone. I logged a planned Indian take away so I could have an idea of roughly what to order and plan my day a little better in advance not as a rough estimate of what I'd actualy eaten.

    I think I am probably repeating myself - I'm NOT kidding myself, I am weighing and measuring everything, I am not secretly eating 10 Mars Bars in the toilet and pretending to My Fitness Pal that I haven't...

    All recipes that are there are my own that I have input for everything and I know they are accurate as I have cooked them all myself and weighed everything and portioned it out - I'm not just ordering an Indian biryani and picking the lowest calorie version on My Fitness Pal.

    Just presume for a minute that I am logging all my calories correctly - I think I can take from this that a) I'm definitely being impatient and need to chill out and let myself heal b) I am probably dealing with water weight and this will go c) I need to up my protein and drop some carbs d) I need to drink more water e) I need to drop the cheat day... f) it doesn't make any sense to me to up my calorie intake until I can be more active, so for now I'll do all these things and hope for some movement on the scale next week. :)

    Thank you to everyone and I am going to give those sitting exercises a go tonight.