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Any other pregnant ladies??



  • nickiraye89
    nickiraye89 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 24 weeks pregnant and have already gained almost 30 pounds. I know I will probably gain a little bit more as I still have a few months to go, but I want to keep it at a little rather than continue to gain a lot more. So, I am getting back on here to start tracking what i'm eating and making sure i'm not going over/under the amount of calories I need. I am also going to start excercising. Need some friends for motiviation and accountability. Feel free to add me :)
  • tcrawlv
    tcrawlv Posts: 11 Member
    I am currently 14 weeks pregnant, and Ive already gained ten pounds. :(
  • JenMunoz724
    JenMunoz724 Posts: 5 Member
    I worked really hard for a few months and lost about 20 lbs. We tried and got pregnant! I gained back 10 lbs in the first two months (quit counting and exercising!) :( Then I started moderately watching what I was eating and managed to only gain about 2 lbs over the next 6 months! I was trying hard not to pass my highest weight pre-pregnancy. Now, I just found out I've gained 8 lbs over the last 4 weeks :( In all, I'm up about 20 lbs and still have 4 weeks to go. I think I may pass my highest weight (only 3 lbs away) after all :( trying not to toss all caution to the wind out of disappointment. March had a lot of birthday celebrations for my family. I'm thinking it was all of the cake and eating out. Usually I eat quite strictly from home and pack all of my meals and snacks to ensure I stay on track. That did not happen with the 10 or so celebrations we had from March 4th to April 12th. All I can do is try. I will try for my baby Zoey. We've come this far . . .
  • hecham
    hecham Posts: 118 Member
    Hello ladies! I am 17 weeks with my first baby. I have gained about 18 lbs already, and was a normal weight when I got pregnant. I had low blood sugar in the first trimester so had to eat often to keep it up, but weight loss has actually slowed down since the second trimester has started. I've had to slow down a lot on running (used to run 3-5 miles several times a week, and on lifting. Walking and using much lower weights now. I always thought I'd be one of those active pregnant ladies that just kept on as usual, but my body had a different idea. I think its important to listen to your individual body and what it needs- exercise, rest, and food-wise.
    Feel free to add me!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am 31 weeks now. My weight has yoyo'd quite a bit with this pregnancy - losing weight with severe morning sickness followed my quick gains, then losing a little more before gaining again. It is frustrating and - at least for me- it is nearly impossible to not worry about the number but we have to try not to worry about it. A healthy baby is the goal here, not a number on the scale.
    I have dropped almost 16lbs below my prepregnancy at one point in this pregnancy and am currently 11lbs above prepregnancy weight. I got a little discouraged looking at it as a 27lb gain but some friends on here - and also my doctor - told me it is just off of prepregnancy so I guess I have only gained 11.
    My husband helped me feel a lot better saying "just think, in a few weeks you will be losing 15lbs overnight and soon after that you can go run again."
    Being on a site like MFP makes it difficult to not focus on weight. I set my goals to gain weight so it doesn't look like i am going in the wrong direction, but instead MFP tells me I am making progress.

    Congrats to everyone on babies and I pray they all get here healthy.
  • kate1103
    kate1103 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Ladies! I used to track my food/exercise on here all the time, but quit when I got pregnant. I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant with my first. I keep telling myself that I WILL not freak out about how much weight I gain, but I admit I am getting pretty anxious to get back to running and tracking my food for weight loss. I've gained about 35 pounds so far (12 in the first trimester, 23 in the second). I'm trying to tell myself that I might gain 50 pounds so that if I gain alot more I won't freak out. I would love to have some preggo friends on here-if you don't mind, I will add some of you:)
  • JenMunoz724
    JenMunoz724 Posts: 5 Member
    It's really great getting on here and reading everyone's stories and experiences. It helps ease the concern over how I am doing as well. A majority of us seem concerned about our overall weight gain and where we will end up after baby comes. Just remember that we all started from somewhere. Leaning on each other and not forgetting about our health once baby comes should be our priority! I know that I can't wait to have my hopefully healthy baby, then getting back to logging and exercising. No matter where I end up after she's born, I will work hard to set new attainable goals and get to work. What else can we do? :)
  • cpsqueen87
    cpsqueen87 Posts: 7 Member
    13 weeks prego today, after 16 years!!! II was in the overweight category pre-pregnancy but had lost quite a bit of weight. So far I've gained 5 lbs total. I am diabetic and my Dr has me on a low carb diet (45 complex carbs @ each meal, 15 complex carbs for snack 3x's a day) and i'm on insulin and metformin (both 2x's daily). I just my Dr yesterday and she said my sugar were perfect! I'm super happy about that! When i found out I was pregnant I thought I would be able to at least walk 3 times a week but I have almost completely stopped working out because my body just want to sleep... and eat! :)

    With my first pregnancy I ate everything and gained 80 lbs. I don't want that to happen again. Trying my hardest to be healthier.

    Feel free to add me as well!
  • fedupfatty86
    fedupfatty86 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello! I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and for the most part I'm still tracking (just not as diligently as I used to). I've gained about 6 lbs since finding out in February so that's not too bad. I haven't been doing any exercise other than getting my walking in at work. Don't get me wrong, I want to workout but I'm just so exhausted all the time. I can't wait til I enter my 2nd trimester so hopefully I'll have more energy to go walking. Feel free to add me
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi mums or hope-to-be-mums! Isnt it hard when you've lost weight then get pregnant knowing that you will have to put some back on. Of course its all for the greater good and healthy of the baby but it takes a little while to come to grips with it. For the first time in my life I actually needed to lose some weight (not much) and over the last 6 months I've done really well and reached goal weight. Then guess what? pregnant again (2 years after baby #1, currently 7 weeks along). We were trying but after trying for a while and focusing on how my body is looking so much better, I'm a bit torn between baby and body. Luckily over the last 6 months I've improved my fitness drastically. I just worry that when I get too pregnant I wont be able to run and do the cardio I've finally become to enjoy. Last time I started 5kg heavier and gained 20kg total. I stopped calorie counting at the start of the new year and haven't gained any back. I prefer not to count now as I feel its a bit pedantic. But I know that by second semester I'll feel like a hungry beast if its anything like last time.

    Anyone else tor between their new body and the inevitability of weight gain for pregnancy?
    I want a second baby too, but I am torn between losing the weight first (which at the rate I lose weight might take upto a year!) and a second baby. Any thoughts? I am nearly 33 years old.
  • missiemoomoo2
    missiemoomoo2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, great to see this topic.Thanks for sharing stories. I am almost 16 weeks pregnant and try to exercise everyday. I am running, cycling going to the gym. I totally understand I am going to get bigger and heavier it's not like I can't accept that. It's just that I have always been very active and want to try to keep it up as long as I can (although nowhere near same intensity/ mileage etc). My problem is food. I just tracked my intake today so far, that's just breakfast and lunch and I am already welllll into the minus numbers for daily allowance. I know I am allowed to eat a bit more given the pregnancy but even at that I know I need to reign it in a bit. I haven't been sick at all and basically just eat and eat. I can feel the fat going on everywhere, back, thighs etc.
    Really going to start being a bit more disciplined. Not a strict diet of course, just calm it down a bit.
  • Hi ladies!! So glad to have found this. I'm a long-time MFP user, which helped me shed some pounds, but mostly helped me avoid the weight gain that tends to happen as we get older! Ironically, I reached my lifetime goal and got in the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE just a few months before getting pregnant. It was great while it lasted, and now, although super-excited about the baby girl we're expecting in July, I am struggling to accept the weight gain! Eating in my first trimester was a struggle, being sick all the time, and I barely gained any weight. Then the 2nd trimester hit and I was starving! I spent the first month eating everything I could get my hands on, and ignoring every healthy habit I'd learned. The pounds added up really fast. So then I was reading about breast-feeding, and about how your baby tends to like the taste of what you ate during pregnancy, and therefore you shouldn't make drastic changes post-baby. Uh-oh! Suddenly reality set in and I knew I had to get back on track, both for myself, and so my baby could learn to like the taste of healthy foods. So for the past 6-weeks or so, I've been back on MFP, adjusting my calorie counts to my maintain-weight setting + 300 calories for baby. I'm also back to exercising daily, mostly walks, but do 1-2 days of light weight training too.

    I really wish MFP would add a pregnancy version. I know there's probably some legal reason why they can't since it's a weight-loss app and we're not suppose to lose weight, but it really does help to keep track of it. I don't usually 'complete' my diary at the end of the day because that damn screen pops up that says I'm gaining weight. Yes, I know that and don't need a reminder! It'd rather it enable us to put in the weight-gain our doctor recommended (35-pounds for me), then track against that. I do still weigh-in, so I can see my great progress afterwards!

    Currently 25-weeks, up 22 pounds. Expecting to put on about 40 pounds. Hoping that baby takes most of the weight with it! Ha ha ha.
  • sunshineandprayers
    sunshineandprayers Posts: 38 Member
    Hola! Add me. I just gave birth seven weeks ago. I was proud of my weight gain during pregnancy (35 pds) I was able to eat healthy while still enjoying lots of treat and stayed active (yoga and dance mostly). Post baby is seemly MUCH more difficult! Having super hard time getting back to eating right and working out. Posted looking for healthy mamas but didn't get much response.
  • MaintainCats (or anyone else) you're welcome to add me! It would be fun to track our weight gains, and then losses together! :happy:
  • LilyinMO
    LilyinMO Posts: 12 Member

    17 weeks today! :)

    My stats: 38 y/0 first baby, 5'3 and as of today 202 lbs :(

    My highest weight was 267 back in 2009 and lost 100... going to January this year I was at 185 when found out I was pregnant.. weight this morning 202 :(

    I never had morning sickness.. got nauseous and eating carbs would make it go away. I was originally doing zumba and weights, and the doctor took them away because my heart rate gets up too high too fast. Now all I do is walk about 3-4 miles per day.. and on a treadmill most days (either too cold or too hot outside) I do 3.5 speed, with a .5 incline, so it's only 17.5 min / mile.. oh well!

    So of course I'm freaking out.. it's so hard to not diet - but at the same time try to not gain "bad" weight.
    how have you all used MFP during pregnancy?

    Of course I was "bad" during first trimester, ate carbs.. right now I'm watching what I eat, still have the occasional donut or pizza, but for the most part, good cereal in the morning.. lunch (enchiladas, brown rice, etc - something "healthish" and salad for dinner.
    for snacks I have some "bars' that are about 100 calories. or greek yogurt with granola

    But I also worry that I'm not eating the "right" things.. even though I try.

    Help anyone?
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    Im 29 weeks preggo, so you are more than welcome to add me if you like.

    Congrats also to the all mommies.....and mommies to be.
  • frankiep73
    frankiep73 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not pregnant but we are TTC #2 and asked my OB about weight gains during pregnancy. Preg #1 was extremely hard on my body and I gained way too much weight. Most due to my own eating, but a lot due to bed rest and BP issues.

    My OB said there is no minimum amount to gain and there is no real maximum amount to gain, so not to stress over it. She wants me to focus on maintaining my healthy habits and exercising to keep the weight even and to keep my BP in check.

    So, remember that and remember that the stress hormone actually increases the probability of weight gain so let's all RELAX!!! :)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    How much weight you gain depends a LOT upon your body. I gained 70 pounds with my first pregnancy, had a healthy baby and lost it within a year of delivery. There's no "right" amount. Congrats and good luck!
  • hlcook
    hlcook Posts: 92 Member
    You ladies are doing great! :)

    I'm not pregnant but I've had two kids and can tell you that weight gain and loss are different for everyone, so please don't be hard on yourselves if you gain more than you think you should. When I breastfed my first I dropped 25 lbs in less than 2 weeks, but when I tried to repeat that with my second, I only dropped 5 lbs in the first 2 weeks. Yikes! LOL

    So not only is every body different, every pregnancy is different too, Great job for focusing on being healthy and growing those babies :D
  • eks1208
    eks1208 Posts: 10 Member
    Well, I am 7 weeks pregnant and have just gained 20 pounds since October:-( I was really focusing on weight lifting but still eating whatever I wanted---basically a dirty bulk??? Anyway! I was just about to start a fat loss routine when I found out I am pregnant. I am extremely happy to be pregnant and I am just going to try to be a healthy as is comfortable for me. That means eating in moderation, not as many sweet treats, lots of walking and light weight training, and drinking lots of water. I gained 50 pounds with my first pregnancy and I'm starting out at 30 pounds heavier this time:/ Wish me luck and add me please!