IBS Sufferers



  • coricontreras
    coricontreras Posts: 4 Member
    I have been an IBS sufferer since 2006 when I had my gallbladder removed. But ever since I've started a more plant based diet (juicing in the morning) and eating more raw foods throughout the day, it has improved drastically! It is remarkable!
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Diet is what helped my IBS - Gluten/Dairy/Processed foods are what caused my symptoms. I decreased the amounts of each and have depended on whole foods rather than processed foods. The only times I get them now are from cheat meals like fast foods/restaurants or chocolates. But that's once or twice every month.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have IBS. I have not had to cut out any foods though. I stay away from too much fructose, and stay well hydrated. I haven't had an attack in months.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you guys so much for sharing your stories! And sharing what has worked for you. I hope it gives anyone suffering from IBS a good guideline to work from.

    Just remember that everyone will react to different foods but the ones that are most likely to give problems are dairy, gluten, processed food and high sugar foods. If cutting those foods out do not help then it is time to get even more strict and figure out what foods are causing it because it may be something surprising.
  • ThisCharmingFellow
    ThisCharmingFellow Posts: 132 Member
    Some interesting information and experiences in this thread. Thanks everyone for sharing.

    My efforts on fat loss have so far ignored my IBS and I have just paid attention to calories, now the time has come to address the IBS as well. Not being able to get out and exist, let alone live, is beyond frustrating.
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    To read later
  • I have had IBS D around 24 years, I am on Codiene & Loporomide to control it, Salads, Veg & Fruit are all triggers (Potatoes, Onions excluded) and I can barely eat any of it. I am fine with all meats, dairy is fine. Since the meds it has improved a lot but stress really knocks me back. I have been studying 'cures' for years, seems everyone is different & has different triggers.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I have had IBS D around 24 years, I am on Codiene & Loporomide to control it, Salads, Veg & Fruit are all triggers (Potatoes, Onions excluded) and I can barely eat any of it. I am fine with all meats, dairy is fine. Since the meds it has improved a lot but stress really knocks me back. I have been studying 'cures' for years, seems everyone is different & has different triggers.

    I'm so sorry, it sounds like you have it bad. :( My doctor was going to put me on meds, I think he wanted me on anti depressants for it because they think IBS is stress related. It is not stress related for me, or if it is it plays such a small part I don't feel it counts. If I'm stressed, I do not get IBS, but if I eat a trigger food, it will be back in full force.

    It's amazing what everyones triggers are... they are so different from person to person. It's so important to take the time and figure out what our trigger foods are because they will not be the same for everyone.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Some interesting information and experiences in this thread. Thanks everyone for sharing.

    My efforts on fat loss have so far ignored my IBS and I have just paid attention to calories, now the time has come to address the IBS as well. Not being able to get out and exist, let alone live, is beyond frustrating.

    Big hug for you. I know it is a terrible thing to deal with and I hope you start figuring out your trigger foods. I would recommend spending some time just reading about different IBS diets and learning more about them. Then when you're doing the diets remember to take it slowly. If certain foods make you feel better one day, eat just those foods for a few days then add something else in to test it. It's a pain in the butt process but it is SO WORTH IT. Whenever I get my IBS symptoms back briefly I just feel miserable but also so happy that that is not my day to day reality anymore.
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    I've struggled with IBS my whole life but was diagnosed 11 years ago.
    I have literally tried everything. Probiotics. Different diets. Juice cleanses. Even went to a dietitian my dr recommended to figure out my triggers. Mine are dairy and fried foods along with a few randoms. Worst part though? Sometimes I get it even when I don't eat my trigger foods. I have had countless uncomfortable days, been in and out of the hospital, passed out numerous times from pain on the bathroom floor.. So I feel your pain.
    I don't have time to read this whole thread right now but I will defo be back later to read!
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I've struggled with IBS my whole life but was diagnosed 11 years ago.
    I have literally tried everything. Probiotics. Different diets. Juice cleanses. Even went to a dietitian my dr recommended to figure out my triggers. Mine are dairy and fried foods along with a few randoms. Worst part though? Sometimes I get it even when I don't eat my trigger foods. I have had countless uncomfortable days, been in and out of the hospital, passed out numerous times from pain on the bathroom floor.. So I feel your pain.
    I don't have time to read this whole thread right now but I will defo be back later to read!

    I am so sincerely sorry to hear this. :( That was pretty much my worst fear, that I would not find my food triggers and that I would still get IBS flares. I feel very lucky that I have been able to control my IBS with diet because I know there are some people like you that are still suffering. I wish there was some miracle drug that would help. Have you tried anti depressants? My doctor wanted to get me on them, they seem to think stress is a main cause for IBS. For me it doesn't seem to be related to stress but I bet for others it is. I think the causes of IBS are very different from person to person.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with IBS. I hope things get better for you.
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    I've struggled with IBS my whole life but was diagnosed 11 years ago.
    I have literally tried everything. Probiotics. Different diets. Juice cleanses. Even went to a dietitian my dr recommended to figure out my triggers. Mine are dairy and fried foods along with a few randoms. Worst part though? Sometimes I get it even when I don't eat my trigger foods. I have had countless uncomfortable days, been in and out of the hospital, passed out numerous times from pain on the bathroom floor.. So I feel your pain.
    I don't have time to read this whole thread right now but I will defo be back later to read!
    I'm sorry to hear that as well. I was diagnosed a few months ago but have lived with it my whole life. I have developed a need to go anxiety that I am working on as well. Right now I am reading the FODMAP diet and taking some herbal pills which seem to help. If anyone is interested, feel free to message and I can send you the link for this doctor. He seems to be helping so far.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Anyone have any advice on how to deal with constipation??

    I am still "going" regularly but I'm still absolutely constipated. I'm really not sure what else I can do, I don't want to start taking laxatives.
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    I've struggled with IBS my whole life but was diagnosed 11 years ago.
    I have literally tried everything. Probiotics. Different diets. Juice cleanses. Even went to a dietitian my dr recommended to figure out my triggers. Mine are dairy and fried foods along with a few randoms. Worst part though? Sometimes I get it even when I don't eat my trigger foods. I have had countless uncomfortable days, been in and out of the hospital, passed out numerous times from pain on the bathroom floor.. So I feel your pain.
    I don't have time to read this whole thread right now but I will defo be back later to read!

    I am so sincerely sorry to hear this. :( That was pretty much my worst fear, that I would not find my food triggers and that I would still get IBS flares. I feel very lucky that I have been able to control my IBS with diet because I know there are some people like you that are still suffering. I wish there was some miracle drug that would help. Have you tried anti depressants? My doctor wanted to get me on them, they seem to think stress is a main cause for IBS. For me it doesn't seem to be related to stress but I bet for others it is. I think the causes of IBS are very different from person to person.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with IBS. I hope things get better for you.

    I did try anti-depressants. But they made me.. depressed. Go figure.. ha. I am a stresser. And stress definitely makes it worse!! I really wish they knew more about IBS as well and had SOME kind of drug that would help. Best of luck. It really is horrible. If you ever need to chat, you let me know :)
  • Aww that really sucks! I guess just the normal advice - lots of fruit and water. Celery is good for that too. Add some flax seed or chia seed to your shakes. I also use a Sunrider product called Fiber Tone and I haven't had either diarrhea or constipation since starting it. Metamucil works, but I couldn't drink it without gagging and just about throwing up so I stopped that quickly. Hope you find some relief soon! :flowerforyou:
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Currently trying a diet for SIBO (Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth) to see if it works. I'm at my wits end about my IBS. I'm desperate to try anything that might work. Diary free, gluten free and sugar free and that will include fruits. I am on day two of sugar free (was already dairy and gluten free) and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! The constant pressure and discomfort I was feeling is almost entirely gone. I've been able to sleep comfortably the past two nights. I don't want to get my hopes up too much but if I can figure out a diet to manage this I will be ecstatic. It's hard because when I go to peoples houses or to restaurants I basically have to make my meal ahead of time. Worth it if I can figure this out. So tired of feeling sick all the time. And a full blown IBS attack I would not wish on my worst enemy... the pain is blinding. I'll do absolutely anything to prevent another attack from happening.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Currently trying a diet for SIBO (Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth) to see if it works. I'm at my wits end about my IBS. I'm desperate to try anything that might work. Diary free, gluten free and sugar free and that will include fruits. I am on day two of sugar free (was already dairy and gluten free) and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! The constant pressure and discomfort I was feeling is almost entirely gone. I've been able to sleep comfortably the past two nights. I don't want to get my hopes up too much but if I can figure out a diet to manage this I will be ecstatic. It's hard because when I go to peoples houses or to restaurants I basically have to make my meal ahead of time. Worth it if I can figure this out. So tired of feeling sick all the time. And a full blown IBS attack I would not wish on my worst enemy... the pain is blinding. I'll do absolutely anything to prevent another attack from happening.

    Have you tried regular doses of psylium fiber? I just take 2 caplets every day and it keeps me "normal". I also take fennel to help digestion, which seems to be a good link in the chain to keeps things operating. For me, my morning workouts help a lot. My body seems to really like the intense movement in the morning.

    If all else fails, try a week on Miralax. It sucks but it works. Sorry you're having such trouble lately.
  • LauraBest2013
    LauraBest2013 Posts: 50 Member
    I have just recently been diagnosed with IBS, and whilst medication is currently controlling the bloating/cramping cycle, I still struggle with feeling sick almost every day.
    I have tried gluten and wheat free and don't think that is a trigger as there have been times when I've eaten bread and other foods containing gluten and not reacted.
    I eat very plain food (porridge, chicken and rice, eggs, red meat and veggies) and it seems to be one day something will make me ill and another day it won't.
    Hoping to find an answer soon because I am about to graduate university and I worry about entering the working world with such a temperamental digestive system!

  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    I've had digestion problems for years as well, from top to bottom. Was told by GP it was IBS and I needed more fiber, however, the more fiber I ate, the worse my symptoms got. Plus I really think GP's will just throw that answer at anything they can't figure out when it comes to digestion. Started having some really bad "episodes" and decided to get my "free" colonoscopy since I was over 40 but since I presented with symptoms, it became a not free colonoscopy, but I digress, found out I have microscopic colitis and gastritis and GERD (I actually had an endoscopy at the same time). Luckily I tested negative for celiac and Crohn's.

    My point of this post is for those of you still suffering, I would strongly suggest going to a good gut doctor, it may not be IBS. The medication for my particular colitis was way too expensive for me so I just try to manage it with food. Although when I'm having bouts of it, everything seems to go right through and rather quickly :blushing: no matter what I eat. But the higher my protein and fat and lower the carbs, the better for me. Especially carbs from wheat, not sure if it's the gluten, the fiber or sugar that irritates my system, but I'm better off without it and I take Metamucil every night, which seems to help. For instance, cereal of any kind will make me sicker than a dog, period. I've tested it many times, however, oatmeal is fine. I don't know if this helps anybody, but for years I just thought I had IBS and "had to live with it" now I know it's microscopic colitis and I still have to live with it, but there are options and medication and there are other diagnosis than just the standard IBS.
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    Currently trying a diet for SIBO (Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth) to see if it works. I'm at my wits end about my IBS. I'm desperate to try anything that might work. Diary free, gluten free and sugar free and that will include fruits. I am on day two of sugar free (was already dairy and gluten free) and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! The constant pressure and discomfort I was feeling is almost entirely gone. I've been able to sleep comfortably the past two nights. I don't want to get my hopes up too much but if I can figure out a diet to manage this I will be ecstatic. It's hard because when I go to peoples houses or to restaurants I basically have to make my meal ahead of time. Worth it if I can figure this out. So tired of feeling sick all the time. And a full blown IBS attack I would not wish on my worst enemy... the pain is blinding. I'll do absolutely anything to prevent another attack from happening.

    I hear you on that one. Can't tell you how many times I've been at a restaurant, get done eating and get that look of fear and pain on my face and tell my daughter, we need to leave now and go home immediately. It sucks cause it can ruin plans, either that or I got to suck it up and use the restroom at the restaurant, and quite frankly no one should have to witness any of that. Ever. Hope you find what works. I've always thought I should have the tightest *kitten* on the planet with the strength it takes to make it to the restroom. TMI.