Belly fat

i need to get rid of my belly fats, i do cardio, lift weights and eat healthy but my belly hasn't changed in a month should i start doing ab workout or it will just make my belly look bigger?


  • Adefowler
    Adefowler Posts: 61 Member
    You really can't target fat in your body. For me the belly fat was the last to go when I lost my 90 pounds.

    About doing ab exercises == if you do it right, initially strengthening your abs can help you waist line look trimmer. But it doesn't burn fat. The way this works is that your abs are like a girdle and when you strengthen the right ones, they'll cinch in your waist.

    There are two types of belly fat: subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous is the stuff right under your skin ...and you can only lose that through regular old fat loss.

    However, visceral fat, which is the fat that is under your ab muscles and surrounds your organs == the really bad stuff == can be reduced by high intensity interval training. There are quite a few studies out about it. Here's an article about it:

    Good luck!
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    I think it depends a lot on your body type, for me the abs are easy to get rid of but my lower body barely moves in inches. consistency over a long period of Tim works the best.
    i need to get rid of my belly fats, i do cardio, lift weights and eat healthy but my belly hasn't changed in a month should i start doing ab workout or it will just make my belly look bigger?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You can't spot reduce. Where you lose fat is determined by genetics. So keep losing weight, and your belly will eventually get smaller.

    According to your ticker, you want to lose 20 lbs. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient. Take photos & measurements, but you're not going to see a drastic change in just one month. I repeat: be patient!

    Read this:
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    consistency over a long period of Tim works the best.
    Tim knows his stuff.

    He says you can't spot reduce and that you must control your caloric intake to reduce your weight.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    A month isn't really all that long. Sorry.
    Your belly fat will likely be one of the last places to go. Continue eating at a deficit and doing your workouts. It will eventually come off. Just not quickly.
    I'm at about 19% body fat right now and I still have some belly fat. It just takes time.