Zumba Fitness

I have been doing the Zumba Fitness DVD's at home, but its not listed under exercise. I know I can add it, but I don't know how many calories it burns. Just wondering if anyone knows how many calories each DVD burns or if there is an exercise on the list that is compareable to the Zumba Fitness DVD's?


  • snobuny032
    Try putting it under Dance.. and use "modern"
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    I count is as 'dancing (aerobic)', which is listed in the database. I, too, was wondering if it was an accurate #. I seem to sweat much more doing Zumba and am a little more sore after a Zumba class OR DVD.
  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    Hi. I just started Zumba for Wii yesterday. Oh my gosh, what a workout. I wear a reliable HRM, it says I burned 200 calories for the 20 beginner workout and I can believe that!! My weight takes in a factor. I am 150 lbs and weight is important when figuring calorie burn. It is very close in calories to aerobics, high intensity. That would be a good starting point for you.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I used to put it as Dance..aerobic, but I've since bought a HRM. I highly reccomend it because MFP isn't always accurate with calorie burn, so I've learned.
  • fasttrack27
    My wife is a certified Zumba instructor. The HRM says she usually burns 600-700 in an hour-long class. On one hand she is small (5'3", 110lb) and fit, on the other hand the instructor usually pushes harder to set the bar high. So without your own HRM you can estimate it yourself with that as a basis. Hope that helps!
  • swylie
    swylie Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you all so much for your help!! I can't believe I didn't think of dance!! LOL!!
    What is HRM and where can I get one? I think that would be the best way to calculate my own calorie loss, since height and weight play a big part in the rate you burn!
  • fasttrack27
    Heart Rate Monitor. Any fitness/sports store will have them, or online (even Best Buy has a few). Check a couple local specialty stores as they will likely have sales staff to help you. I got a Polar FT40 with the 'reader' (to upload workouts to a website) - been very happy with it. Polar is a leading brand but can get pricey. Mine was normally about $200 and I got it for $110. I got my wife a more basic model (dont recall brand) at a local store. She didnt like the kind with a chest strap nor too many bells/whistles. It was on sale for $40. I'm sure they are not perfect but it gives a good basis, and its kinda fun!