Journey to the free weights... 8lbs killed me today

So I made a change 26 days ago and I am willing to work to get there. .. I hope my how it went will inspirer the weak to journey to the free weights you want actualy die ,)
I have not exercised ragualer for 15 years. I am weak in my arms I can not do a push up and holding my arms above my head is hard for any length of time... some how I can still pick up my 50lbs child no issue. ... any how today I had a session with my trainer we did this drop set and on my last set with only 8lbs she had to hold my arms a little... yup 8 lbs did me in.... any how I am going back tomarow to give the legs a go. I have read that weight lefting to begin with is fun becuse you gain strength so fast... I have no where to go but up!!! So someone please say they started out and 8lbs made there arm shake and now 30lbs is nothing to you ;)


  • jobegone
    jobegone Posts: 91
    Can't say I have ever struggled with 8lb but i'v always exercised etc, but I know it will get easier. The only good example I can tell you is when I started my lifting program I looked at my trainer like he'd lost his marbles when he told me to deadlift 30kg. But I did it and worked up to 85kg within 8 weeks! Have had to deload abit just this week after being injured and abit of a loss in confidence but I know it'll be better than ever in the next 8 weeks!

    So good for you for starting-keep it up, increase slowly and be prepared for a few bumps in the road and you'll have a ball!
    Lifting making u feel like a total badass!!
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I had to stop lifting free weights or doing any arm exercises for a while because I hurt my shoulder. I had to go through physical therapy. When I started lifting weights again, I started with really light weights, for example, 3 pound dumbbells for the bicep curl. I slowly increased the reps and weights...5 pounds, 8 pounds....etc. Now I can do bicep curls with 12 pounds in each hand. I can do a one arm row with 25 pounds and am progressing to 30 pounds. So go for it.! You will be able to build up to more weights. Plus you're much younger than I am....I'm a senior citizen. If this senior citizen can do it, so can you!
  • kota4bye
    kota4bye Posts: 809 Member
    It doesn't get easier.....

    You get stronger, better, faster!!
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Liar! You typed this message so it didn't kill you, it made you stronger! :wink:
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Go you! I started doing curls with 15 oz cans of baked beans. Gotta start somewhere :smile: I'm never going to lift super-heavy (on medical advice due to some specific joint issues) but I'm certainly lifting heavier than that now.
  • Jodyraedoula
    Jodyraedoula Posts: 69 Member
    Ok your so right it dis not kill me. I did do the 8lbs tell she had to hold my arms a little. Thank you all so much for the engagement!!!
  • masondillan
    masondillan Posts: 5 Member
    Keep going your on the right path. Small amounts of weight killed my muscles... few months ago even doing 5 lbs made my arms sore. I can now bench 80 lbs ...curl 40lbs ...bent over rows 50 lbs... leg extensions and hamstring curls 80lbs... triceps/ one arm rows 30lbs .... squats and calve raises 80 lbs. Flys 50 to 60 lbs. Point is as you gain strength you will move up.. does it get easier... not if your pushing yourself.. is it worth it? Definitely! Happy lifting :D