He put a ring on it!

I feel almost ashamed of that topic title.

Anyways, looking for future brides to help me keep motivated. I shall be sweating for the wedding, but eating for myself! Please add me, I am having a tough time getting motivated to kick my own butt into action. Am eating too little, and just generally being bad at life.


  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I feel almost ashamed of that topic title.

    Anyways, looking for future brides to help me keep motivated. I shall be sweating for the wedding, but eating for myself! Please add me, I am having a tough time getting motivated to kick my own butt into action. Am eating too little, and just generally being bad at life.

    Good, then there's hope for you yet.

    Good luck!
  • b3st
    b3st Posts: 1,350 Member
    Came in here expecting a kinky story. :laugh:
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    See, this is why my wedding dress will look like this: http://i.imgur.com/LpjH8Zu.jpg

    No tailoring needed, I can be as chubbs or as skinny as I want, and it's all the same fabric-wise. ;)
  • I'm just going to go for loss until six months prior to. a sari is such a pretty choice.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    congratulations and the dress is gorgeous! I am not a future bride but I will do my best to help keep you motivated. If you are looking to lose weight for the wedding then you need to focus more on the diet. Weight loss is 85% nutrition 15% exercise (rough estimate ;) ) If you just want to be more toned and fit then exercise is the way to go
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    I'm just going to go for loss until six months prior to. a sari is such a pretty choice.
    If you're referencing my pic, it's a chiton with a himation (from the movie Agora which is REALLY SAD but REALLY GOOD and I wish I looked half as awesome as Rachel Weisz), not a sari. I have zero sewing skill, which makes making one easier (find large piece of cloth; fold; pin; DONE!), but it helps to have a gorgeous fabric to begin with.. I'm tempted to borrow my BF's mom's loom and just go for it old-school. :D

    Also, OP, props for the BRS - I got it done too, back in 2000. Best decision I ever made. I can sit up straight again! /fistbump
  • Lissette_Brooks
    Lissette_Brooks Posts: 173 Member
    HE WENT TO JARED!!!!!! :p JK..
    Mine actually went to Zales, but the point is he went! YAY!!!
    I'm sweating for the wedding too and would love to be in your corner/ you in mine, to keep each other motivated! I'm sending you a request now. =)

    And if anyone else shares the same motivation please add me! :D