TDEE versus MFP calculations..HELP PLEASE!!

I've posted this a thousand times, but I still am very confused. I'm looking to lose weight. Not too much about 5 lbs gain muscle lose fat.

But, I don't know which method to go by!! I don't know how to begin to calculate and I want to get back on this losing weight thing (I gained a lot back as my fiancee came back home from deployment.) So, I don't know if I use the TDEE do I eat back calories if it's already calculated to lose weight?? Or no?

I'm 5'6 and 150 lbs and 29 years old.. I exercise 5 times a week for about 45 mins. Cardio, weights..

Obvi, so confused on everything..can someone push me in the right direction. I have had people try to explain to me, but im still so confused...


  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    If you use TDEE, do not log your exercise into MFP or eat back exercise calories.
    If you use MFP, log your exercise and eat back some of your exercise calories.

    Any other questions about your numbers?
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    Which one is better? I mean when I do weights am I able to calculate that into MFP?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    They both do exactly the same thing - estimate the numbers of calories you need to achieve your goal.

    TDEE includes your estimated exercise calories already.
    MFP "eat back exercise calories" method estimates your exercise after you have done it.

    So with TDEE every day has the same target as your planned exercise is averaged out.
    With MFP your intake varies depending on if you exercise that day.

    Over the course of a week the numbers add up the same.

    TDEE is more simple and probably suits people better with a regular routine.
    MFP probably suits people that have very varied exercise calorie burns or need to fuel big workouts on the day.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Which one is better? I mean when I do weights am I able to calculate that into MFP?

    If the two are setup accurately and with the same information, the numbers tend to come out about the same.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Which one is better? I mean when I do weights am I able to calculate that into MFP?

    That is a matter of opinion. The primary reason I think someone would choose MFP's system is if they find it particularly motivating to have "earned" extra calories by working out. TDEE is more regular if you don't feel trying to figure out what you've burned. The problem with lifting weights is that it's next to impossible to determine how many calories you burn while you're doing it - fitbit type devices don't work, HRMs don't work, and MFP's estimates are woefully small. I think that's why many people lifting weights choose TDEE.

    I have developed a method that works, but it required me to do some extra math. I calculated my "lightly active day" TDEE for regular, non-workout days as well as my "weight lifting day" TDEE. So on workout days, I eat a certain amount more. I do this by logging it into MFP as "calisthenics" which I've discovered matches the difference between my two TDEEs.

    If I do a different kind of workout like go hiking or something, I log that straight into MFP as-is.