Losing a toe nail and still be able to workout?

So I don't know how I did this..I have a huge crack on my big toe nail from left to right and it looks like I am going to lose the entire nail eventually. Right now I used nail glue to hold it down but I am guessing this won't solve it.

My question to you all: If this has happened to you are you still able to work out once it falls off? Is it possible to still wear a sneaker comfortably and be on the treadmill/elliptical and workout without pain? Do I need to wrap it once it falls while I workout?
I really don't want to stop working out.

Please add any information you can...even about being able to save it as long as possible..
Never seems to fail I get through injuries and now this...the workout gods must dislike me greatly! :mad:

Thanks for any help..


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I have two very black toenails that I ignore, I guess I'll know about the same time you do. I am still running everyday.
  • RobsGirl_lds
    Didn't lose a toe nail but I broke both my pinky toes at the same time and was lifting weights again 3rays later when I could get my feet back in my shoes.

    If the nail bed is tender you may want to tape some gauze over it to prevent rubbing but other than that you should be good.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    When the nail comes off, there should already be significant growth of then new nail underneath. You can work out with a partial or missing toenail and it shouldn't cause any pain. (Actually, you'll probably have less pain when it finally comes off.) I run with missing toenails all the time.

    Sometimes when I am running far and I have a partial or unstable toenail, I use moleskin to keep the nail from snagging inside my sock. I also keep the nail that is about to come off trimmed as short as possible to keep it from getting caught.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    I have used the finger tip of a rubber glove to prevent sock snags as we. Not necessarily ideal, But it worked..