I'm new here...

Hello everyone! I'm new to MFP & fitness/nutrition. I'm 30 years old, 5'5", about 120 lbs. Even though I'm over what my typical weight usually is, I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, I'm trying to tone up my somewhat flabby body. ???? Also, I know my metabolism has to be slowing down with age & I would like to nip any issues in the bud before they start!

At the beginning of March my sister & I decided to try a couple of 30 day challenges - abs & legs. We also recruited my niece, my other sister & 2 of my SILs. We created a group chat on Facebook & would check in each day when we finished the challenge. My niece & I made it completely through both of the challenges, the rest of the "members" quit ahead of time. I have continued working out using videos on YouTube, trying to work out at least 3 days & resting on the 4th. I can tell a difference in my butt, but my abs have been a disappointment. ???? Which brought me to the nutrition & led me to MFP.

I'm trying to watch my caloric intake & eat a little healthier. 120 is the highest weight I've ever been, I'm usually around 115. I always lose weight in the summer & gain more in the winter. This winter I managed to gain about 8 lbs!

My biggest problem is soda! I detest water & mainly drink soda, but I'm trying to cut down. I've found that I actually love Propel Fitness water &, even though I've been told it's bad for me, figure it's better than soda! One of my other issues is that my hubby works an out of state job & is gone anywhere from 5-14 days at a time. With it just being me at home, I usually just pop a frozen dinner in the microwave rather than actually cooking. That also causes me to have a lot of free time, so I find myself snacking simply from boredom. I'm trying to overcome these obstacles as we speak, though!

Anyway, that's my story. Sorry for the long post, but thanks for listening! ????


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member

    well with being a low weight already it is always hardest to lose those last few lbs that we don't like .... If you really want to tone up you will need to do strength training a few days a week. For abs, it really is about clean eating. soda yes is not great! and those tv dinners are high in sodium... when he is gone you should make the habit to throw in a exercise dvd to use the time instead of snacking.... i know it can be hard but you will be thankful :) I am also in my 30's going to be 38... so i know how things change after that magical number.....
  • mc_hudd
    mc_hudd Posts: 47
    Hi Lin! Sorry I'm late replying, I just saw your reply.

    I have cut down to only 2 sodas a day, which is still too much, I know, but better than 3 or 4! This week I've really been trying to watch what I'm eating. The only thing I'm having issues with is sodium (too much) & potassium (hardly any!). A little too much sugar too, but nothing alarming. I'm finally starting to see a change in my abs, after about 6 weeks of trying. I think I'm losing some of my fat/flab, yet the numbers on the scales haven't changed. I did measure myself today though, & will start tracking that as well.

    Funny how you say "that magical number", it does seem like things have started changing since I turned 30!! I guess living & changing with age is better than the alternative. ????